Mature Sex Stories Site Reviews Niche Sex Stories Site Review



It's always kind of fun to be part of a club, even if it's more for fun than anything serious, so the fact that I could join the Mature Sex Stories site for free so I could submit my own hot stories was a nice perk to using an already really great site.

Sometimes it seems like 'fun' is the thing everyone has forgotten about when it comes to the world on online adult entertainment. Everyone wants you to watch a ton of videos or cams or read a bunch of stories so you're really turned on, but a lot of the times it feels that they're really serious about it. It seems that the only selling point (even if using the site is free) is more. More of everything, regardless of whether or not this is actually going to make using the site funner (which yes, is an actual word). So maybe that's what felt just a bit more refreshing about when I first started to check it out. It was a pretty straightforward setup, but the whole thing just felt fun.

Keep reading below here on, and you'll be convinced to go and sign up to!


You know what caught my eye the very first time I stumbled across Mature Sex Stories? The font and colour for its title. It has that seventies disco style, with hot pink shading. And while I can't put my finger on it, for some reason it put a smile on my face. It's like the site was already really relaxed, retro and not taking itself too seriously. What helps is that the site is laid out perfectly, with the stories and their opening paragraphs running down the middle of the page, an some of most important links (like categories, favourites, and the search function) lining the top and the left side. You can tell that the designers were clearly influenced by today's blog sites, and that really gives the site a modern feel. I really like the random stories list on the right hand side. Having all these tools in front of you at all times is a great way to move from one section to the other, so you can find something that really turns you on a lot quicker.

Creating an account is completely free and really helps boost the features available to you on the site. By doing this you can submit your own hot stories, which I always felt was practically essential to a well run sex story site, because it encourages everyone in the community to take part, and that just means more and more stories will be written, so they'll be more fun times to be had. By having an account you can also create your own favorites list of the stories that have turned you on the most, so you can return to them easily, whenever you like.


-great selection of mature stories, plus even more in almost twenty different categories

-all stories are completely free to read, no sign up or sign in required

-signing up (which is free to do) has some great pluses, like being able to submit your own stories, and designate other as favorites

-'new stories' page means you can always be caught up with the latest updates to the site

-search engine is always in the upper right of every page, so you can find what you want, whenever you want

-easy to contact the site administrator if you have any questions or concerns

-the blog is a nice little section full of advice and how to relating to sex, and is very fun and helpful

-no ads or pop-ups means the site is very easygoing to navigate

-at the bottom of each story page is a list of some related stories, so you can stay 'in the zone' with the same sort of thing

-random story list on the right hand side of the page means you can always find something new and exciting to read

-easy to share things with social media links at the bottom of every page

-commenting on the guestbook is a nice way to take part in the community



Sex is fun, and the whole online world of adult entertainment is always trying to be fun, but sometimes it doesn't work. Maybe it's the fact that they're always trying to compete for every attention and their money/clicks, but just trying to be the biggest doesn't mean you're going to be the best. Which is not to say that Mature Sex Stories is the best site out there, but it at least has a really fun, relaxed vibe that you don't get in very many places across the internet.

It's a great site to stumble across and find some really sexy and well written mature sex stories, and the fact that the whole thing can be browsed without having to spend any money is a great feature. I got so turned on hopping from story to story, regardless of what the topic was. Sometimes it's too relaxed for it's own good, and could do with a bit more energy at reaching out and trying to get more views (and therefore more user-submitted stories), but I would still recommend it to anyone who wants some first class literary erotica.

For a lot more mature sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • I find that when I'm having fun, no matter what I'm doing, I become more adventurous, and that's definitely what happened when I visited Mature Sex Stories. Something about the relaxed nature of this site - no banners, no crazy pop-ups every time I click a button - is a real turn on for me, and I have a great time reading story after story of really hot mature encounters. The site isn't the biggest you'll ever find, but that actually adds to its charms. It doesn't feel daunting, like it just goes on forever. It's a nice change of pace feeling like you kind of understand all of it right away.

    I also enjoy the fact that using is completely free, and joining the site is, too (sometimes that's where other sites try to get you, asking for a credit card as soon as you've created an ID). Being able to submit your own stories is a great addition to the site, because it means people are always going to reading more and adding more, so there's always a reason to come back. Your own personal favorites page is a great resource, too, where you can create a list of the stories that turned you on the most with a click of the button.

  • Perhaps the only real problem is that isn't the biggest story site there is just yet. It only took me a week to go through their collection of mature sex stories (fortunately they were all super hot). Now there are a lot of other stories that are found in other categories on the site that does include mature characters, but the focus might be on threesomes, oral or interracial (to name but a few). I would say that because the site has a really accessible and easy to use layout that it should catch fire sometime soon, and more stories will be added by new members.

    I do wonder, however, if maybe this site is too quaint for most erotica fans. I'm glad they're focusing on just sex stories, but it's strange not having a single image of anything hot anywhere else on the site. There's not even links to a single porn video or cam site. Now I know this might sound like an odd complaint for a site that is focussing on just sex stories - and does a honorable job doing that - but I think it would at least attract a bit more people (and grow that story archive) if there are least a list of some other awesome sites than can be used in conjunction with this one. Niche Sex Stories Site Review

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