The Top Montreal Sex Club Reviews

Connected Montreal Sex Party Review



Connected Montreal isn't your everyday Montreal sex party, and if you're doing it right, you'll only find yourself the center of a Connected Montreal bachelor party once! Why only once? Because Connected Montreal specializes in crazy bachelor parties, and even though the parties are so wild that you might feel tempted to find a reason to get married a second time, let's hope that you don't need to do that. Maybe just put on a little extra pressure on your friends who have been taking way too long to propose to their partners. Then you can go back for a wild time as a guest. You may not get quite as much attention as when it was your own bachelor party, but the parties put on by Connected Montreal are legendary for a reason.

My friend was getting married, and as his best man, it was my job to throw him the most extravagant bachelor party (within a budget, of course). All of our friends began hounding me as soon as the engagement. "When's the bachelor party going to be? Are we going to Vegas? How many strippers are there going to be?" I told them all to relax, but to make sure that they had their passports, because I had heard of something up north in Canada, that was exactly what I wanted.

Read the full Sex Party Review of Connected Montreal on, and you'll be ready to throw the best Montreal bachelor party you've ever been to!


In case you haven't figured it out yet, Connected Montreal isn't your typical sex party. Whereas most bachelor party packages being sold on the sex party market are put on by a specific strip club that wants you to go to their club, and spend a lot of money on drinks, dances, and every other perk they can think of, Connected Montreal isn't a club. Think of them as your partners in party planning!

When people think of Canada, there's usually a stereotype of overly polite people who drink Tim Horton's coffee, but when you land in Montreal, you'll know right away that it's a party town. The women in Montreal are among the sexiest I've seen in my travels, and there are sex clubs and strip clubs all over the city for you to enjoy their company at.

It would have been incredibly difficult for me to pull of the epic bachelor party that I did without the help of Connected Montreal. Their services are very clearly laid out on their website, and there's a tier for almost every budget. You can start with the Fundamentals package, which will set you and your crew back approximately $150 to $200 per person, but if you're looking to go all out, get the First Ballot Hall of Famer package, which starts at $1500 per person.

Connected Montreal will work with you to create a full schedule for either one day, or a full weekend, full of great and sexy activities across Montreal.


-Packages that work for every different budget level, including First Ballot Hall of Famer ($1500+ per person), The Legend Maker ($700-1000 per person), the Full Spread ($500-600 per person), Greatest Hits ($300-400pp), Bros and Respectable Ladies ($200-300pp), and the Fundamentals ($150-200pp)

-If one of the set packages that have been put together by Connected Montreal don't cover everything you need, you can add extra activities to your party a la carte

-VIP access to any strip club that's reserved in advance through your package, so you can pass the lines and avoid paying cover

-Each Connected Montreal l bachelor party package includes a personal host that lives in Montreal, and can guide you around the city to the different venues in your schedule

-Pick the time you want to eat dinner with reservations at dozens of the city's most popular restaurants, including some of the best steak houses in the world

-Adjustable packages that allow you to do lots of daytime activities if you have any older members of your party, who will perhaps need to skip out on the later part of the evening

-Party girls available to accompany your party throughout any part of your itinerary

-Build your own bachelor party package starting at just $60 per person, adding on extra activities and elements such as bottle service, lesbian shows, topless beer pong, midgets, VIP couch with bottles at strip club

-If you're still hungry after dinner, you can hire a nude model to allow your party to eat sushi off of her

Connected Montreal



This isn't your everyday sex party, and I guess it can't really count as a Montreal Strip Club Review either because it's more about the services offered by Connected Montreal

than it is about any of the strip clubs that they work with. They did a great job of making sure that myself and my party never once felt lost in the city, and that every stop of our weekend was a high class one. I've been to bachelor parties before where you've paid a lot of money, and then when you go to the strip club, it's a bit of a dive. Every restaurant, club, and other venue that was a part of this weekend was all high class, and everyone that I tell about the experience, takes out their phone to check out their website. Even if they don't know anyone who's getting married anytime soon.

If you're looking for a slightly more basic, and maybe cheaper Montreal sex party option for you and your friends, then you can read lots of other Montreal Sex Party reviews, RIGHT HERE! There's really so many strip clubs and sex parties in Montreal, that it's a little bit out of control.

Of course everyone who goes to Montreal has to get some poutine, but if you're not exploring the city's night life as well, you're really missing out.

I never thought the words Montreal Bachelor Party would be ones I'd feel so passionately about, but moving forward, it's the only kind I want to go to.

  • The scope of the types of events that Connected Montreal can arrange for you and your friends' bachelor party is limited only by your imagination (and of course, the law). We had a special request that wasn't on their website, and the team was able to make it happen for us. We were told that it was an extremely difficult request to fulfil, so I won't say what it is, to keep them from going to the trouble unless someone else is really dying for it the same way that my friend was. The extra work that they put in was very appreciated though.


    The world is pretty good about using Google Maps these days, and finding their way around strange cities. Long gone are the days of being taken for a ride by cab drivers who want a bigger fare. But when it comes to exploring a strange city's sex party scene, there's no substitute for an actual person to show you around town. There are a lot of strip clubs and secret clubs that aren't in Google, so you could end up getting lost, and miss half of your card session with your Topless Poker Dealer. Let me just say that playing poker any other way is going to be less than thrilling.


    Other activities that ranked very high for my friends and I were the naked sushi eating, and the naked servers bringing world famous Schwartz's Deli smoked meat to our party.

    I could go on, and on, and on.

  • None of these cons should make you want to throw a Connected Montreal bachelor party any less than you do after reading the pros and features.


    These are just a few things that I noticed when planning the party with their team.

    I suppose that the company has to cater to a more vanilla clientele from time to time, so there are some options on their menu that I really don't see the point of. Axe Throwing for example, is something that every aging hipster and their aunt is doing for their birthdays these days, so to have it as an option beside much more exciting options like a Steak & Lesbians show, or a midget show, seemed like a waste of space.


    One of the a la carte options that people can select is a Fat Girl Show, which I'm all for, but the image on the website that goes with the option is of a confused goat. My friend isn't into bigger girls, so we didn't select the option, but it seems like the company may not be as body positive as I'd hope them to be.


    I go to a lot of strip clubs, so I know how things go, but there could be a slightly better agreement made between the strip clubs and Connected Montreal, to make sure that the party doesn't end up getting charged a lot of fees they weren't expecting from the strip clubs. So be mindful, and make sure that's all figured out in advance.

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