Mature Sex Stories Site Reviews Niche Sex Stories Site Review



The internet doesn't do personal. Oh, you can a personal profile page on a great big website like Facebook or twitter. You can even have a personal profile page on any number of adult dating sites, adult cam sites, or even adult sex story sites. But as far personal pages that aren't part of any bigger, well known corporate entity, there's really not many of those around these days, especially ones that have any sort of unique attraction or reason to visit.

So of course I'm leading to one that is still kicking around after all these years, which is Sex Stories, which stands for Alt Sex Stories Text Repository. This site is so old you might have to blow on your screen to get all the dust off it. But the payoff is one of the largest sex story sites I've ever seen, with not a single banner ad or obligatory sign-in screen anywhere in site. They have thousands upon thousands of super hot mature sex stories, and that is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of categories. Each author has their own page, and it truly is an endless buffet of erotica.

Keep reading below to learn everything you need to know about this old school site, here on!


If you thought that it's only in the last few years that everything in the world adult entertainment has gone over the top and extreme, then you'd be wrong. Sex Stories is still living proof that people had wild and crazy fantasies for years before, even if they could only exist in text format due to the fact that back then everyone had dialup.

Unless you were surfing the internet in the early nineties, the only way you'd recognize the main page is if you watched a tech movie that took place in the mid nineties. In other words, it's old, it's plain (white background, and some blues and greys for certain tables and columns, but that's really it), and there aren't any images to speak of. But they know you're not here for a video or live stream, you're here for the stories, and they have those in ridiculously large numbers, all available for free.

Just to show you how they really promote the idea of a fan community, the first section isn't stories, but authors, and the individual profile pages they've made. While no one has to sign up to read a single word here, you're certainly encouraged to take part and offer feedback, because that's the best way to up everyone's game here. You can browse through story collections, see what other members are recommending, and certainly use the search engine to find as many mature sex stories as your heart desires.


-tens of thousands of mature stories, all available for free

-so many other categories are easily accessible, bringing the actual story total to something in the hundreds of thousands

-author profiles allow you to get to know the many writers on their site, and their topic specialties

-'spotlight' page shows what is most recommended to read by other authors

-the 'most recent' table is right on the main page, so you can see the latest updates to the site

-search engine is also on the main page, while the advanced search is linked to a separate page so you can narrow it down

-very extensive help and Frequently Asked Questions page so you can be an expert in no time

-news feed available so you can stay up to date

-donations page explains how you can help support the continued existence of the site

-the 'all time favourite stories' list is a great way to get the best of the best

-the 'writer's help' page is an excellent resource to improve your own erotic literary works



It almost sounds too good to be true. If you want mature sex stories, go to a 'mature' sex story site. Sex Stories has certainly been around the block many, many times and it's still standing, which certainly says a lot about how quality can determine staying power. A strong community of writers and fans can keep a site like this going for a very long time, which just means more and more stories are always being added.

The selection is huge, and that does include topics going far beyond the mature sex stories that I'm interested in (and I'd once again say that this huge selection includes some really extreme categories and fantasies). The fact that the make the entire site free to use is a big plus, and if you find that this setup is a nice change of pace from all the other overhyped and glossy sites that are out there, I'd also recommend you becoming a member and maybe even submitting your own hot tales.

For a lot more mature sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • To sum up the greatness of Sex Stories in one word: Variety. If you type in 'mature' on the site's search engine, it says there's so many results it can't possibly show them all. Fortunately you can use story codes (what are now called tags) to specify exactly what you're looking for to narrow the results, which will still be a massive list of real hot, really well written stories. And it's this close-knit community (which admittedly, isn't as large as it used to be) which kept the quality control of all the stories so high over the years. There are volunteer proofreaders on the site whose sole job it is to check for grammatical and spelling errors. While that not seem like much, a mistake in a story can take you 'out of the moment' just as much as leaving in a blooper in a porn video.

    The site itself is very easy to use, despite its age, because the search engine is right there on the main page. It's also great that it's completely free and runs just on donations. It's just another example of how this hasn't been created for money, but for a large group of people who love writing erotica of all sorts. Finding some of their lists of their own favorite stories on the site is a real treat, because you definitely know you're going to find something hot.

  • It's a very old site. That's really it, but I completely understand that for many people who are used to not only super extravagant adult video sites, but even sex story sites that look like a well put-together modern blog page, this site will look strange, maybe even broken. We've been so used to seeing ads and drop down menus that when these things are not there, we get suspicious, that this site has malware or something. But really, I think this site is actually too old to support pop-ups or anything that would actually be bad for your computer.

    Even with the useful help pages, finding a manageable list of just mature sex stories that doesn't go on for pages and pages is a bit difficult. Even the search engine parameters are so old they take a bit getting used to. And while there are certainly hot stories, and there are lists of popular ones, there's no way to rate or comment on any individual story right away.

    For a site that's almost exclusively text, certain pages load very slowly. Some parts of this site unfortunately don't work properly anymore, and that seems to include the newsgroup, which is a very old term for message board (I feel a bit old just knowing that).

    In addition to content that certainly focuses on mature sexual themes, there are a lot of story categories on here that will almost certainly be considered extreme by a lot of people, so even if your curiosity gets the better of you, browse carefully. Niche Sex Stories Site Review

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