Celebrity Sex Stories Site Reviews

NewSexStory.com Celebrity Sex Stories Site Review



I learned about NewSexStory.com from a friend of mine not too long ago and man am I ever glad he told me about it. This celebrity sex story site is one of the best on the net to find erotica that is right up my alley. It's so annoying trying to find erotica and constantly striking out but with NewSexStory.com that doesn't happen! All of the stories posted on the site are amazing and they're free to read! No matter what it is that you're into, there are erotic celebrity sex stories posted on the site to suit your needs and desires. Trust me there are stories about all kinds of celebs, ones that I never even imagined in an erotic way before until I read the story posted on the site and then I was totally wowed by what I had never imagined possible before. I love that I can let my imagination run wild while I'm reading these stories and take care of some of my own naughty needs on my own whenever I need or want to. NewSexStory.com is an easy site to get around to which makes things so much easier.


I love NewSexStory.com for so many reasons but most of all because this is the site that seems to have it all, unlike many other sites on the web today. It's not a secret, everyone who is on the site is there for the same reason, and that's to find some naughty celebrity sex stories that really get the juices flowing. If you ask me this is by far the best site by far and I doubt that I will ever use another celebrity sex stories site again when I want to find stories that are actually good. Finding this site is like hitting the jackpot when it comes to erotic stories. I don't have to waste any more time trying to find a story or a site that is going to give me as much as NewSexStory is going to and the best part of it all is that it is 100% completely free to use for everyone! I was also able to use the site and read stories from my laptop, my tablet and even my phone, which means I wasn't limited to only using the site at home, I like my freedom to use it where and when I want! Like I've said above, the celebrity sex stories that I've found here have really hit the mark for me in so many ways. This is definitely the best celebrity sex story site out there on the net today by a long shot!


NewSexStory.com has some FEATURES that are exactly what I'm looking for in a celebrity sex story site. Check out what I've found below.

- Sort by Top Author: I really appreciate that once I find a good author I am able to read EVERYTHING that that particular author has written. I'm the type of person who once I find something I like I want to stick with it and with NewSexStory I can do exactly that thanks to this option.

- FREE Local Sex Chat: It's easy for me to use the FREE local sex chat for NewSexStory.com. All I need to do is click the link on the left side of the screen and I'm immediately taken to the chat screen to get me going right away. I've met some outstanding singles through this chat that are exactly my type and we have really hit it off!

- Easy to Post a Story Of Your Own: All I needed to do was create an account and then submit my story for review with a Title and a Category chosen and then within about a day it was posted for other users to enjoy.

- Different Languages: There are tons of stories posted in several different languages which is great since I am fluent in Spanish. Sure I can read and understand English but sometimes it was nice to be able to read a story in Spanish as it often has a different type of erotic twist to it. The added bonus is that I was also able to post stories in either language as well which was helpful as sometimes writing in Spanish is easier for me.




How do I sum up a site like NewSexStory.com? I'd have to say that it is by far the most fun that I've had in quite some time. Being able to read celebrity sex stories while I was on my way to and from work or when I got to the privacy of my own home has been loads and loads of fun. There's nothing better than settling into bed after a long day to curl up with my tablet and read some of the stories that are posted on NewSexStory.com. I would highly recommend the site to anyone and everyone who likes to read erotica as much as I do! I do have to admit that I have become a bit addicted to the point where I have been reading it to my partner as well to help get things going for us in the bedroom too and she loves it just as much as I do, in fact, it is often her idea to settle in and read a few naughty stories while we are warming up for our own naughty play. This is so much fun, I can't believe I didn't know about the site long before. Thank you so much to Newsexstory for helping us to find new ideas to add to the bedroom and for really kick-starting our sex life all over again, we love every minute we spend on the site and plan on continuing to use it for quite some time to come!

If you want to read additional sex stories reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • The PROS that I've discovered so far on NewSexStory.com are amazing ones. Keep reading to see what I've found.

    - Tons of Great Stories to Choose From: I still can't get over just how many amazing stories there are for me to choose from and the fact that there is every kind of genre, as well as length of story and even raunchiness included, makes this site the one I will choose whenever I want to check out celebrity sex stories.

    - More Than Meets The Eye: I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with what the site has to offer. There is more here than just celebrity sex stories. From message boards where you can make real connections with other members to galleries filled with naughty photos that I don't dare to open while I'm at work. There is something here for anyone like me who likes to read erotica and also enjoys interacting with others while doing it.

    - Access 24/7: Sure a lot of the celebrity sex story sites that I've come across have said that they have access 24/7 and while that may be true, what isn't true is the fact that this is the only site that I've found so far that not only says it has access but actually delivers. There are some of the sexiest members are online in the wee hours of the morning and there's no better way to make a connection with someone than to be online at the same time. It's a good thing I'm a night owl, being one has helped me to meet a couple of fantastic members in such a short time.

  • It's difficult for me to come up with something that I didn't like about the site at all. There really isn't anything that's a CON that would keep me from using NewSexStory but if I have to come up with something I would say that I wish that the site had better proofreaders that made sure there were no errors in the stories that are submitted to the site by their authors. For me, this is an idiosyncrasy of mine and I know that most users aren't going to be like me so it won't really matter to them that as I was reading I did find a few errors that bothered me. whether it was the use of the wrong "their" or a letter missing in a word, you still get the idea of what the author is trying to say and I know that I shouldn't expect perfection from a free site so I'm happy to overlook this. I mean let's be real, most websites out there today are riddled with spelling and grammar issues and no one is the wiser. Other than this tiny hiccup there really isn't anything terrible or even bad to report about the site. Newsexstory has a lot of really good points and really only this little thing that could be better. I'd have to say that overall this is not something that would keep me or anyone I know from ever using the site to find and read celebrity sex stories that are off the hook!

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