Celebrity Sex Stories Site Reviews

CelebFanForum Celebrity Sex Stories Site Review



I can't believe how outstanding CelebFanForum.com is! There are so many celebrity sex stories that will blow your mind that you may actually have a hard time taking a break from the site! With thousands of stories to choose from I decided to read my top picks first and then venture out into the unknown and I have to tell you that there is not a single story that has been published here that has let me down at all. I also have to say that it was a clear indication that CelebFanForum is a top-notch site when I realized how many users were also members and not just readers who didn't want to commit and create an account. I love that I can read any story I choose whenever I want and that there is always someone online who is eager to chat with me either about the story or about tons of other naughty, naughty things that we may or may not have in common. There have been tons of times that I've lost track of time because I have been having so much fun and been so into either the celebrity sex story that I was reading or the conversation that I was having with another member or two. This is my top choice over all the other terrible celebrity sex stories sites out there and it's easy from the second you get yourself on the site to see why.


CelebFanForum.com may not be the prettiest celebrity sex stories site out there, but it sure does deliver when it comes to the stories that are posted on the site! The stories are posted by celeb name alphabetically which helps to make it easy to find the celebrities that I'm interested in reading more about.

There are thousands of sex stories to choose from, so many that I honestly don't think that I will ever run out of ones to read. I often like to focus on a specific celebrity and work my way through all of the erotic stories that are posted about that one person and then I move on to another one. I've also used the advanced search function to find something more specific if I have an idea what I'm in the mood for but it really doesn't matter what I choose because every story that I've read so far has been great!

When you click on a story you instantly see how many users have viewed the story which is also helpful to let you know just how popular it is as well which is great for me because if I see a story that hasn't been viewed a lot rather than wasting my time I just pick another one to read.

I'm also able to see when the last post was made on each story which helps me to see if it's currently trending, if it's something that may have been popular in the past or if it never really got any traction at all which all makes it a breeze to decide which one to choose to read as well.


Check out the top features I've found on CelebFanForum.com below:

- Easy To Use On Any Device: CelebFanForum is easy to use on whatever device you have available - cell phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. The best part is that because it works for me on both my tablet and my cell phone I can literally read any story I choose no matter where I am or what device I have with me.

- What's New? There is a 'What's New?' button at the top of the site page that makes it easy with just a click of a mouse to see what has been added to the site most recently. Typically, I choose this first to see what has changed since the last time I was on the site and then I make my way through the other stories that are posted there that are interesting to me.

- Interactive Forums: The Forums on the site are used a lot by members and the members are very active on the forums at all times of the day. Most of the members that use the forums are also quite active, quite often. There is a CFF Celebrity Section, a CFF Fanfiction section and CFF News. With registration and an account, I can use the forum as much or as little as I want to.

- Registration Is FREE: Not only is registration for CelebFanForum free, but it is really easy to do too. There was no long questionnaire or anything like that that I had to complete to sign up and it literally only took me a few minutes to complete the steps to become a member.




CelebFanForum.com is the place to be if you want to light things up for yourself when you're having a little one on one time to take care of business. If erotica is your thing, CelebFanForum is the only choice for you! The vast amount of stories is what has got me hooked so that I keep on coming back time and time again. There's nothing like reading a naughty story and then doing what needs to be done so that I can have a good night sleep and the best part is that I don't have to have sex with some random, make small talk and promise to call them real soon because I'm the one who is the master of my domain and the one who decides when and were and how many orgasms I get to have on any given day. I love being in control again of my own personal time and not having to worry about when someone else might help me to have my next orgasm. CelebFanForum.com is the site that I will recommend to those friends of mine who I know are interested in erotica as much as I am and I know that they will absolutely love it as much as I do. It's easy for me to give the site a 5-star rating because it is so amazing and really does have the best celebrity sex stories in every genre possible. Love the site and everything it has to offer!

If you want to read additional sex stories reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • - Easy To Interact: It is easy for me to interact with other hot and horny members who are using the site as long I've registered for and logged into my account. I love that I can have real conversations with members who are on the same page as me and who like the same kinds of stories as well as celebs as I do.

    - Easily Attach Images: I love that it is crazy easy to attach images in the forum to share what I look like and what I have so that the members that I am chatting with have a better idea. I do also love to see images posted by other naughty members as well. To be honest the best ones are the ones that are extremely naughty including naked pictures that are very suggestive and let my imagination run wild.

    - Organized By Name: All of the celebrity sex stories are organized by the alphabetically by the celebrity name which makes them super easy to find all the time.

    - Easy To Use Advanced Search Bar: When I know EXACTLY what it is that I'm interested in finding and reading about at the time all I need to do is to put my topic into the advanced search engine and I always get results. This might be different depending on my mood or the kind of day I've had or even depending on what I'm hoping to get out of the story that I choose.

  • I have to say that CelebFanForum.com REALLY is a pretty damn good site all around but if I had to pick one thing that I would say I didn't particularly like about the site I would say that it would have to be that the amazing stories that are posted here are not posted in categories to help organize them because there no categories at all. Sure I was able to find the stories that I wanted either by searching for them alphabetically or using the advanced search bar but I have to say that I really would love to suggest to those who are in charge of taking care of the site that they add categories to group the stories that are posted into topics that are the same. If this were the case then I would be able to read all of the stories of the same topic and get my fill and then move on to the next topic that gets me all hot in ma pants! This is not something that will keep me from using the site because there are so many celebrity sex stories that are posted on the most amazing site out there, CelebFanForum.

    The other little thing I would suggest is a little updating to the site to make it more up to date and give it a little bit of a facelift. Don't get me wrong, the site is still the best one of it's kind but I would make it look prettier if it was up to me.

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