Bisexual Sex Stories Site Reviews Bisexual Sex Stories Review



There's no easy way to introduce It's easily one the most imaginative sex story sites I've seen on the internet, and one of the few that has a real stories worth reading. I read my first story about three weeks ago, but what I remember most was my reaction to the website in general. It's 2019, so one expects all sites on the internet to look modern and sharp. Imagine my shock when I opened this website's link and landed on a website that looked like it had been dragged from the 90s. I was shocked and surprised. Surprisingly, I didn't really feel like turning away, because I had been hooked by everything else happening on the homepage. I could see the story links alright, but not before I saw the video links to countless sections of the site. The video links featured all these guys doing all these weird and amazing sex positions for different categories. The upper section of the site was filled with a large banner for the site, while a few ads appeared here and there. Finding the real list of stories required scrolling lower, which wasn't so hard. I finally found one story and clicked on it. Unsurprisingly, the story opened fast to reveal a short (thank GOD!) sex story about a white man and a black married man getting it on for about 10 minutes before the black man's wife comes in. If you ask me, that was the best introduction of them all.

ABOUT: is not easy to describe, despite how interesting it is to use. From my experience, this is not just a sex story platform; it's an overall adult platform for gay, bisexual, and bicurious men and women that features more than just sex stories. The site also features video links to adult sex websites in addition to the stories. is distinctly old fashioned in its design; the website appears not to have been updated for particular purposes. Nevertheless, it achieves its purpose of becoming a platform that champions sexual content, especially that of the gay sexual kind. has been active since at least the 90s, and over the years, the site has accumulated a good archive of sex stories of various categories-The site requires each user to register, and a sign in/login feature is made easy to see. Still, signing up gives access to even more aspects of the site. Unlike many other sites, the site also makes it clear that it collects information on every visitor to the site using its cookies. Because of its easy design and layout, getting around the site is pretty easy. Thanks to its menus and clear story links, readers can easily to what they like. One common feature it surprisingly shares with other sex story sites is that all of its stories are free too. That gives readers to over 480 stories on the platform. There are no unnecessary distractions while reading, and even on the stories page, the ads are kept on the edges of the page.

FEATURES: has been around for a number of years, and its growing features are some of the reasons for its longevity. I had the pleasure of seeing and using some the features while new on the platform, and they still make my experience on the site better every time. Some of these features included;

1. Hundreds of thousands of sex stories available curated over a period of time

2. Over 30+ story links per page-Each story link comes with information such as a title of the story, a simple 5- or 6-line summary under it, the date of publication and the name of the author

3. Site blog available for those that want more; it features links to videos that are described and captioned

4. Site also has a sex toy shop with a vast collection of discounted and affordable goods

5. Very helpful menus available for easy navigation, including the top menu that features links to sections including Home, Search Categories, Login, Register, Contact Us, Read Our Blog and more

6. Simple color theme that's easy on the eyes

7. The side menu features categories for different videos, with entries such as English Lads, Military Classified, Boys for Sale, Straight Off Base and more

8. No forceful requests to sign up

9. No requests for credit card information

10. Site has links to MovieMountain, which is always offering deals on its gay adult video collection

11. Story category being visited is visibly displayed at the top of the page

12. Stories are listed according to their years of publication

13. Site is quite easy to navigate

14. Both long and short form stories available



Ultimately, I am going to have to recommend out to other men when they ask, because it feels selfish not to. The few months I have spent on the site have been outstanding, as I have seriously rediscovered what I could do with my mind and body if you know what I mean. The site is seriously easy to use, no doubt about that. I found the menus really helpful, and the site quite clear to check out. Stories were easy to find, as was my favorite category, the bisexual sex stories category. I found the longer stories better in comparison, and while the tiny font really hurt, the stories were good enough to make that seem like a side effect. I have to admit that I ended up clicking on all the websites that the site linked to, increasing the video links, the ads, and the Movie Mountain porn shop links. I just had to. The ease with which I did everything was another reason I ended up checking every site. has no broken links across its platform, so there are no 404 error pages to worry about. Can I also just mention that I think this website does a really good at making LGBT sex stories more exposed? It definitely does, and with its easy design, its quick menus, its free stories and its hundreds of stories available for reading, the sky is the limit. I have already earmarked it for recommendation purposes, which is my mark of quality.

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  • If I were asked to rate my experience while using this platform, I can give it a solid 5 out of 5 in a snap. That's how good I think this site is. From my months of taking advantage of's every feature, I found a few bits that were just too outstanding. For starters, there were really, many stories to choose from and read. I've never had so much LGBT quality content to choose from. Additionally, all the stories on the site seem to be true to their category and well edited. There aren't that many categories since the site is distinct in its offerings, but the few that are there are well defined, such as the bisexual sex stories category, which is fitted with some of the best sex stories I have ever read. Just to be clear, I am a huge sex fan, so anything that triggers or simulates real sex for me is gold. I wasn't asked to sign up anywhere, although the links to the sign-up page were visible. I thought that made the site appear more professional. gives the reader more than just another reading experience. My time on the site was divided between attempts to read many stories and attempts to discover what else the site had to offer. That didn't lead to fun story times. Also, this site uses ads like any other Google user, but its ads were seriously out of the way that I never once thought of them as distractions.

  • Much as is easily the best sex story website that is dedicated to gay men and other LGBT individuals, it also has its fair share of flaws that didn't warm me up. These are clearly my personal opinions; someone else might have a differing stance. But for starters, the site is visibly not very secure. I noticed this pretty early on while starting to use the site. Thankfully, there isn't any sensitive information we're required to divulge on the site. Speaking of privacy and security, has an unclear privacy policy, much like most sex story websites. As a person who's keen on security, I 'd have loved to see one. The site also states in very small letters at the bottom of the page that it collects information on whoever visits the site. Why not make this font bigger so everyone can see this clearly? I found the stories to be quite interesting, but trouble arose when I couldn't find the support/help link to help me solve the issues that rose on my end right after that. also tries to make it clear from the beginning that it makes use of cookies on websites, which made me start feeling unsure about the website's security. Otherwise, also doesn't have a commenting feature, so not much engagement there. Plus, there's too much to offer on site, so attention is always diverted between stories and video links. I also think the text of the story pages is quite small. Bisexual Sex Stories Review

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