Celebrity Sex Stories Site Reviews

Asstr.org Celebrity Sex Stories Review



The first thing you need to understand is what ASSTR stands for so that you realize that the site is not dedicated to asses. ASSTR stands for Alt Sex Stories Test Repository and is one of the longest standing sex stories sites on the internet today. I couldn't believe some of the stories that I found (and read) that dated back decades as stories have been posted to the site since 1998! I really liked that there are literally thousands of authors that have posted to the site and some of them who are now well known in the erotica industry for their naughty stories that all started here. With new ideas and old ones combined, there is never a time when I have come up short when I've been on the hunt for a story that gets things hard in all the right places. With so many stories posted there's no way that I will ever make my way through them all and that's fine by me. Some of the stories are so good that I have even shared them with my partner to help to kick things up a notch or two in the bedroom. Having us both working towards playing out some of the scenarios that are in these stories has added all kinds of excitement back into our sex life!


ASSTR is the sex stories site that other sex stories sites aim to be. There is so much that is off the hook about the site that my only regret to date is that I didn't find ASSTR sooner. I think back to when I looked for erotica in the past and I feel sad for the old me because the new me is having so much fun here! The celebrity sex stories are not only amazing they are the best that I have ever cum across! With more than 15,000 posted stories there is not a chance that I will ever get bored using ASSTR, not even for a second. Using the tags to see what the story is about before you dive in is key. Doing this always means I find the story that is right for me so that I do not have to waste my time and read a bunch of lames stories that don't get my juices flowing to all the right places. The auto scroll option is probably the thing that really cinched it for me, being able to read the story that I wanted and not having to scroll through a screen has been life changing! Having a free hand or two has meant that I can take care of what I need to when I need to without having to find a way to do it with only one free hand to do it with.


The features that I found on ASSTR are better than any other site that I've seen, sure some sites offer the same features but these ones are even better than on other sites. Check them out below:

- Tags to Tell Readers What the Story is About: The tags tell me what the celebrity sex story is all about helping me to choose the one that's a perfect fit for me.

- Easy to Use and Navigate: Everything that I need is on the main/homepage of the site making it super easy to use no matter what your skill level when it comes to computers. Getting around the site is also really easy and within minutes of getting on the site I had selected my first story and was comfortably reading away.

- No Ads: Another really great feature of ASSTR is that there aren't any pesky ads to distract or annoy me. It's all stories all the time!

- 15, 000+ Erotic Sex Stories: Not only are there a ton of great celebrity sex stories there are more than 15, 000 stories with all kinds of different topics and fetishes that will suit all of my needs and desires.

- Auto Scroll: When I'm not in the mood to scroll I can use the auto-scroll feature for hands-free reading. This is a great took to use if my hands are busy doing something else, something else that is probably a little (or a lot) naughty!




ASSTR is the ONLY celebrity sex stories site for me! With my past experience from using erotica sites, I have to say that this is the one that I ALWAYS lean toward using since there is always a story (or ten) that hits the mark for what I'm in the mood for. Plus being able to use my own imagination to fill in some of the blanks when reading through a story is often far more rewarding than looking at a bunch of naked photos. I'm completely okay with the fact that ASSTR is a simple site, meaning that there aren't a lot of bells and whistles to go along with it, essentially what you see is what you get and what you get is pretty damn great! To say that I would recommend the site is an understatement! I would gladly shout it from the rooftops if it meant that more people would see just how outstanding it truly is! There's nothing like settling in, finding that perfect naughty story and then letting it take you to the erotic heights that you deserve. If you haven't had a chance to spend some time on ASSTR you need to stop what you're doing and get your ass on the site now! I guarantee that you won't regret your decision for a single second I know that I haven't! ASSTR is the only celebrity sex stories site for me and it should be the only site for you as well!

If you want to read additional sex stories reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • ASSTR has PROS that really have drawn me to the site and are the reason I keep on coming back.

    - Multi Chapter Stories: These stories are ongoing from one post to the next and have hooked me in so that I keep coming back for more of the story.

    - Celebrities Are Listed In Titles: The celebrities that are in the story are listed in the title and the summaries of the stories so that I was ALWAYS able to be sure that I chose a story that had someone in it that I was interested in or that I found really attractive.

    - Updated Often: I really like that the site is updated often enough that I am always seeing new stories and updates to the site itself every single time I'm on the site. It's nice to know that there is some real effort being put into the site to keep it up to date and to maintain it.

    - More than 1000 Writers: Having more than 1000 writers who contribute to the site means that there is always something different to choose from. It's nice to see that all kinds of topics are covered and that the stories are written from all different points of view. To me, this means that things will never become stale for me when I become bored with one topic I can easily move on to the next and then the next and then the next!

    - Not Just Celebrity Stories: This is great! Not only have I found some of the most amazing and hot celebrity sex stories the site also has some pretty darn good x-rated celebrity poems as well.

  • My biggest and only beef with ASSTR is that the site is outdated when it comes to organization. There is no real way that the stories that are posted are organized. There are no categories to choose from like most other sites and I now see why most sites that have sex stories have categories, it is to help organize the content into somewhat of a manageable collection. I get that the site is old and that it's been around for a while and therefore is well established but I did think that it would have a better organization structure than it currently has. When I first started using the site it was so annoying and difficult to find stories from specific genres and then I figured it all out! Once you learn how the site titles and uses codes you can search in the advanced search options to overcome this hiccup that I found with the site. With the thousands and thousands of amazing stories that have been posted on the site, this is not something that is going to keep me from using the site for all of my naughty sex story needs because they are completely satisfied, and I mean satisfied every single time I'm on the site. I've used the site for long enough now that I've learned how to get to the stories that I really want to read and I'm more than happy to let others in on my secret of how to get around should they need it.

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