Premium Sex Stories Site Reviews Sex Stories Site Review



Just like you might gather with a name like, this is one of the best sex story sites you're going to find on the web. Of course, these websites are the perfect masturbating material and definitely a lot of fun. I have been using this site for quite some time and don't intend on stopping anytime soon. I was the happiest about the fact that I could hop on here, search through different categories or use keywords to get to the kind of story I wanted to read that day. Whenever I'm horny, I'm always in the mood for a variety of things depending on the day which is what makes that search function so useful. While I might want to read stories about lesbians one day, another day I might want something about a cheating husband or something like that. My tastes change by the day so this is a good site if you have those same desires as well.

Being able to read all of these stories is also such a treat because writing erotica seems like such a lost art! Any other adult website you go to is all about the videos so it's always nice to put my imagination to work just a little bit and go from there. More than anything else, I was impressed by the way the site was set up and laid out. It's pretty great and I would highly recommend this one. It's definitely up there in terms of quality.


If you're looking for a good sex stories site, the is going to be the best bet you can make. The good thing about this website is the fact that there is so much more than meets the eye. In addition to a whole host of wonderful stories on here, you will also have access to images, video, live chat, forums, cam sites and more. You will always have access to great erotica, but you will ever have to choose between reading a great story and seeing a hot video on the same website. It's really great to know that I can come to one place to cum. Get it? No, but seriously. I am always really glad that I found out about this site when I did. I've been using it religiously since I did and will continue to do so.

I would very much recommend this place to anyone that's looking for a good site to fap to. SO much material!


Since I've been on for a number of years, I've only seen it get better and better over time. Whoever manages this website really goes above and beyond in terms of making it a great destination, and that really shines in the number of features the site now had. I am always very impressed by the website, and how easy it is to navigate. You can see a few of the things I enjoyed below:

- Thousands of stories to choose from

- A simple search function that lets you search for stories based on keywords, categories, and other filters, as well as story tags and style types including male-female, male-male, etc. You will be able to find whatever you might be into on here

- Ability to search stories from specific authors

- New stories updated daily

- New stories sent directly to your email inbox after you sign up

- Easy to set up a free account, and later switch to a paid account

- A robust navigation menu with over a dozen options besides stories to explore

- A page full of masturbation techniques for both men and women

- Free live chat with other site users

- Forum to interact with other site members, share and discuss stories

- Sexy photo and video archive

- Access to a free live cam affiliate site

- Access to affiliate dating website

- Digital store stocked with sex toys for both men and women

- Responsive support team just in case something goes wrong with your account



All in all, I will definitely be using for as long as I can. Very refreshing to read a lot of the stories on here. What I also liked a lot about it is that so many of the authors on here are women. They do a good job at striking that great balance between the male and the female writers and you can even use the search to find either gender of the writer. The stories that men and women write about sex are so different sometimes, but not always in the ways you might think! In any event, since I've had my account as long as I have, I've developed quite a few favorites along the way. I'm able to save the stories that I like best directly to my account so I can just keep revisiting them. I also like that I'm able to do a bunch of other stuff on here. It's not just about the stories all the time! I was able to be on here and read but also go to the forum, or the live chat room, or even the dating section of the website and they all just worked together.

These are such great additions to an already great sex story site, and I'm definitely going to keep telling people about this place. From the moment you get onto this website and see the first batch of fresh stories on the homepage, to make your free account and finding some faves, you're going to love this website.

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  • I like a lot of things about this site and that's why I keep coming back. As soon as I'm horny, I basically head right here because I know I'm going to get so many good things all in one place in terms of how I get off. It's really a great way to spend an afternoon. I was the most impressed by how smoothly the website ran, personally. Usually, sites with so many different things going on can get so easily overloaded and then from there, the website lags, goes slow and all of that. Thankfully, I don't have that problem on I'm able to move seamlessly from one spot to the next without ever having to worry about the site freezing or crashing when I was just trying to get my rocks off. It's always annoying to have to pause to reload a page or anything like that. I was just all around really impressed with how well they kept the site up.

    They also have a great support team on here. When I was having a billing issue after switching to a free account, I was able to get help within a matter of hours and my concern was cleared up pretty much right away. I was definitely really grateful for that!

  • I think depending on what kinds of websites you're most used to using, this one might be a bit off-putting. Personally, I like it but I can see how other users might be scared off. It's VERY text-heavy, so unless you're very much already into reading erotica, it's not exactly going to net any new converts the way some of the other sites that also use videos and pictures are able to. It's certainly not a bad thing at all for me, but I also totally understand if other users hate that about it.

    Always feels silly thinking of cons for a website like this. It's just something to masturbate to ad truly not even really that big of a deal. There are not too many bad things about it at all, which is why I keep coming here. Besides the fact that there's no real multimedia on the first page, another thing might be the fact that you have to sign up to make an account. I understand why they make it this way, though! There are users on here sharing their own creations and it works a lot like a message board. If I was one of the authors of these sizzling stories, I wouldn't want just anyone being able to read them either. It's truly just a really great website and besides those two things, it runs really well. I have been coming on here for years and over that time I've only seen it get better and better, with more stories added constantly and a bigger community being formed around them which is always nice. Sex Stories Site Review

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