


Giving Your Partner A Sensual Massage She Won't Forget!


One thing that everyone one in the entire world can agree on is that women love massages. Being rubbed down by someone that turns you on in one of the biggest turn-ons anyone can have, and thanks to EasySex.com, you're about to find out how to use that to your advantage! Whether you messed up and need to make it up to your girl, you want to pamper her, or you want to use some hands-on foreplay, we fill you in on how to give your partner a sensual massage.

In order to give your partner a sensual massage, you need to set the mood and create a relaxing space for the massage, so cleanup the area, light some scented candles, and set up your space. Get your massage oil and towels, then get your partner in, and get her naked!

You want to start slow and gentle before you add the oils and really get into there, but we'll go into that more later!

What You'll Need

In order to give a great sensual massage, you can't just start rubbing your partner down and that's it. There's a process involved, and supplies that you need to make the massage as sensual as you want it, and to set the mood for the session. If you don't already know, don't worry! That's why we dedicated this article to giving you all the tools and knowledge you need to really please your partner, and know how to successfully give her a sensual massage that she won't forget. Sensual massage is about getting all of the senses involved, so keep that in mind when you're doing your prep! If you're trying to get her forgiveness for something, giving her a proper sensual massage is the best way to get it! Gather everything you'll need before you start, so you don't have to leave or interrupt what you're doing once you get started, and don't forget "clean-up" supplies for when the two of you are done having fun!


This kind of massage is perfect for either your girlfriend or a date hookup - whoever you're trying to get into your bed!

Massage Oils

There's nothing less sensual than having rough, dry hands drag across your dry back. The skin moves, you end up pinching - it's a whole ballgame of unpleasantness. Thankfully, this is extremely easy to avoid by using sexy massage oils! Not only do they provide the tactical and essential function of lubricating the skin, but they add to the mood big time. You can buy a huge variety of scented massage oils to use, depending on you and your partner's preference. Some scents have been known to link to arousal, including sandalwood, vanilla, and lavender, to name just a few.

Try to stick to something that isn't overly greasy if at all possible. This may sound impossible to do when using massage oils, but there are some that absorb into the skin better than others, and these ones are ideal if you can get your hands on them. You avoid less post-coital cleanup, and less potential for slip-related mishaps!


This is kind of a given, but you're going to want to have some towels handy when you're giving your partner a sensual massage. Oils can get messy, so the one place you want make sure you have a towel before you start is underneath your partner. Whatever oils might drip (and if you're using them right, they will) will drip onto the towel, and not onto the floor or your carpeting.

You'll also want to have a hand towel nearby for you to wipe your hands off before you move into the more intimate after-effects of a properly done sensual massage. Then, of course, it's always a good idea to have an extra for the post-action cleanup, for obvious reasons. You can really never have too many towels nearby when you're giving your partner or date hookup a sensual massage.

A Sensuous Space

Before you get your partner or date into the room, prepare it for a sensual experience. Choose a clean, spacious area where the two of you won't be interrupted, and get to work. You'll need to clear the space of any unnecessary clutter; most people find it difficult to really let go and relax if the space around them is cluttered - that's actually been scientifically proven. You can use your bed if you want to, but make sure you can move around easily, and cover your bedding in towels beforehand.

Once the area is cleared and free to any unnecessary mess, set up your supplies on a table nearby, and start prepping the rest of the room. The atmosphere is extremely important here, because you want to involve as many of the senses as possible into the massage experience. We're going to tell you exactly how to do that.

Set The Mood


As we mentioned before, the atmosphere of the massage space is extremely important, because it sets the tone for how the massage will go, while getting as many of the physical senses involved as possible. If you take the time to really prepare the space before you start the massage, your partner is going to be doubly impressed. You're not only going to pamper them with a wonderful massage, you actually took the time to make sure it would be a full-body pleasure. That won't go unnoticed! You can earn some serious brownie points here just by setting the mood right, and making that extra effort. The more you put into it, the more you're going to get out of it in the end, so remember that when you're getting things ready.

Take note of what we're about to tell you, because you might need to go out and get some things before you prep your massage space.


