Work Sex Stories Site Reviews Work Sex Stories Site Review



Finding great work sex stories online is not an easy task. I was faced with this difficulty ever since I started reading online erotica. There are many sex stories sites on the internet but most of them just don't offer good sex stories that are interesting. Most of those sites have poorly-written stories that you feel are fake and has poor imagination after reading a few sentences.

As a reason, I often found myself switching from one website to another while looking for the best free sex stories. There were some websites that were quite good but the majority was disappointing. That's when I heard about I actually saw it being discussed on an online forum. I thought about giving it a try because I was yet to find that great adult sex story site.

I'm happy that I did because it turned out to be one of the best sex story sites I've ever had the pleasure of using. It had thousands of nicely written work sex stories. Another great thing about the erotica I was able to find here was that they weren't too long. The writers had kept things quite short and focused on what's more important which was nice to see. That meant that I was able to read more great sex stories and have more fun.

I'm going to share my experience on on this work sex stories site review. Make sure that you visit the website before we go deep into this review.

ABOUT: is a website that has been very nicely put together with an attractive theme and a simple layout. You only need very little from the website to locate great sex stories thanks to this fine and smart layout. It only requires you to simply scroll down from one sex story to another without having to open pages and reloading them.

I was very happy with the quality of penmanship I encountered on this sex stories site. The writers seemed to be talented and passionate about writing great erotica. I enjoyed the sex stories I read here 99% of the time and that's great given the fact that they were all free sex stories.

There was plenty of variety to enjoy here with stories covering pretty much any kind of fantasy or scenario one can expect at their workplace. There was also a very good balance between fiction and true sex stories. I think there's something for everyone with the wide number of categories these sex stories belong to.

I'm happy to say that I found myself enjoying reading great sex stories than going around looking for them thanks to this sex stories site. I've been on many other sites where I spent more time on searching rather than reading. So it was refreshing to be able to spend my time having fun rather than wasting it.

TrueDirtyStories is a great sex stories website for those who are looking to read nicely-written work sex stories without spending too much time.


It's not easy to list down features of because it's a simple website that doesn't have many features to boast about. The people behind this website has done a great job by keeping things very basic which is one of the best qualities of it. For each category such as work sex stories, there's a single page where users can find great sex stories by simply scrolling down. One does not need to search, sort or open new pages. All you need to do is to scroll down while reading the stories.

I was very happy with the offering of work sex stories on this website. There were many of them written by very good writers who seemed to understand what people expect from online sex stories. They were interesting and unique. There was enough spice in them without being too explicit. I really found the sex stories on truedirtstories very entertaining.

Another great thing about the sex stories on this sex stories site was the fact that they were short and sweet. None of them had paragraphs of boring text. I was happy about how quickly I was able to move from one great story to another. Most websites that I had been on before focused on lengthy free sex stories which were boring to read. I never faced that problem on this website.

Overall, these are the features you're going to find on this website. I know that this list is much shorter when compared to most other sex stories sites but that's the beauty of It's simple and to the point!




When I compare pros vs cons, I must say that I was very happy with my experience on this website. There was a lot to enjoy here while the cons were minor and could be easily overlooked. I think the people behind have done a great job with the design of the website. It's very attractive and user-friendly no matter your level of understanding of sex stories sites. Even someone who doesn't have any knowledge about using a website like this can read great sex stories here.

The layout of the site is very simple. There's nothing much to do rather than scroll to find great sex stories. That makes things very straightforward. I was happy with the things they were and I was able to find what I was looking for very easily so I have no complaints there.

The number of true sex stories and fiction was evenly balanced. Most of them seemed like real experiences or the writers were good enough to make them seem like that. Either way, I was very happy. There was a lot of variety to enjoy. Once again, I liked how short most of the stories were. I didn't need to spend hours reading a story. Instead, I was able to enjoy more stories in a short span of time.

Feel free to register on today to open yourself to a hot world of workplace sex stories. You can also find many similar work sex stories reviews by clicking here.

  • -Everything is Simple!: I have never come across a good work sex stories site that was this simple. There was no searching, sorting, and opening up new pages required. All I had to do was simply scroll down from one story to another. That made browsing through each work sex story very straightforward and easy. Furthermore, I didn't have to rely on any other tool to find sex stories.

    -Great Quality: Almost every sex story that you will come across on this website is nicely written. I'm yet to come across a story that hasn't been nicely written after using this website for a few months. The site seems to be doing a great job when it comes to editing and screening user-submitted content to ensure quality.

    -Lost of Variety: My cravings change when it comes to workplace fantasies and managed to satisfy my ever-changing cravings. I was able to easily find what I was looking for be it a threesome story or a workplace BDSM orgy. There was a sex story to cover any kind of fantasy which was great to see.

    -Free Sex Stories: All the sex stories available on this website are free which is great. Especially given the fact that they offer the same quality that you often come across on paid sex stories sites.

    -Other Categories: Users can easily find sex stories from many other categories if they ever become bored with reading work sex stories.

  • It's difficult to come up with cons considering the fact that I found everything I expected on this website. However, it's not to say that I didn't see any areas that the site could improve on.

    -Number of Stories: I think some users may be disappointed with the number of work sex stories available on this website. The variety was never an issue. However, I know that most users expect a large number of stories on a website like this and I can understand if they are disappointed.

    -Story Length: Majority of the sex stories that you will come across on TrueDirtyStories are quite short. They don't have lots of meaningless text which is something I preferred. However, I do know that some readers prefer lots of details and they might be disappointed here.

    -Features: Unlike most other sex stories sites, this one doesn't have many features. Users have to scroll down to read more. I know that some users may find this attribute as a flaw. Scrolling down can sometimes be a hassle if you're looking for something specific. I think a simple search feature would solve this issue.

    -Author Information: You can't find a lot about an author on this sex stories website. I found that as a flaw because I usually like to follow great writers. There were many of them on but there was no way of following their work.

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