The Top Houston Sex Club Reviews

Let Us Entertain You Weekend Sex Club Review



It's always time to party in Houston, but you better grab a pair of your best rainbow-colored cowboy boots if you want to party on the Let Us Entertain You Weekend! For three days in February or March, the LGBTQ community tips their cap to Mardi Gras and has their own wild celebration at several different bars, clubs, and establishments across Houston, and it really is one of the best parties of the year in the city.

It's one of those never-ending parties that's still almost a secret, because unless you have the inside scoop from one of the organizations that helped put in on, it might completely fly under everyone's social radar. But the name 'Let Us Entertain You' focuses exactly on who this weekend is about. It's a great opportunity for you, no matter who you might be, to have a wild and crazy time in this great city on a great weekend surrounded by a great bunch of people who are looking for just as much fun as you are!

Keep reading below to learn all you need to know about the Let Us Entertain You Weekend in Houston, here on!


The Let Us Entertain You Weekend has a storied and amazing history with some legendary people, because they had more energy and wanted to keep parting after Mardi Gras in New Orleans! In 1971, a gay leather motorcycle club that went by the name 'The Texas Riders' wanted to extend a gesture of goodwill and thanks to the city of New Orleans for showing them (and everyone else) a good time for their annual bead-throwing bash.

Two years later it got the nickname 'LUEY', although it was still primarily a few events that took place at just a single bar in Houston. Over the years, however, the event grew, and soon it wasn't just the Texas Riders, but many other social groups, charity organizations, and LGBTQ communities took part in the event.

It's still held onto its Texas-style rebelliousness and fun, and still always occurs just after Mardi Gras, which puts it in either February or March. It famously closes with the 'Show of Shows', which attendees and even organizers cheerily acknowledge as being a 'demented' form of entertainment. And while there's definitely hooking up left and right, and the beer and cocktails flow freely from bar to bar, the best takeaway I got was just meeting and chatting not only with people, but all the organizations in the L/leather community that come together to make this event possible.


-three days of partying and social awareness at several different venues across Houston

-over one thousand registered participants from over thirty states and five countries

-all guests must be twenty one years or older to attend

-always takes place the weekend after Mardi Gras

-while primary a celebration of the L/leather BDSM communities, the LUEY weekend also welcomes the leather, BDSM, Beam Cowboy, Transgendered and Drag families as well

-the 'Show of Shows' is a incredible, sexy, and shocking parade of creativity that combines all the best of the BDSM and LBGTQ communities

-an excellent opportunity to network, socialize, and party with so many different groups of open-minded and friendly people

-an amazing collection of clubs like the Houston Fire Dancers, The National Leather Association - Houston Chapter and PWA Charities come together for the event

-four amazing bars and halls are involved: The Guava Lamp, Neon Boots Dancehall and Saloon, the Ripcord, and Tony's Corner Pocket

Let Us Entertain You Weekend



I felt kind of like an idiot for not knowing more about Let Us Entertain You Weekend, because here was a great L/leather community/ LGBTQ festival going on right under my nose in Houston. Better late than never, though, and I was really excited to find that some people still couldn't wait to party even more the weekend after Mardi Gras.

Even if it's not a sex club per se, it's definitely damn sexy, and you'll easily find yourself some of hot leather daddies and cowboy bikers and the most ridiculous drag shows you could ever imagine, hopping from bar to bar in the city, which culminates in the epic 'Show of Shows'. I've been to the Neon Boots before, but now every single Saturday is going to seem really tame after that. Now matter where you are across the country - and especially if you're in Texas - you owe it to yourself to clear your schedule in late winter and head on down to the Let Us Entertain You Weekend in Houston. Because there will be more than one way you will be entertained by the end.

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  • While all sex clubs and swinger parties depend on creating a really friendly, exciting and sexy atmosphere, the Let Us Entertain You Weekend is able to set itself apart from this by being a party first and hookup central second. Usually the two are practically indistinguishable, but over the three days that I participated at the LUEY weekend, I found myself having just as good a time as chatting with people about everything else other than sex as i was talking to them just about sex.

    I was so much more relaxed here than at other sex clubs, or any other sort of swinger holiday I've attended in the last few years. And I think it has a lot to do with there being absolutely no pressure from all the other people I met for me to be anyone but myself. Whenever I've gone to a bar with the name like 'Kinky Secrets,' there's always this worry that I wouldn't find anyone to talk to (or do anything else), so I felt like I had to be someone different to be more attractive and interesting. But at LUEY, all that stress and fake personality just washed away with the good vibes and feelings that everyone else was bringing.

    I think a lot of this had to do was that it took place over three days at four different venues. It felt more like a fun adventure than a condensed four hour night where I had to do this and that. And watching the 'Show of Shows' at Neon Boots was as hot as it was hilarious and hideous. The friends and friends with benefits that I met at all these events are people I will cherish for years to come.

    And on a practical note, the food was great. How often can you say that about a BDSM-themed weekend?

  • Okay, it's not exactly a sex club or a swingers convention, so if you are coming here with the expressed goal of getting some action…well, actually you probably will. But it won't be in the same sort of environment as a sex club, but rather in the hotel room or house or wherever. There's definitely ample opportunities to meet some hot people of every sort of orientation and kink under the sun, and I'm sure a lot of crazy stuff happened in the venue bathrooms, but this really is more of a social event. Most of the venues are strictly bars, not the member-required clubs where there is an expansive second area beyond the dance floor where anything goes. You might meet some people who will love to go to a place like that with you, but it won't be part of the official LUEY weekend program. Of course, I'm sure no one will mind if you freelance a bit, and end up arriving late for Saturday brunch at the Ripcord.

    And while this isn't really a complaint, but because the whole three day festival works so well, it's definitely a shame that it takes place only one weekend a year. I've never been to a festival that was so intimate and well put together, where it was easy to meet with so many people from across the country who have the same kinks and interests as myself. But unfortunately it was only three days!

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