


Why Women Are Dumping Momma's Boys


It seems like the world is filled with men who are incapable of growing up and the best example of this is the existence of momma's boys. Momma's boys are adult men who are dependent on their mothers for every little thing. They want a girlfriend that will do their laundry, make them dinner, clean the house, and cater to their every whim just their mother did. Their mother is their perfect woman and any woman that they date will immediately be compared to her and often be found wanting. No matter what she does, a woman dating a momma's boy will find herself being judged if she does not behave or do things the same way that his mother does. Because they have never had to do anything themselves, a momma's boy is very emotionally immature and incapable of dealing with conflict or having the maturity to be in an adult relationship. Momma's boys do not make good long-term partners and that is why women are dumping them.

The modern woman is independent and holds down a full-time job, maintaining a household, and taking care of their partner. In return, they want a man who will share those responsibilities with them and who will support them when they need it. Some online dating services give women contradictory dating advice that encourages them to take of their partner in a way that prioritizes the other person more which has given a rise to relationships that are built on one person taking care of the other. If you are in a relationship with a momma's boy, you will be expected to take care of him and this will not leave much time for you to take care of yourself. A momma's boy expects his girlfriend to act like a second mother and take care of all his needs which will include doing his laundry and picking up after him while he does "manly" things like fixing the car or doing handyman things around the house. Momma's boys are not easily broken out of this and women can spend years with a man before he starts washing his own dishes.

They Can't Make Decisions On Their Own

If you are looking for a partner to take charge, do not date a momma's boy. A momma's boy has rarely been asked to make his own decisions like making his doctor's appointments. This is the type of man who cannot make up his mind about anything and gives that responsibility to someone else. When he was a kid, it was his mother and if he's a momma's boy, then his mother is still probably taking care of him this way. His mother still calls him to remind him of his appointments or does his shopping. He might even expect you to fill her shoes and make all his choices so that he does not have to. This type of man is only too happy to have you do everything for him.

It will quickly become evident that he will not be a strong partner for you and he is not going to be the man that you want him to be. For women who are used to being with over-controlling men, being able to make all the decisions and having all the power in the relationship can seem pretty exciting. But relationships should not be one-sided. It should be a partnership and it is hard to be a partner with someone who refuses to grow up or is too indecisive.


This might seem fun for a little while but having a man with no opinion can get annoying really quickly. It will feel like you are the one who is doing everything while he is gaining all the benefits and that can make you feel resentful. A momma's boy will become crippled by decisions and prefer to leave everything up to you. With small things like choosing where to go for dinner it might not seem like such a big deal but when that kind of indecisiveness is used for big decisions like buying a house or getting married, it is not exactly encouraging.

His Mother's Opinion Matters More


If you are dating a momma's boy, you become second fiddle to his mother. No matter what, his mother will always get the final say and he will never stand up to her. Your man will not do anything to upset his mother and he will often ask you to compromise or give in when you get into arguments with her. Your relationship will be about making her happy. No matter what you do, his mother will always be the woman he cares about more. This is a very immature point of view and shows that he is still a child depending on his mother. Part of growing up is realizing that your parents are fallible but momma's boys do not believe that their mother never makes a mistake which means that if there is an argument between the two of you, you will automatically be wrong.

In your relationship, his mother gets the final say in everything. Even your house will not be something that you have control over. If you want to change anything in your house, his mother will weigh in and he will always be on her side. This makes it seem like there are actually three people in your relationship and can make you feel neglected by your boyfriend who is prioritizing his mother over you. In a relationship with a momma's boy, girlfriends are not treated like they are equal partners at all.

They Can't Do Anything Domestic

Momma's boys have never been forced to do any kind of housework. They probably do not even know how to wash a dish, clean a toilet, or use a washing machine. They are the type of man who will leave their plate at the dinner table when they are finished and expect you to clean it up. Their mother did everything for them and they do not know how to function without her. If she lives nearby, his mother will be over every day to do things for him. If she does not live close by, you will become his replacement mother and be expected to take care of him. You will be the one washing his clothes, cooking him dinner, and he still will not lift a finger to help you unless you nag him. They have probably never lived alone with a woman other than their mother and they expect their relationship to work the same way with the woman doing everything for him.

Some of them will try to help you with things if you complain enough but they will do it purposefully bad so that you do it instead. For example, if you ask them to do the laundry they will forget to sort the clothes and everything will end up a different color. If they do something wrong, you will probably get frustrated and the majority of the household tasks will fall on your shoulders. In the modern world, women are looking for an equal partner who will help them keep a home. They do not want an overgrown child that they need to take care of but a man who will shoulder their problems and who they can lean on when they need to. Women are breaking up with momma's boys because they know that the relationship will ultimately be unfair to them.

There's No Privacy

When you are in a relationship with a momma's boy, there is no privacy. His mother will be very involved in your relationship and anything that you tell him, you can expect she will know also. Anything that happens he will tell her all about it as including arguments. You will never be able to say anything bad about his mother and if she criticizes you, he will not defend you. This can make it hard for you to build a foundation of trust. You will be reluctant to tell him anything especially any criticisms or problems because his mother will know too and she will probably confront you about it. It can even make you paranoid and you will never be able to fully depend on him to listen to you and be your emotional support because you will be careful of what you say around him.

In most cases, his mother has an open invitation to your place. This can be pretty stressful for you because she can drop in on any minute and stay for as long as she wants to. It will make your house not feel like yours because she will become very involved in it. It is hard to be comfortable in this kind of environment. Even if you do not live together, going over to his place can mean running into his mother and sexy nights and plans can get pushed aside because of her unexpected visits. It will be hard for you to relax and just enjoy your time together when you are afraid that his mother can pop in at any moment. It will feel a lot like being a teenager again and trying to get some alone time under his parent's roof and that is not something you want in an adult relationship.

Emotionally Immature

If you want to have a serious conversation, a momma's boy is not the person to have it with. You should think of momma's boys as teenagers or little boys who have never been asked to think about their actions or consequences. This is because their mother dealt with all their problems and babied them so that they did not have to deal with anything themselves. Momma's boys are often selfish and do not think of others before themselves and their girlfriend is not exempt from this treatment. A momma's boy would not make a good long-term partner because they will never be able to be the emotional strength that you need them to be for you. Women dating momma's boys will be shouldering the majority of the relationship's emotional responsibility and that can be mentally exhausting.

Momma's boys cannot deal with any kind of conflict or problems. If you have a problem or if you are having an argument, he is going to shut down and get defensive. This type of stonewalling makes it hard for a relationship to grow. If you do have an argument, two things can happen. He will either give in to you so that he does not have to deal with conflict or he will get his mother involved. In most cases, he will probably run to his mother leaving the two of you unable to find a real solution. His mother might even call you later to tell you that he is upset and how you should make it better. This is very frustrating for you and you might feel attacked.

When you find out that your man is a momma's boy, the only thing that you can do is dump him. If you wait for them to mature your best years are going to behind you and it is not worth it in the end. Many mommas' boys do not want to change their lifestyle. They do not see a problem with the way that the relationship is working and think you are over-reacting. When you are dating a momma's boy, you need to put yourself first and realize the relationship is a dead end. The only thing for you to do is to find a new man by checking out online dating sites like EasySex.com and try out hookup dating. It's a great way to meet hot singles.

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