Gay Sex Stories Site Reviews Gay Sex Stories Review


INTRODUCTION: is the #1 site to find gay stories that are hotter than you can imagine! This is for sure the best site that I've ever used or will ever use for that matter. I'm still shocked by every single story that read when I'm cruising on the site for naughty stories. There are stories that are going to please anyone and their desires no matter what they are. Working my way through these stories is so pleasurable I can barely put it into words. I love the fact that it doesn't matter where I am I can read a story on my phone, my tablet or my laptop and it doesn't matter who else is around, cause they aren't going to know what I'm reading unless they are looking over my shoulder reading it with me. The naughty and very kinky ideas that I've come up with while reading these stories is completely off the charts! I've been able to use some of the things that I've learned in these stories when I'm exploring and having sex with my sexy as hell partner and I have to tell you that it has really kicked things up in the bedroom for us making sex all kinds of fun again! is the site that has awakened all sorts of naughty thoughts and desires in me, and I'm sure so many others, that I never thought I would feel again.

ABOUT: is a gay sex story site like no other out there today. It's too bad that it took me this long to find this site as I've been working my way through sites like this and it is the first and only site that truly delivers stories that are simply outstanding! My ability to take things into my own hands (literally) and cum when I'm reading these stories is something that I never would have thought possible before finding Using the advanced search has been so great, and spot on that it has been a breeze for me to get to the stories that really do it for me. I have to say that the categories at the top of the page, Large Cocks, Sex At Work, and Twinks all lead me to stories that are very specific to each category making it easy for me to narrow down my search depending on my mood. Not only do I have the ability to choose stories based on their category but I can also check out the link at the top of the page that takes me directly to 'Hiscam Live Cams' which makes finding naughty guys who want to interact and play a little with me a cinch. I also have to say that the site as a whole is very easy to get around, it's sleek and using black as the background color is a plus making it pleasing to the eye for all users.

FEATURES: has some really great features. Check them out below.

- Advanced Search Engine: The advanced search engine on the site is outstanding. Ever time I use it I get exactly what it is that I'm searching for in the search bar. Not once has it said that it couldn't find what I was hunting for. This is quite a good search engine.

- Gay Categories: Finally a site that actually has gay categories within the gay site. There are so many sites out there that just have 'Gay Sex Stories' not! On this site that is packed with gay sex stories, I'm also able to find stories under a few pretty darn good categories too, Large Cocks, Sex at Work and Twinks.

- HISCAM Live Cams: I can't get over how great it is to see this feature. The link at the top of the page to the HISCAM Live Cams is great because it gets me to the best live cams I've ever used or even seen on the net!

- Clean and Easy To Read: The site isn't riddled with a ton of ads that are littered throughout the site, they are posted in the same spot on every single page of the site so I know what to expect no matter what page or story I'm reading. I love the black background and white lettering for the site, not only did I find it easier to read everything throughout but I also think that it helps to make look like a classier site than most others.




It just makes sense that is the top site for me when it comes to finding gay sex stories that are better than anywhere else on the internet today. I'm still blown away every single time I sit down to look for a few stories to enjoy either on my own or with someone who is ready willing and very able to act out some of the same things that we read in the stories together. I haven't been disappointed with any part of Gay-Story yet and doubt that I ever will. There's nothing like sitting down to read a few naughty stories with my member in hand to really get things going for me. What makes the site even better is that it's completely free to use all of the time, there's no part of the site that I have to pay to use, so I can settle in and relax without the worry of running out of money or credits as I work my way through a story or two. I appreciate the work that has gone into how the site looks and is organized so that I only have to worry about enjoying myself when I'm online rather than wasting time searching around the site to find what it is that I really want, a damn good story that's going to get me hard and then get me off! Two thumbs up from this guy, the best gay sex stories site hands down.

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • The best things that I've found so far on are listed below. Check out these PROS that I've come up with.

    - Very Few Ads: Although there are ads on the page there aren't a whole lot of them that make it overwhelming so that all I see is the ads instead of the good stuff that is the story on the page.

    - Easy To Use Site: I have to say that you don't have to be very good with computers to be able to use the site. It's pretty easy and there aren't any hidden things that you need to do to be able to read the stories that are posted on the site.

    - FREE To Use: is 100% free to use to read any naughty gay sex story that I find on the site. I have to say after finding so many pay porn sites out there, it's refreshing to finally find a site like this where I don't have to pay to have a little enjoyment.

    - Hot Users: The other users on the site are hot as hell! Every single guy that I've seen and met through using the site has been so hot I can barely keep it in my pants! The added bonus is that they are great too, friendly, smart and willing to do whatever, whenever!

    - Interesting Stories: The gay sex stories that I've found here, every single one that I've read so far has been outstanding! The themes are great and the topics are all really good too!

  • is a damn good site for so many reasons. If I have to come up with something that I don't particularly like about it I would have to say that the only thing I can really think of is that I wish that there were even more stories for me to enjoy. I appreciate that anyone can submit stories and my plan is to write a few myself to help expand the site but my main goal right now is to get the word out there so that everyone knows how great the site is to use and what it has to offer so that with more users there will be more stories posted for others to read and enjoy. I mean why wouldn't you want to add to a site like It's a site that has so much potential and so much room for growth, all you and everyone you know needs to do is sit your butt down and get writing so that there are more and more stories that are top notch, full of action and easily help to turn things up in the bedroom whether it be on your own or with someone who you want to try a few of the scenarios out with. This is the only gay sex story site for me and I have to say that once I gave it a shot it just made sense to make it my top (and only) choice to access gay erotica online. Gay Sex Stories Review

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