Celebrity Sex Stories Site Reviews

SexStoriesPost.com Celebrity Sex Stories Site Review



If you're in the mood to read some erotica about celebrities that you've always fantasized about, then this is the place to be and what's even better is that you can do so much more on the site as well! The stories are hot, the users and members are hot and the action that you'll find is hotter than hot! I can see why this is becoming the most popular sex stories site on the net today and you will too. I love the fact that it's free to use, to read any story or post on a forum or even to check out the groups and the only time you need to become a member and register for an account is if you have something that you want to post yourself. Since I like to dabble in writing erotica I decided this was the best choice for me and after making sure that the site was legit and was going to deliver I did just that. There is so much that is right with the site that I found myself wondering how I didn't know about it sooner and why it took me literally stumbling upon it to even know that it existed. I thank my lucky stars every day that I did just happen to stumble upon it and have no intention of looking back any time soon!


By far the best sex stories site around, SexStoriesPost.com is easy to use and doesn't have a bunch of silly rules that you have to follow. The idea is to get on the site, find the story that you want to read and then read it and that's what I tend to do most of the time. There are of course times when I want a little more and that's when I check out the forums, groups or live camera feeds to see what other naughty things I can get myself into. I've also taken the opportunity to submit some of my own work and after it has been reviewed and approved it has been posted for other users to be able to read and enjoy. Having my own stories posted is a whole other kind of thrilling! Reading the sex stories that are posted not only get my juices flowing but it also allows me to add some new hot ideas to what I want to do in the sack and it has given me new ideas for my own writing too! With more than 50, 000 posts in just the erotic images forum I have found that I can easily spend my entire Saturday or Sunday searching, chatting and reading away. This is the site that has made me realize again how important it is for me to spend some quality time on me and taking care or my kinky desires and fetishes. Truly top-notch in my books!


There are some really great features that are part of SexStoriesPost.com have a look below to see the ones I love.

- Excellent Selection: The selection of celebrity sex stories on SexStoriesPost.com is outstanding! There are close to 15, 000 stories that are available to everyone with just the click of the mouse.

- Quick Registration: It only takes a few minutes to register for an account with sexstoriespost and then before you know it you're well on your way to having access to everything that the site has to offer including uploading your own stories, reading posted celebrity sex stories, joining groups, forums and live camera feeds for hours and hours of fun!

- Super Easy To Use Site: SexStoriesPost.com is by far the easiest celebrity sex stories site that I have used to date. It's completely clear and easy to read. There are buttons at the top of the site that helps to choose what it is that I'm in the mood for.

- Cares About Discretion: This site is one that cares about its users, both those who are reading the naughty stories that are post and those that are posting said naughty stories. They go to great lengths to make sure that your personal information is not shared with other users or anyone else for that matter.

- See Top Publishers and Top Submitters Easily: I like that there is a list of the top publishers and submitters on the right side of the screen and then I can choose to read all of the stories posted by whichever I choose or I can read just one or two of them, it's totally my call.




SexStoriesPost.com is the kind of celebrity sex stories site that once you get on it you won't want to ever get off of it! I've become bored of all of the X-rated sites on the net and wanted to mix things up a little and with sexstoriespost.com I've been able to do exactly that. Finally, a site that allows me to use my own naughty imagination!

The fact that it's as easy as it is to access all of the naughty stories is for sure what keeps me coming back for more and more. I do have an account now so that I can post some of my own stories and so that I can climb the board in terms of Top Users but if you don't care about that you don't even have to have an account. It's as simple as finding the story you want to read, clicking on it and then you can let your own naughty imagination do the rest!

I have been using sexstoriespost for quite some time now and would give it two thumbs way, way up if I were asked to rate it at all. I have also been recommending it to my friends who I know like to dabble in reading erotica as well and they too seem to love every minute that they spend on the site. It's so refreshing to find something that is as unique and thrilling as sexstoriespost.com to help will all of my naughty needs!

If you want to read additional sex stories reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • SexStoriesPost.com has some PROS that are worth mentioning here. These are the top thing that I particularly like about the site.

    - Easy To Comment On Stories: It's easy for me to leave comments on the stories that I have read, whether it's to say how much I like it or to start a conversation about the story with either the author or other readers, I really like this option as it's quick and easy to do.

    - Excellent Advanced Search Tool: I love that there are so many great topics but when I don't feel like scrolling through them all to find what I want or when I'm looking for something very specific all I need to do is to type in what I'm looking for and I can find it immediately which has saved me a lot of time.

    - Top Users Button: I really enjoyed using the top users' button for two reasons, the first was to see how far I was working my way up the list. The more comments and stories that you post, the farther up the list you will go. The other reason that I really like this button is so that I can interact with users who I know are going to respond to me because they are on the site often and they are active while they are on the site. Being able to see the most active users has definitely made my entire experience far more enjoyable every single time I've been on SexStoriesPost.com.

  • It's hard for me to decide what might be a CON for SexStoriesPost.com when there is so much that I love about the site. I would say that although they are not really bothersome at all the adds that are very well placed on the site could be considered a drawback as I have clicked on them by accident and been pulled away from the story that I was reading or the post that I was making for a forum. But as long as I am careful what I click on then it's not a problem at all.

    The only other thing that I would change if I was able to would be that I would post the stories as pages so that I didn't have to worry about scrolling all the way through the story that I'm reading at the time. This is something that is completely my own personal preference and most may like that you just scroll through the story but for me, I find it far easier to click and change to the next page as some of the stories are quite long and at times I would lose my spot while I was scrolling the page down to the next part of the story to read it.

    Neither of these are CONS that are going to keep me away from using the site because overall it really is a really good one and has the kind of content that piques my interest no matter what story I choose to read.

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