Fan-Fiction Sex Stories Site Reviews Fan Fiction Sex Stories Site Review on



I am a very big fan television and movie fan fiction and this place,, gives me all that I want and even more with some seriously raunchy stories based on all my favorite television shows like Dallas (you know, the hot new batch) and those superhero shows all over the place lately. Give me superhero on superhero and I will be a happy girl! Hotness and crossovers, things we'll never see in their respective universes, but how I love it on here. I will take all the great stuff in can find on this lovely site. Give me all you got and them some. I love me some fan fiction with the erotica angle. Nothing better on a Saturday night than cracking open a nice bottle of Pinot, getting under a blanket with my tablet and a carefully selected toy to read a new story by some of my favorite writers in the fan fiction world. There is something for every type of reader here, from beginner to advanced, myself being advanced, I would say the levels of tame-ness and wildness are what varies the most. My favorite stories are what works for me, but do not worry there is so much to love on here, you too will find your favorites. I even saw some werewolf on human goodness for those that are into that. If you're not, worry not, this site has you covered, so check them out and get your Saturday night vibes on!

ABOUT: is a site that should come with a warning: Do not enter unless you are ready to spend a lot of time here. The sex stories on here are something else and you will spend a lot of time here just like me as soon as you find your ship and your fetish of choice. There is so much on here that you will have a hard time choosing if you are new, but do not despair, it's so good, you won't mind trying out all the genres and sub-genres where you will discover that maybe what you thought you loved might not be what you love the most anymore. Try new things and see where they lead you. The users and writers on the site sure won't judge you. Everyone here is open minded and ready to help you find your favorite ship, your thing, your fantasy. I would say join us and see for yourself, but if you're here, you need to know more and I am here to help you out. Check out everything the site has to offer, give the site a try, sign up, and you'll see that you will be back soon, and then soon again. Just join us and get that membership going so that you can get all the things! That's how I got started, now I know what I want when I log in, it's not always the same, but it doesn't need to be, there is plenty to go with every one of my mood.


- A well-organized website

- Great design and great visuals

- Simple site that loads fast and easily

- Search feature that gives you great results per your criteria

- Suggested stories to read that give you something new to explore after you've read a few stories and established a pattern

- Sign up and log in to unlock some of the advantages like suggestions

- Intense stories of passion, fantasy, and romance

- Television, movie, and pop culture all in one place

- Free stories to read and enjoy

- Help and support a few clicks away

- Clear and easy to find policies

- A friendly and helpful community

- Writing that is on par with professionals

- Mobile friendly to give you your stories on the go

- Great community for sharing ideas

- Easy to upload to the site and share your stories

- A great place to get constructive criticism on your own writing

- A great place to give constructive criticism and kudos to writers you love

- Get stories at your level of reading and at your wanted level of sexual fantasy

- All orientations are represented

- Most fetishes are represented

- Gives a lot of material to read with thousands of stories and lots of variations

- So many options, you will get a great read no matter when you visit

- Signing up is free and simple

- Members get perks that non-members do not

- The site is one of those places you should get to know for everything it has to offer



So basically, for me, is what all those porn sites are for just about anyone else. I don't like the straight up porn stuff but reading sex stories with great development and characters I'm already attached to is the best way for me to get my groove on during nice session on my own with my trusty toy and my trusty bestie Pinot. Come join the fun, check out all the stuff offered on the site, and have fun coming on the site more and more, getting your fun and getting the best of both the television world and the fan fiction world. I will be visiting the site often until they are eventually not wanting me around anymore, which I doubt will ever happen. Heck, I'd pay for the membership if that was a way to get my stuff delivered to my email or something, that's how much fun I have with them. The site has not many real drawbacks, plenty positives, and so many stories just waiting to be read. I will read as many as I can, but come on and join up, read a few stories yourself, leave a few comments, and get some fun in your reading life. This site comes out swinging and gives you everything you might want if you prefer, like me, to read your porn something that works out your mind as well as your hormones. Check out all the options and get on with signing up and saving the address, tell them I sent you!

If you still need more, check out more reviews on

  • The main, top pro for me is the variety! A girl has needs and they vary depending on mood, time of the month, how stressed I am, what I had for dinner, if it's a Pinot or a Whiskey kind of night, etc. The site has had me covered no matter what and I love them for it. I don't need no other site and since I prefer to read my porn as they say, I get to come on here and pick something new or revisit an old friend that has worked great before whenever I need to. I mostly keep it for the weekend, but I do have the occasional weeknight escape. The site is great for whenever as there are new sex stories regularly and has me covered every day if I want it to. Come see what's on here, pick something, give it a try. If it doesn't work for you, don't fret, give a different story a try and change as many times as you need to, it's free, so go nuts! I know that once I found my best type of stories, I kept coming back. Now to avoid being a crazy fan fiction story, I get myself on a schedule and have my "me dates" perfect for Saturday night. This is easier than dating a real, live, in the flesh human. The stories don't lie, don't cheat, and don't go weird unless you select those that do. I'm picky so I get deep into my selections and my account keeps my search results, so I get to access them easily when I log in.

  • doesn't have all that many down sides to me, but I did notice it was offline a few weeks ago, so it may have been under updating or something, and that was aggravating but it was a one-time thing so I went with it and got myself and old-fashioned book for the night. It was back the next time I went on so it was no issue on the long term. Besides that, I have not had any problems and I saw that they have support right there on the site that is easy to reach out to and get things straightened out. I have not seen anyone else complain on the forums section so clearly, that update must not have affected too many people or everyone took it like me. Giving the site and how its run, they know what they are doing at T-S-S-A and they give you plenty for all your no money whenever you are on the site. I get to have all the stories I want, as raunchy as I feel that night, all for free so I can't complain about anything. Come join us here and get all the fun things you can from the site, enjoy your evenings not wondering where you'll get the raunchy stories you need. I have thought I would never find anything that you be my equivalent of porn and now that I have, I am a fan and will remain one. Come visit and get on the site to get yours too. Sex Stories Site Review

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