Lesbian Sex Stories Site Reviews

SexStories.com Lesbian Sex Stories Site Review



I was the kind of person that never really put two and two together when it came to erotic literature on the internet. I obviously knew that it was the go-to in terms of finding porn, but when it came to actually reading some hot stories, I never thought the internet would be the place to go. For me, the internet was something that was more about looking than reading. I would still go to a bookstore and keep of sheepishly look around the erotica section, which was always very small. And the selection of lesbian stories was even smaller.

So it was only because I was on some big adult video site online and i noticed a link to 'sex stories' that my world was turned upside down in a good way. It would make sense that if a book can hold however many erotic tales, then the internet could hold many, many more. For how much bandwidth an adult video clip would take up, there could be a thousand text stories with the same amount of space. And there definitely seems to be that amount of lesbian sex stories alone on the site, which is aptly named SexStories.com. And like the name, it doesn't mess around. That's exactly what it promises, and it definitely delivers.

Keep reading below, to get all the tricks and tips for SexStories.com, here on EasySex.com!


The first thing you'll definitely notice about SexStories.com is that it looks a bright blue error message your computer might show if the entire operating system has crashed. Whether this is intentional to get your attention, or because that's what they chose years and years ago and can't be bothered to correct it, you don't know, and once you see the massive of list lesbian sex stories, you won't care. This site has no problem at all with the most basic possible website design you can possibly imagine. It knows it's not here to be flashy, that the point of it is to make it as easy possible to read extremely hot sex stories.

In the middle of the page is the long list of stories, and tabs that allow you to list them however you'd like (name, rating, number of views, upload date). On the left hand side are the many, easily laid out menus, from browsing choices, genres (diary, poem, true story, etc), and various categories (because 'lesbian' is one of many, many choices, which range from anal to voyeurism). By setting it up like this, you can easily find the sort of story that appeals to you, especially because beneath every story title is the rating and the story tags, which are terms that describe exactly the sort of hot action you'll find inside every story. This way you won't be wasting your time guessing to find what you want.

Also essential is creating a profile so you can join in on the community message board and bond with some of the other members. Suddenly it'll be really easy to meet people who have the exact same sort of fantasies as you. It should also be mentioned that doing all of these things is absolutely free, and with no ads or pop-ups, this site is smooth sailing.


-thousands of hot lesbian sex stories, plus a huge selection of other categories, some of which overlap (so you can read some lesbian BDSM erotica very easily)

-all these stories are available for free, no need to sign up to read them

-signing up is recommended though, so you can join the community and chat about your fantasies

-to customize your searches, you can arrange the main story lists by alphabetical order, rating, view count, and upload date

-for more advanced searches, there is a separate search page to use

-the Frequently Asked Questions page is a great resource if you have any concerns, but you can also email the webmaster if you have further problems

-another advantage to creating a member profile is that it allows you to submit your own story

-easy to change font size, which can make the text easier to read for some people

-links to the main video page and webcam site that SexStories.com is owned is in the upper right of the main page

-no ads or pop-ups, so the site runs very easily

-easy to comment on stories at the bottom of their pages, but you do have to have an account

-outside of the stories, there are some great and very helpful articles about sexual health and genuine tips to have a better experience with your partner(s)




If I told you to close your eyes and picture the perfect sex story site, for lesbian themed erotica or otherwise, I doubt you'd come up with SexStories.com. But looks can be deceiving, and giving only five minutes to this amazingly basic webpage will certainly show you just how much material is on here, and how easy it is to find exactly what sort of thing you fantasize about.

The fact that the site is completely free is also a wonderful surprise, and I assume that means they make most of their money off the video site that SexStories.com is associated with. That means SexStories.com can exist in its own little world, an amazing place where you can read about sapphic women to your heart's content. Don't let the blue background and boring fonts fool you, this sex story site is one of the heaviest hitters out there.

For a lot more Lesbian Sex Stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • It's still hard to believe just how many lesbian sex stories are on this site, even though the name is SexStories.com. It should be obvious, but it should also be some sort of ad-heavy clickbait site. But it's not that at all. For a site that is text all the way through, it's amazing at the quantity and the quality of all these stories. So many of them could be published in an LGBTQ erotica anthology. And this high level of writing is due to the same reason why the site has been so good for so long: They have an incredible message board, full of thousands of members who love to encourage each other to write the hottest lesbian fantasies possible (and every other topic you could possibly imagine).

    It's a positive feedback loop, where great stories bring in more people, who chat more on the message boards, who write more great stories, which bring in even more people. And I like how they devote themselves purely to literature. There's links to some video sites, yes, but there is not a single image or screenshot anywhere. You come here if you don't want to waste any time, and get right to reading some hot stories.

    They also make it very easy to find exactly what turns you on. You don't have to go through a list of thousands of stories, you can find exactly what kind of action turns you on thanks to a great story tag and search engine setup.

  • The downside to having a sex story site that looks like your computer is having a problem in 1997 is that a lot of people will write it off immediately as being not worth their time. It's not fair, and maybe you can blame it on so many flashy blog sites that have raised peoples' expectations of what a website should be. ut the truth is, if you don't have a single photo or gif of someone looking sexy or your sex site, then it might not get all the traffic it deserves.

    The only other small thing to mention is that with so many stories, some of them are going to have some spelling or grammatical errors. It's a small thing, yes, but it can take you out of the story you're fantasizing about for a moment.

SexStories-Lesbian.com Lesbian Sex Stories Site Review

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