New York City Sex Club Reviews

Chemistry NYC Sex Club Review



The open relationship just keeps on opening up more and more. While it may have started with military families 'wife swapping' in the fifties and sixties while one of the husbands' were overseas, it soon became just a really fun way for certain couples to spice up their love-life, whether informally in peoples' houses, or even more informally in sex clubs. Obviously bigger cities mean more people who were interested in this sort of lifestyle, so it was no surprise that New York was always destination for people who wanted to live wilder lives, or just experience it on a vacation.

And now the hipsters have gone hold of it in Brooklyn, and I have no problem in saluting then, because with Chemistry NYC they have brought a lot of high-minded ideals and goals to the seemingly simple activity of consenting adults getting to gather to have sex with each other.

Keep reading below to learn everything you need to know about Chemistry NYC, here on!


Chemistry NYC promotes itself as 'female energy centric' organization that puts on events throughout the year across the city, but usually in Brooklyn. As they have no main establishment, it's necessary to apply online, and you can read up about the positive vibes they promise and the 'bacchanalian entertainment' they provide.

Because of its growing reputation (not an easy thing considering what they're 'selling') and how a lot of people can have cold feet with this sort of activity, Chemistry NYC offers 'Foreplay' social nights, which are open not only to members, but guest of members. It's a non-play (no sex) event that takes as more of a meet-and-greet, and is a good way to for rookies to talk to veterans and find out if the swinging lifestyle is right for them.

Chemistry requests that couples and singles submit separate applications, and they define a couple who is dating only casually as 'singles'. Screening has become a rather thorny issue in the world of swinging. While going against the whole idea of inviting everyone to experience their own form of pleasure at an event, it does the important job at making sure all those are attending are more likely to be comfortable interacting with each other, not just on a social level, but a sexual one.

The events themselves have all the hallmarks of a typical sex party, but with just a bit more of a modern twist to it. Instead of just having some drinks and then moving into some bedrooms or play areas, Chemistry offers burlesques shows, body painting, and even some dirty takes on familiar board and trivia games. It just another creative way that it tries to make a few more entertaining emotional connections before they turn into purely sexual ones.


-events take place at various venues and spaces across the city, but mainly in Brooklyn

-must be twenty-one years old to become a member and attend events

-membership must be approved by you sending in a completely application form along with a photo (which is necessary for ID purposes when you arrive at the event)

-events typically last from 9PM to 3AM

-most rented spaces do have an outdoor lounge area, and sometimes sex tents are set up

-events are based around consent and respect, where no one should be pressured to do anything they're uncomfortable with

-tickets for events range from $20-$60 for women, and $130-$200 for men

-single men are only permitted to attend if there is already an influx of many single women who are going to attend the same event

-as it is female-driven event, all men must arrive in attendance with a female Chemistry member

-alcohol is not sold, but you can bring your own (BYOB), and they can provide mix at their bar

-dress code is not mandatory, but it is encouraged to wear festive and amusing attire, and especially costumes if there is a themed event

-most members are between their mid twenties and mid forties

-planned erotic performances occur throughout the evening to stimulate your creative juices, as well as body painting and other fun social activities

-several different play areas and scenarios available for you to act out your fantasies

-live DJ play a selection of electronic and funky tracks, and sometimes live bands

Chemistry NYC



I didn't think sex clubs were broke, so I never thought they needed to be fixed. And while it's great there are still a lot of old school clubs (both in terms of actual locations, and groups that rent out places), Chemistry NYC proves that there is always room for change and improvement. As our ideas and comfort levels towards sex has changed, so to should the events that celebrate sex change.

And this isn't to suggest any way that we should remake the wheel. At the end of the night, the point we're all getting to is still having sex with different people than we came with, and that's still happening no matter what sort of club you go to. But Chemistry proves that even though the destination is the same, changing up the journey towards it can go a long way.

For a lot more New York City Sex Club reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • Sex clubs have existed for decades in various guises, it's quite refreshing to find one that is still wet behind the ears and growing. Chemistry NYC really does offer a much more modern and inclusive take when it comes to those who are into open relationships. I've never been to a sex club where even just walking around and meeting people was just as (okay, almost as) engrossing as the sex itself. There's enough of a regular party type atmosphere that it's easy to just enjoy the music, or chatting, or the busker-like entertainment, and nearby there just happens to be two people grinding naked on each other. it's something I would never expect to experience at a swingers party, and it was great. I've been to enough events that I'm pretty much relaxed the whole way through, but now I realized I'll consider the night a lot of fun even if I didn't hook up with anyone but the person I came with.

    In addition to this, the organizers do an excellent job not only at setting up the venue, but making sure the people who are going to be attending the event are the right fit. It's easy to say that you think their process of screening is a bit arbitrary, but having seen the results when attending these events, I can definitely say that there's never been a party I've attended where so many people were both friendly and eager not only chat to and mingle, but do some many other hot things as well.

  • First and foremost, some people who come to a Chemistry event might be annoyed by all the additional so-called distractions like shows and a live band, as some veterans might thinks it's just getting in the way of why we're all showing up here. Some people don't want their sex party to feel like just another loft party in Brooklyn with sex almost a side thing, something that only happens in one open area and a nearby bedroom. I suppose if you feel this way, Chemistry isn't for you.

    Some people may object to the lengthy screening process and the series of questions on the application, believing it's adding unnecessary complication to what should be a simple evening of swinging.

    The 'single men' problem is addressed by having a waiting list for each event. And even to get on that list you have to make a good impression with the event organizers. While it's done for the comfort of the other attendees, it can feel extra selective. The price is also quite a bump up from what it costs for single women to attend, as men will pay between $130-$200 for a ticket (certain theme parties are more expensive).

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