I have always been curious about gay saunas or bathhouses and for a long time I couldn't bring myself to go to one because I was still in the closet; afraid of coming out. It was not until I met a partner and we became close that he urged me to get out of the dark closet and live my life as how I was supposed to. It was at his urging and support that I eventually ended up at the Wolf Spa Bathhouse. Today, I think that was the best move I had made. It helped me to become comfortable with my sexuality as I saw other men doing things that I always wanted to do in public. The first time was difficult and challenging for me as I tried to embrace the scene and getting away from my shyness. For me, the gay sauna is definitely a god send. I prefer this sexually diverse space than my darkened closet. I feel free and liberated for once in my life. It was a Wednesday night that I had gone to check it out when I thought that there wouldn't be a lot of people, but I was wrong. The place was buzzing with testosterone and it took me off guard, but I was able to warm up in minutes. The club had so many amenities taht I was not accustomed to. There is a small entry fee if you are not a member. It only cost $15 and I think that was reasonably affordable. I am just glad I am sexually awakened from my sexual sleep, if that is how I could explain it! Go online to The Wolf Spa to learn more about his sex club.
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It was certainly a pleasure to go to The Wolf Spa bathhouse and sauna. The place is safe and very discreet for the person known to be an alpha male. The Wolf Spa bathhouse has all the amenities that you would find in any gay sauna and this includes lockers, Jacuzzi, lounge areas, steam rooms, swimming pool and showers. It also has a smoking patio and outdoor area to chill and you bet, I used those areas a lot when I was there. There is a reception area on the ground floor and as you go in, you will see a stairs to go upstairs to other amenities. I got a good tour of the place when I was there. The club accepts various kinds of payments that include Google Pay, credit card, debit card, and Apple Pay. Parking is on the street, which is OK since the club is close to the street. You don't have to feel threatened about leaving your car outside instead of in a parking lot. The club has some decent business hours where you can spend enough time to get what you want and expect from a gay sauna. You can enjoy the hot and cold refreshments that are for sale. One time, I went to the Wolf Spa and stayed there for a whole six hours and didn't even realize that time had gone by so quickly. I guess it happens when you are having fun. Time just passes by. On my second visit, I became a full-fledged member and I am glad I did!
Wolf Spa Sex Club is one of the most popular establishment in the city of Nottingham that offers patrons a chance to get sexual favors in a safe environment.
The club allows couples, men and women; whether they are single or not. Many couples love to see a lot of females to get into threesomes.
- The club has multiple private areas and VIP areas added after going through recent refurbishing.
- The club has a license to stay open as late as 6 in the morning
- The club requires membership, but it is not mandatory. If you are not a member, then you have to pay the $15 entry fee as I had to do the first time
- You can visit alone, with a group of people or with a partner
- It is a comfortable place to let your hair down and relax
- The sauna offers a discreet and safe environment to alpha males
- Clean facility
- Jacuzzi, steam room, saunas, showers, chill out areas, cruising areas, private rooms and swimming pool
- Access to free Wifi
- Two floors
- Launched 2013
- This sex club has three locations; one in the city of Nottingham, one in the city of Leicester and the other in the city of Bournemouth.
- Large television
- Hot and cold refreshments
- The club is opened seven days per week from 11AM to 8PM on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and from 11AM to 10PM on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
- The club offers several types of services that include massage, body hair maintenance, waxing, body scrub, hot stones, body polishing and more.-