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Find The Right Guy In Mount Prospect For Erotic Datingin Illinois
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Love to cum and love to please
Mount Prospect, Illinois
A great guy who's down to Earth and loves to laugh and just looking for satisfaction, most women beat around the bush as to what they want physically and sexually in a man but I know what I want in that regards when in comes to the opposite sex. Someone who is uninhibited,loves to laugh, open to new things, likes toys, skys the limit, etc. I love pleasing women sexually, emotionally and everything in between. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a push over or one to be walked all over. I'm a take charge kind of guy just who's looking to fill a void in my life, no pun intended. I don't have a photo on this site for privacy reasons but that's just a matter of sending you one but I'm 6' 215lbs with an athletic build, blue eyes, darl blonder hair and fair skinned.