General Sex Stories Site Reviews

PsILoveYou Sex Stories Site Review



There are a lot of sex story sites out there that offer the same old thing, a poorly written sexual encounter with terrible dialogue and a focus on describing very large body parts as they thrust and jiggle to an unbelievable climax, then the end. Not surprisingly, this is a lot like most porn videos you'd find on the internet as well.

But there is a more realistic and more romantic place to escape to, and it's called PsILoveYou, a blog site that takes a much gentler but still sexy view of dating and relationships. Set up in the Medium blog format, everything is a series of articles and stories arranged very neatly on the main page and can expand out from that through very useful tags and follow buttons.

I was actually on a completely different page in the big world of Medium (the online publishing giant), and with a couple clicks I was suddenly reading an advice column about oral sex, then a poem about making love in the afternoon. And I don't know if it was that I was actually getting exhausted with the same old thing when it came to internet porn and erotica, but I was getting pretty excited just by reading this stuff here, in a place never would have expected.

Keep reading below to become an expert on the blog site PsILoveYou, here on!


So a great sexual experience involves openness and exploration, and that goes for whether you're in bed with your partner (or partners) or surfing the web yourself for your own fantasy fulfillment. But thanks to tinder and every porn site out there, most of this caters to the one night stand mentality, which is good to some degree, but it definitely worth exploring a sexual world and lifestyle beyond that. Which is where PsILoveYou comes in, since it's an amazing online community that seems to go beyond that narrow way of looking at sex and desire.

It's ironic that by rebelling against the 'more of the same' attitude towards erotic writing, PsILoveYou also rebelled against the typical set up of an erotic writing website. Most of those have dark, black background with yellow or red text, and are plastered with banner ads and pop-ups for other hardcore porn sites. PsILoveYou is a bright, bubbly site with soft fonts and no ads at all. It feels like a welcoming, positive space where you might - gasp - actually learn something.

It's very easy to explore, to find stories about people's successful and disastrous first dates, advice on everything from oral sex to texting manners, and yes, some romantic stories that will get you excited. The focus, though, is on real people experiencing real relationships, and finding a place to talk about it online, for the benefit of the entire community.


-extremely easy site to navigate, with simple links across the top of the page to all the various sections

-free to sign up and with it comes access perks

-newsletter available to be sent to your inbox, so you'll always be up to date and informed

-you can comment on all the stories and articles

-to find the most read pieces on the site, just click on the 'popular' link at the top of the main page

-easy to contact and engage with site writers and other members through comments and messaging

-a 'poetry Sunday' section, where you can read some of the latest erotic prose to get turned on

-'fiction Friday' section, which involves much longer tales of romantic encounters

-for stories with a much lighter tone that will put a smile on your face, there's the 'laughable love' area

-tags for every article means it's easy to find other ones that are similar

-as you scroll down the page, they just keep adding more and more archived stories so it's almost impossible to run out of material to read

-yes, there are some haikus, and since we can acknowledge that a lot of people have a lot of different or weird kinks of all sorts, I can say that enjoy them



How we look at and talk about sex has changed more in the last fifty years than in the last five hundred. And that's a weird line in a review about a sex story website, but considering the whole point of the internet is to offer us 'everything about sex', it's great to find a site like PsILoveYou which offers a few different takes on 'everything about sex'. The site certainly looks about sexuality and romance, but definitely not in the same way that a lot of other erotica sites do. And PsILoveYou knows this, but they don't feel the need to compete with them. This site stands apart and tries to do something positive and in that way is able to burrow into your mind and heart in a way a lot of other sites would never think to try.

It's leading the charge of a different way of engaging with sex in cyberspace, and as we're coming up to the internet's thirtieth birthday, it's about time. There's been an unspoken war on how sex is portrayed on the internet, where it's flings versus relationships. With a wink PsILoveYou Easy acknowledges that quickies are fine from time to time, but suggests that nothing beats hard and long.

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • PsILoveYou is a breath of fresh air in the world of online sex writing. It says a lot about of site where after you've spent some time on you realize there's no need to clear your browser history (not that you should be ashamed - and this site will certainly tell you that you shouldn't - but it does help avoid possible awkward conversations down the road). This site is one of the most sex-positive ones out there, and it's entire goal is making you better not only in bed, but all the steps that would ultimately lead to bed.

    Sure, there's always a place online for a quick dirty story or two, but thank goodness the internet - and hopeful all of us who use it - is growing up in a way that our sexual experiences will benefit from sites like PsILoveYou, which tries to improve us at the same times as it excites us. If the brain is one of the erotic organs that we use, it's important to keep that one in good shape so our other, more obvious sexual organs work the way we want them to. So maybe coming to this site and reading a story about positive relationships is the right way to get into the proper headspace to then go read a much dirtier story. PsILoveYou has that 'try anything' vibe, and it's one that their community of great members really are trying to spread.

    This site makes it very easy to find people who feel the same way you do - since there is a lot of personal sharing ranging from horniness to heartbreak - and by communicating and engaging with them, who knows what experiences you might have in the future?

  • While offering a lot of different articles and stories about sex and dating, and there's no doubt that the advice given is extremely valuable, if you're looking to quickly read a story about a hot threesome in a minivan, this isn't really the site for you. And that's fine, and PsILoveYou knows that it's catering to a different sort of audience than those who are looking for the literary equivalent of a quick fling.

    For such a modern blog site, it was rather odd that there was no help or support link right on the main page, so it would be difficult to contact the site owners if you had any issues (although the site is so easy to use, I'm not sure what kind of issue might come up). There also wasn't an easily located search button, but thankfully all articles and stories have tags at the end of them, so you can find related writings very easily. Sex Stories Site Review

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