Celebrity Sex Stories Site Reviews

Literotica Celebrity Sex Stories Site Review



Literotica.com is THE site to find the hottest celebrity sex stories. It has all the erotic stories that you'll ever need. There are so many sites on the net today that are out there for people who love to be naughty and read naughty stories when the mood strikes but Literotica is the only site that has everything you'll ever want. There are thousands of pieces of fiction from all types of genres and all imaginable fantasies to choose from. The volume of visitors has quickly helped to prove that Literotica is definitely a successful site to check out. In my research, I discovered that it is one of the stickiest sites on the net today showing that users are using the page for more than one story at a time and they are coming back again and again and I can see why I too am one of those people. There's nothing better than getting into a story and putting myself right in the thick of it all. To say that these stories turn me on is an understatement! Literotica.com is the best place I've found to really dive into erotica online. The site is completely free to use, there's no signup needed and once I got going, it was as difficult as only eating half a chocolate bar! Literotica.com is where you can check it all out and learn everything you can about eroticism, and Easysex.com helps you to do just that!


Literotica.com is not a very fancy site, however it has everything that you need without all the bells and whistles that many other sites have. I appreciate that the site is simple so that I'm not distracted when I'm looking for erotica from genres to read. Finding what I want each time is a cinch and stories are organized by date posted.

There are all kinds of stories on Literotica, in fact, there are more than 400,000 of them. Sometimes when I'm not sure what I want to read I will pick a random topic or just start at the top of the alphabet and then there are other times when I will choose a genre that I'm interested in and I will work my way through it.

Each celebrity sex story has a rating associated with it that is given by anyone who reads the story and then the rating is made visible right after the title of the story for everyone to see it which is a great way to help decide if the erotica is something that might be of interest to me. The star rating is great as it acts as an instant review without having to read through what others are saying about that particular story.

At the bottom of the page, I like that I can also access poems, the adult store, webcams or chat forum if I'm in the mood for something a little different.


Literotica.com has some cool features that I really like. Check them out below:

- Forums: I found that there is a huge community of other members who use the site quite regularly which helps to build a community or social networking through bulletin boards, erotic chats, and even a personals section all of which really add to the appeal to the site and is a big part of why I keep coming back.

- Visual Content: There is a small (but amazing) selection of FREE pics that are available on the site that have been uploaded by other members.

- Live Chat: There is a live simple albeit somewhat dated chat option that is available on Literotica that always seems to have tons of people on it and the conversations are always hot, hot, hot!

- Live Cams: It's easy for me to find gals who are eager to have a little naughty fun. The girls here are ready, willing and very able to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

- Online Sex Toy Store: Instantly linked to all of the sex toys that you can even imagine. I really like that I can watch a video or live cam and then getting some ideas for some new toys to add to my repertoire.

- Sexy Movies: Access to some of the naughtiest movies is just a click away and let me say this, these movies are the hottest ones I've ever seen on the net anywhere.




Literotica.com will have you hooked pretty much immediately after you read your first story. When you're sick of porn sites but still want or may need your fix all you need to do is hop on the site and you're good to go. The stories that I have found here have helped me to hit that sweet spot on several occasions and I can guarantee that I will continue to read them whenever the mood strikes. Being able to read what others have written is so amazing I just love it! The added features of the site also help to make this a one-stop shop for me. The online cams, sex toy store, sexy (and naughty as heck) movies, as well as the online chats, are all that help to keep me coming back over and over and will continue to do so from now until the end of time. There's nothing better on those nights when I've got no plans to sit down with my laptop and lose myself in a few of the great stories that I've found here plus I also have the chance to chat on the message board with others who are like me. Whether it's questions that we have, or to share ideas or to make a connection with someone else, I've done it all and couldn't be happier with my results using Literotica.com. I would strongly recommend the site and will continue to tell my friends about it every chance I get, I know they'll enjoy their time on the site as much as I do!

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • Literotica.com has some pretty great things (PROS) about it that I really like. Check them out here:

    - Easy to Use: Literotica is so easy to use, everything is right there for me to choose the story that I want to read at the time and I can get started right away. I don't have to log in or enter a password, all I need to do is click on the link and I'm where I need to be.

    - Easily Post My Own Stories: All I had to do was create an account and then log in and I was able to submit more story to be considered. There are a few things that I had to do to be sure that it would even be considered which included picking a title and a subject as well as breaking the story into paragraphs to make it easier to read and that's about it. My story was published quickly for others to start enjoying right away.

    - Bulletin Board: I love that Literotica has a Bulletin Board where I can both meet and post questions, comments, etc. with other authors and readers who use the site.

    - FREE to Use: Literotica.com is so GREAT because it is FREE to use all of the time! I didn't need to create an account to use it and read the stories posted on it. The only reason that I did actually create an account was so that I could post erotica stories myself.

  • Literotica.com doesn't really have any CONS that are going to keep me from using the site. But if there is anything that I could change it would be how the page and site are set up. It's not very attractive when it comes to sites. It's pretty boring in terms of how attractive it is overall. Sure it still gets the job done, but boy oh boy, I do wish that someone would put a bit of time into making the site look good and making it more inviting to the user (me). I get it, it's a free site to use, how can I even think that the site would be more inviting. I mean I still get what I want from the site, but it sure would be great if there was more draw to the site. Once you get into the site the titles are listed on the left-hand side of the page (about 1/3 of it) but it's a bit annoying how the rest of the page (about 2/3 of it) is covered in text only that says "erotic stories" and "Literotica" hundreds of times to fill the space.

    The only other thing that I would like to see improved with Literotica would be the organization of the site. The erotic stories are all listed by a topic but I would have liked to see stories listed under more than one topic so that the stories that I wanted were easier to find.

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