First Time Sex Stories Site Reviews

The Soc.Ucsb.Edu Sex Stories Review



Not everyone knows what to expect when they are contemplating having sex for the first time. So many questions go through your head. When I was ready to take that step, I went to SOC.UCSB.EDU and realized that I wasn't the only one who had questions. The stories I read were very helpful and it really made it easier for me to get through it. The best sex stories are out there and I used to find them. There is a lot of peer pressure out there and it gets worse when you get older. Most of your friends have been having sex for years and you are in your 20's and still a virgin.

True sex stories about losing your virginity can be very appealing. When I finally lost mine, it was after reading stories on some of the best dating sites. I really like the real appeal that this site had. I read a variety of stories that were very helpful. I found that when I took my time and looked up stories that were interesting, it really helped me. It really doesn't matter what other people tell you. I had a ton of friends that had all of this wonderful advice. The thing is, I had to figure it out on my own. Doing that meant that I needed to read stories and hear from people outside my circle. Authors who posted their stories helped me out.

When you are curious to hear how other people deal with losing their virginity I can honestly say that this site really opened my eyes. There were stories that covered all sexualities and that was very interesting to read. Everyone deserves answers and the stories are informative as well as explicit.

Check out and see what is all about!


Everything you read on SOC.UCSB.EDU will educate you about people's experiences on losing their virginity. There is a huge variety of true sex stories. I always wondered how gay and lesbian singles thought and what kind of stories they shared. I didn't have to look far because this site has stories inclusive of all sexualities. The reviews on helped me realize that.

I really find that this site has such a variety of stories that will satisfy everyone. When you read stories that people post, you can see for yourself that many people struggle with having sex for the first time. This site speaks to people from all sexual backgrounds and one of the things I really appreciate is how relatable many of them are. I often struggle with my sexuality and there were a few stories I read where the author shared the same issue. It really helped me and made my first sexual experience better than I could have ever imagined.

One thing I found very interesting about this first time sex story site was that there were tutorials for educators. I thought that was a very clever thing to do. There is always conversation out there about sex education and when a good time is to teach it. The articles on this site can help educators with questions that their students may have. In this case, post-secondary adult students.

I can't begin to tell you how much this site helped me. All of the questions that I had and still have are answered on this site. I can't seem to get enough of the true sex stories that are posted. The experiences that people have are very different and it's refreshing to get a different perspective.


*Easy to navigate the site

*A variety of amazing true sex stories about losing your virginity

*This site is maintained by university adult students

*Private and confidential option where you can ask the "experts"

*This site covers a variety of topics from birth control to gender identity and sexual orientations

*Read professional and amateur stories

*There are both light and serious stories posted

*There are popular question option you can click on

*New stories are posted regularly

*There is online support if needed

*You can participate in online questionnaires

*There are articles for educators to use which are quite helpful

*Share stories with your friends who may be struggling

*This site has stories about birth control and pregnancy




I am sure that if you have checked out SOC.UCSB.EDU you are already reaping the benefits. Dating sites like this offer a lot of insight and entertainment value to true life experiences. Everyone wants to read something to help them get through their sexual curiosity. I found that there were a variety of stories that helped me through one of the most important decisions in my life. You can only lose your virginity once and we can all agree that we want to make it special. There are a lot of romantic stories on the site and one-time sexual experiences where people lost their virginity. When you want a site that has everything, is it. It covers a large number of topics and will give you a lot to think about. Check it out today!

You will find great sex stories about people who lost their virginity at!

  • There is such a variety of amazing first time true sex stories at SOC.UCSB.EDU and you will keep going back for more. It is really refreshing reading about people's experiences losing their virginity because I related to quite a few. I even found that I made the right decision when I went for it and lost my virginity. I did it on my terms and am quite happy with that. The site is also maintained by an adult aged university student who either has or will be going through the decision of how and when they decide to lose their virginity.

    The site covers everything from birth control, sexuality, and pregnancy. You don't want to be stuck in a situation that you are not comfortable with. For me, it was the number of people that wanted to date and wanted to have sex right away. Reading the stories on has really helped and I like the honesty and explicit content that the authors have. The stories don't hold back anything. They are very detailed and they do not leave the reader guessing.

    New stories are posted regularly and there are some stories that I go back to over and over again. These stories come from people of all ages and sexual backgrounds. Gay and lesbian readers will find that there is so much for them to read as well. I really enjoy reading stories about all sexualities. There are a wide variety of topics covered on this site. When you click on a category, you will see that there are even more sub-categories to make sure that everything gets covered in that subject. Every time I go on the site, I find that I spend a lot of time there because the stories are so interesting and I learn something new every time.

    If you are a virgin and you have questions and want to read some amazing true sex stories this is the site for you. I check it out on a regular basis and always discover new stories on a variety of topics.

  • If you are looking for someone to make your decision about losing your virginity, there is no one on this site that will do that for you. is a site where you do your own research and take advantage of the free sex stories that are posted. You may not like everything you read because it's not what you want to hear. If that's the case, remember that these people are speaking from personal experience. Losing your virginity only happens once in a lifetime so it's important that sites like this exist.

    There really aren't many cons to this site. It is a place where you can read about personal true sex stories and see how people have dealt with losing their virginity. This site is educational, entertaining and informative. It doesn't get much better than that.

    There will always be skeptics out there who will have something negative to say about a site that focuses on losing your virginity. For me, it is easy to ignore things like that because I am on the site to read stories that I can relate to. I can also add my input by posting a story based on my experiences. Whether people like it or not, losing your virginity is real and it's great when you can turn to a site like and read free sex stories that are relatable. First Time Sex Stories Review

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