


Finding Top San Francisco Sex Club Reviews Online

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Finding Top San Francisco Sex Club Reviews Online

Easysex.com makes finding the top San Francisco sex club reviews as easy as can be. All of the best sex club, swingers club, and bathhouse reviews are here!

No matter what kind of action you're looking for, if you want to do it in a sex club, swingers club or bathhouse, we have reviews of the hottest sex clubs in San Francisco. Just keep reading below, and you'll eventually come across our handy and easy to use directory of reviews to help you find the best spot for you and perhaps your partner to hit up for a night of wild passion.

There Are Sex Clubs In San Francisco?

You must be new here. Yes. There are almost as many sex clubs in San Francisco as there are tech start-ups. (Editor: That's a huge overstatement.)

Before Google and the tech invasion happened, San Francisco was known by a lot of people first as a city of sexual liberation. With an incredible LGBTQ+ community, bathhouses and sex clubs have long been hot spots in the city's night life.

Even though there had been a bit of a slump in their popularity for a while, but the city's population has grown by over 200,000 people since 1980, and that steady growth means that there's been an influx of young people, and of course we all know that sex is a very important part of being young. So because of that, there's a bit of a boom coming when it comes to the best SF sex clubs, and how many people are going to them.

Why Are Bathhouses Considered Sex Clubs?

If you're not familiar with the gay sex scene, you probably hear 'bathhouse' and think of your local spa. A place where you might go to sit in a sauna, get a massage, use the hot tub, or even get a facial.

In the gay sex scene, all of those things happen in a bathhouse, but it's a different type of facial, and all of the other common spa activities that you might do, usually also involve some form of sexual activity. Of course there's still relaxing going on in the hot tub and the sauna, but depending on how horny the men in those spots are, they could also be having sex.

Bathhouses have a long history within the gay community, going back to days where homosexuality wasn't nearly as widely accepted as it is today. The LGBT community was lucky if they met someone whose take on homosexuality was saying, "I don't care what they do in the privacy of their own homes. I just don't want to see it."

So of course the LGBT community didn't want to only be able to have sex in their own homes. They didn't want to only be able to hold hands with someone in their own home. Or make out with someone in their own home. It wasn't safe for some closeted gay men to have sex in their own homes either, so they needed to find an alternative.

Somehow, bathhouses became that alternative, and gay operated spas began popping up all across the world, and they were understood to be a place where gay men could go and hook up with each other without having to worry about offending a homophobe, or even worse, being beaten up by one.

How Safe Are Sex Clubs?

The safety of sex clubs is usually pretty high because clubs understand how vulnerable people are when they're having sex, and they want their members to be as comfortable as possible, and to have the best time that they can, so that they'll come back to their clubs in the future.

There are some risks of course of STDs, but the majority of sex clubs in San Francisco (and other parts of the world, really) insist that members practice safe sex at all times. Some bathhouses have somewhat less stringent rules about this, and that has to do with the politics of HIV positive people in the community, but most clubs offer free condoms to their members, so that there's no excuse not to practice safe sex.

Think about the increased number of people at a sex club you would be putting at risk if you didn't use protection. ... Now grab a handful of condoms, and use them!!

Do You Have To Be A Nymphomaniac To Join A Sex Club?

While it certainly wouldn't hurt to be a nymphomaniac when joining a sex club, it certainly isn't required. Many sex club members are normal people just like you, and who perhaps have lost a bit of the spark when it comes to having sex with their partners.

Think of sex clubs as either an extension of your sex life if you have an extremely high sex drive, and want to explore other types of sex that you can have, or if your libido isn't firing on all cylinders, think of it as a potential boost to your sex drive and love life.

And because sex clubs can mean so many different things, don't just think of them in terms of big clubs where hundreds of people gather to have sex with each other. Some sex clubs are non-profits and volunteer run, with a strong mission to increase sexual education, as well as sex positivity.

You might even just go to a sex club to do erotic couples yoga in your underwear. There are different types of activities and sex clubs for people from all walks of life. Reading the EasySex.com sex club reviews directory will clarify a lot of things for you.

What Kinds Of Sex Clubs Are In San Francisco?

The most common are your general sex clubs, which cater to all communities, often with an emphasis on straight singles, and members of the BDSM community.

Then there are swingers clubs which cater to married couples who wish to explore having sex outside of their pairing; usually with other couples, or sometimes singles who are invited as their guests to the club. Because of the very conservative notions of marriage and monogamy that exist in the United States of America, you will often find that swingers don't advertise that they're swingers. In order to avoid the judgement of their peers, many swingers clubs will refer to themselves as Lifestyle Clubs because telling someone that you're a member of the "lifestyle" is secret swinger code for "my partner and I swing."

And then there are of course bathhouses. The secret sex embassies of gay men around the globe. "I'm going to the bathhouse," may be understood by people who are friends to the LGBTQ community, but if a gay man tells someone who is homophobic that they're going to a bathhouse, and they have a negative reaction, they can simply tell them that they didn't mean one of the gay bathhouses. That they're just going to get a massage at the spa.

There are of course other kinds of sex clubs in San Francisco, but to get into them would take far too long, and we want to get you straight to the directory of San Francisco sex club reviews, so that you can get out there and experience them first hand!

San Francisco Sex Club Reviews

Here we are. The information you're here for. A collection of San Francisco sex club reviews on EasySex that will give their readers a much fuller understanding of what type of sex clubs are active in their city, as well as give them a better idea of which of them they might want to go to the next time they're looking for a night out that involves more than just beers with the boys.

Get Started With Sex Club Reviews

This is just the beginning of your journey with sex clubs. Now that you've read our Top San Francisco Sex Club reviews, you're going to of course have to go out and sign up for some membership cards.

A whole new world has been opened up to you now, and San Francisco isn't the only city in the USA with sex clubs. Just about anywhere in the country (or world) that you could go on vacation will have sex clubs and sex parties for you to go to.

Where can you find information on sex clubs in other cities? Of course the answer is on Easysex.com! Easy Sex has a massive collection of city sex guides, and they're growing by the week. Their sex guides of course include more in depth sex club reviews to help you plan your sexual excursions during your next trip.

You can check out sex club reviews in other popular cities by clicking HERE!

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