Lighting matters during a massage, especially if you're aiming for it to be a sensual massage. You never want to the room to be too bright, but if it's too dark then you can't see what you're doing. Solution one: candles! Light a bunch of candles all around the room, but make double sure that they're safely away from anything that could potentially be flammable. The last thing you want is to start a disaster when you're trying to set a sensual mood.

If you aren't keen on having a dozens of lit candles around room, you can also opt for a cloth over a bedside lamp. Doing this will dim the light so it's not too bright, while also creating a soft, colorful glow to the room. If you do go this route, choose a fabric that isn't overly sensitive to heat, and avoid doing this with lightbulbs that you know tend to get hot if they stay on too long.


When we say ambience, we're referring to scent aspect of the sensual massage, and how that adds to the overall atmosphere of the room. How the room smells creates an entirely different sensual experience, so don't underestimate how much just adding a certain scent can add to your partner's overall experience. You once again have a few options here. You can burn incense in the room to add some aroma, but keep in mind that these are very strong scents. If you want to use incense, burn them for a little while and then extinguish them before your partner comes into the room.

You could go the scented candle route, which is always easy, and gives you the added bonus of helping with the lighting!

Finally, if you have an essential oil diffuser, you can also use that to add some scent to the room. Choose an oil that has a known arousal effect, and then turn it on the massage room a few minutes prior to your partner joining you.


This might seem silly, because she'll have her eyes closed during the massage, but she will see the space before that. What the room looks like goes a long way in setting the right tone, so if you want her to relax, try to copy what you've seen in spas or spa ads. On the other hand, if you're trying to turn her on, then don't go too heavy on the relaxed vibe, because she might just end up falling asleep. To set a sexy vibe with the decor, look up some videos or how-to's on using lace as sexy decor in the bedroom.

Hell, if you really want to make things clear, set up your sex toys and send the message right away that this sensual massage is doubling as foreplay! Set out all of her favorite play things, and let her know what kind of night she's in for after she gets pampered with this massage!

What To Do

Back to the original question - how to give your partner a sensual massage. We've made it clear that it's about more than massage itself, so now let's talk about how to give that massage. Again, you don't want to just start rubbing your partner down. If you've ever had a massage before then you know that there's a bit of a process to getting into the massage itself. If you can manage to do that, then your partner's experience is guaranteed to be more pleasant, and the end result for you is going to be just a good.

Start With Her On Her Front, Covered

To get things started, have your partner lay down on her front, then cover her with a light sheet. Gently press your hands into the sheet, and rub them down her back. Do this a few times to warm up her skin, your hands, and tease her a little bit. It's a sexy way to give her a taste of what's to come, and touch her without actually touching her. You can keep this part up as long you want to, that's completely up to you. If you want to get her warmed up quickly and move onto the massage, have at it. If you're looking for a some legit foreplay, then try to get her squirming a little bit before you move on to the next part.

Removed Cover, Oil Up

When you're ready to move on, uncover your partner and set the sheet aside. Rub her skin - gently - with your un-oiled hands to start, and of course, tease. Grab your chosen oil and drizzle onto her, and a little bit onto your hands. Don't go nuts here, because too much oil is going to backfire, and make the sensual massage slimy and wet more than anything else. You want her to lubricated, but not so slippery you can't grab onto her later on.

If you're using a scented oil, as well as a room-scent somewhere in that same space, go easy on the oil so there's not too much going on with that particular sense. Also, when you're choosing your oils at the store, try and go with one that doubles as lube, so you can just go right into the sex part without having to pause!


Now for the good part! Once she's all drizzled and oiled up, slowly rub the oil in, and go wherever your hands take you. It's good to start with her back as the massage area, because it's easier to move on to her ass and take a sexy turn quicker. You can access pretty much everything you need to with her in this position, but there are always lots of options once you're both naked and she's covered in oil. You can have her roll over, or move into whatever position you want, from here it's all in your hands!

More Extra Sensual Sex Advice Information

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How To Give Your Partner A Sensual Massage

Want to please your lady? Get top quality, step-by-step advice on how to give your partner a sensual massage that will blow her mind, only on EasySex.com!

How To Give Your Partner A Sensual Massage | EasySex