Finding Top Mature Sex Stories Site Reviews

Mature sex stories are the perfect tales for you if you like reading about mature women who are sexually adventurous and don't mind sharing their experiences with younger men. These ladies might be mature, but they can keep up with their younger hookups without any problems at all. Here at we love cougars and mature women and we know that you do too. That's why we made it easy for you to find mature sex stories site reviews by putting them all in one place. You'll be able to check out all the mature sex stories site reviews you could ever want. We must see if your favorite sex stories sites are on the list. If not, why not review it yourself? But until then, we think we gathered the perfect list of sites where you can read all about why men love mature women.
What's a "Cougar"?
A "cougar" is an older woman who dates younger men. The actual term refers to women who stalk clubs looking to have sex with men who are a lot younger than them, but it's become more generalized in modern society. That's because age-gap relationships are very common nowadays. People are dating and hooking up with partners who are at least 10 years older or younger than them. The number varies because it depends on the people hooking up. It's hard to know exactly when this term came into being. The original term usually refers to woman over the age of 40 but now it's used to refer to any woman who's dating a man who's younger than her. Another name for a cougar is a "sugar mama" which is a rich woman who dates younger men and supports them financially. The cougar concept has become popular in pop culture and media. There was a TV show called Cougar Town that was about a successful, mature woman who was dating younger men starring Courtney Cox. There's also Mrs. Robinson from The Graduate and even celebrities are jumping on the cougar bandwagon. Making it more acceptable for cougars and younger men to hook up.
Some Famous Cougars
Demi Moore: Before Ashton was married to Mila Kunis, he was married to Demi Moore. Demi and Ashton had a 16-year age difference but it didn't matter to them. It seems like Demi Moore prefers dating younger men as her next boyfriend was almost 24 years her junior.
Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon have an 11-year age difference. The pair were married in 2008 and had twins together. However they ended up divorcing in 2016. Mariah Carey likes to mix it up between men who are a lot older than her and men who are younger than her and all the power to her.
Madonna: Madonna has had at least three relationships with younger men in the past. She was in a relationship with her 25-year old dancer. She also dated a 21-year old man when she was 51 years old. Then when that relationship ended, she rebounded with a 26-year old man.
Kourtney Kardashian: After her relationship with Scott Disick ended, Kourtney started dating 25-year old model Younes Bendjima. When they broke up, she ended up dating an even younger model than him, 20-year old Luka Sabbat. Even though she's 40, she's still in amazing shape and probably has a lot to teach these guys.
Top 4 Reasons Why Men Find Mature Women Hot (And 2 Reasons Women Find Younger Men Attractive)
Men: Mature Women Are More Experienced
Mature women are a lot more experienced in the ways of sex. They're older and they've lived a lot more life than these young men have. They know all kinds of tricks and ways to make their younger partners more than satisfied and love teaching them how to pleasure women. If you want to learn something new sexually or increase the pleasure you get from orgasms, mature women usually have the answers. Even though mature sex stories aren't always written by mature women, they do a good job of showing how experienced these ladies can be.
Men: Mature Women Know What They Want
What's sexier than confidence and knowing exactly what you want. Both men and women are drawn to people who have their lives together because it makes them feel steadier and more put together. Older women have a clear idea of what they want, and they stay focused on that. She has goals and she isn't afraid of doing what she needs to fulfill those goals. That includes making sure her younger partner is sexually satisfied. Older women aren't still figuring themselves out, they've already got everything figured out. Now it's just a matter of enjoying their lives. Just don't stand in their way.
Men: Mature Women Are Better at Conversation
If you need advice, have questions or just want to talk, mature women are the perfect listeners. They have so many stories that they want to share to their partner because they're willing to listen. You'll never be bored when you date or hook up with a mature woman. She has a unique perspective that's going to help you make decisions in your life. Most importantly, sharing a deep conversation just brings you two closer together. It's not just about the physical connection, there's also a mental one too. Cougars are nurturers not only sexually but mentally too. They'll help you get a clear perspective on your emotions.
Men: Mature Women Are Emotionally Mature
Emotional maturity is a rare gift in a partner. Someone who is emotionally mature is able to handle any situation without making it all about the drama and blowing things out of proportion. They don't blame other people for their problems but instead, they work with their partner to fix them together. They don't get defensive or pull away when they get stressed out. This comes from a lot of experience which mature women have in spades. They've already dealt with most of these situations and realize that the only way anything can be fixed is through working together. You don't need to worry about dealing with unnecessary drama. Mature women want simple, uncomplicated relationships with their partners and they are usually up front about that. They don't want to waste their time or their energy babysitting an emotionally weak person.
Women: Younger Men Are Eager
Younger men are always trying to impress older women. They might think of them as being maternal figures and they're trying to deal with some latent childhood trauma but it's probably because they appreciate everything these women do for them. They want to make sure mature women know that they're appreciated, and they do that by making sure that they're satisfied sexually. Plus, younger men are more competitive and are in a competition with all the past partners that mature women have been with. They want to prove that they're just as good, and sometimes even better than the other guys. They're willing to try anything once and aren't going to say no to any of your kinky fetishes and fantasies.
Women: They Can Dominate the Partnership
For women, one of the benefits of dating a younger man is that they can take control. A lot of the times, women feel like they're not in control of their lives and that people don't see them as strong, powerful or capable of making their own decisions. But that all changes when they're the older partner in the relationship and guys find that hot too. There are lots of younger guys who like being bossed around but they don't feel comfortable being bossed around by someone their own age, so they turn to mature women. They know these women have a lot of stories and experiences and they fall back on their wisdom and experience, especially in bed. Men have to be strong and the leaders in most of their relationships and dating an older woman means that they can give up some of that power and let someone else call the shots. It's a break for them that ends with intense orgasms and hours of pleasure.
Hot Older Woman and Tons of Sex? What More Could You Want?
As you can see, there are tons of good things that come with dating mature women. You can find even more amazing experiences by reading our list of mature sex stories site reviews. These reviews are going to be your perfect gateway into the world of mature women. You'll get to read all about the pleasure that these women can bring. But you'll also get to read all about the different features and benefits to reading these types of stories on sex stories sites. Basically, that means a lot of sex, in a lot of different ways with tons of beautiful, mature women who are as eager as you are. Find out just how eager on's sex stories reviews page.