Lesbian Sex Stories Site Reviews

EroticAudio.com Lesbian Sex Stories Site Review



It's hard to believe now, but sex stories were some of the earliest adult material on the internet, if only because it was easier to send text from computer to computer than any sort of image or video. As technology got better, the whole thing flipped, and now it's so much easier to find a video of whatever your fantasy is than to find a story about it. And while sex story sites have persevered and exist in both old text and new blog formats, they still remain on the margins of adult entertainment. This is still true when it comes to any erotic category you can think of. There's certainly some great lesbian literary erotica out there, but its dwarfed by the amount of lesbian videos you can find.

There are still some quality sex story sites out there, but recently I've found something that might turn this entire industry upside down, and I still don't know how I feel about it…other than being extremely turned on. And that thing is audio sex stories. I've seen these on some of the more modern sex story sites out there, but they were always more of a side feature. Like if there were thousands of written stories, maybe there would only be twenty or thirty audio files. But now, with the site EroticAudio.com, the future might be here.

Keep reading below to learn everything you need to know about EroticAudio.com, here on EasySex.com!


If the idea of just listening to an audio file of an erotic story sounds a bit futuristic, then the layout for EroticAudio.com is right for you. It's almost like you're buying a new computer or other fancy product online, it's so sleek and professional. Very easy to navigate, to read the advantages and even see some of the story lists. They break the stories down into four different categories (hetero, bi, gay, lesbian), and each one has a long list of stories that - once you sign up - can be listened to as often as you'd like. Each one ranges from about five to fifteen minutes, and from what I could tell the selling point is that now you have two hands to take care of business if what you are hearing is really turning you on.

Now because they know that this is a relatively brand new industry (or at least it's new that a sex story site will offer only audio) and the people won't just sign up for a monthly membership based on promises, they do offer a free membership to take it for a test listen. The lesbian story section is arranged very neatly and each story has a small text description, but then you just click on the play button and all of a sudden you can listen to a story being narrated to you…by a robotic voice. Now for some people that might be enough for a hot experience, but for others, maybe not. Now the site is slowly adding human narrators to all their stories, but right now, it might be like having sex scenes read to you by siri or alexa.


-a very good selection of hot lesbian stories in audio format, and there are several other categories available

-free samples of these stories can be accessed once you sign up, and the full list becomes available once you subscribe

-with sex scenes being narrated into your house or apartment, you can get busy with getting' busy to an awesome soundtrack (if you have a partner, it can be really hot, and if you don't, now you have two hands free)

-blog-style site is very easy to navigate

-as they are looking for narrators, you can offer up your voice and maybe win up to one thousand dollars if they choose you

-you can even submit your own story and if it's approved, they can make an audio version of it and add it to the site

-extremely attentive online help staff, where they can help you via online chat immediately, and if you need more assistance they have an efficient ticketing system

-once you sign up, you can receive free weekly story files in your email

-they offer flex-pricing, where you can buy a set number of stories instead of a monthly subscription

-easy to transfer the file onto your phone, so can listen on the go

-no ads or pop-ups means the site runs very smoothly




I'm definitely glad that I checked out EroticAudio.com, and I am very curious to see what its future holds. I think everyone should give its free samples a try (even if it means signing up), if only because if it gets some traction in the online adult world then maybe they can get some actual people to do the narration, and that might make all the difference.

The site itself is extremely easy to use and navigate, and it would be great if a lot of other sex story sites took their cues from how EroticAudio.com is set up. I definitely like the commitment to the idea of not always having to 'watch' porn to enjoy it, but time will tell if 'listening' is going to become the new hot thing.

For a lot more Lesbian Sex Stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • One thing the internet has made possible is to make pretty anything sexual (Rule 34…), and it's quite possible that what EroticAudio.com is doing might change the online sex experience forever. And while that might be an exaggeration, it certainly isn't for the group of people who will get turned on by listening to a sex story told to them. Considering how many other so-called extreme fetishes out there have been welcomed to the greater adult entertainment community, there's no reason to think that lesbian audio stories won't find an audience. And hey, even being on the cutting edge of something is almost turn on in itself.

    Okay, so beyond the actually perspective and basic thrill of trying something new, I should definitely add that the stories themselves, that is, what is being read, is very high quality. These stories really do conjure up a sexy scene between two women in your mind very easily, and it's up to the narrator to really sell the whole thing.

    The site itself is also a great venue for this new frontier. It's extremely easy to use, and you can tell that the staff is really devoted to making sure everyone's experience is top notch. When I had question early on that I couldn't find an answer to, the online chat personnel helped me out right away. That's a big plus in my book, especially for a site that hopefully has a bright future ahead of it.

  • Well the biggest concern with EroticAudio.com is that it's still quite early to see if this is the sort of interaction that consumers of adult entertainment really want. The site is set up quite well for the moment, but there are a lot of improvements that would need to happen before audio sex stories - lesbian or otherwise - take the internet by storm. First and foremost is that most of the stories don't have human narrators, but rather, just computerized voices that 'say' the story. And from a personal preference, I don't find this worked very well at all. Now the site is trying to find/hire actual people to record the narration, and I hope that will happen soon, because right now it's a weird sensation of liking the description of what's happening in the story, but hating the actual voice that is telling it.

    I should also note that while the site does charge for a full membership - which unfortunately means some people will instinctively avoid this site - there are free samples available.

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