Fan-Fiction Sex Stories Site Reviews Fan Fiction Sex Stories Site Review



This site is INSANE!!! Check out to see all that they have to offer for fan fiction sex stories and everything else you might want to read and see. The site is one of those mammoth sites that contains a lot of everything for pretty much everyone. From childish artwork to full blown detailed and graphic erotica, DeviantArt is like a one stop shop and I love the site for it! Since we're here for the sex stories, I'll keep it to that aspect of the site. The best way for me to get to those is to use the Literature option on the left and then add the word erotica in the search box. That way I can get the written erotica that is found on the site easily along with other suggested results that can be a lot of fun to read as well. Here the work is user provided, so from experience I can say I now know which user to go for depending how graphic I want to get. If I just want a bit of romance with sex scenes, I go for some writers. If I want something more hardcore, with full on sex and graphic descriptions that will satisfy even the deepest of urges, I go to other writers. The selection is easy to make and once you get enough experience with the site, you can easily figure out what you want more of and how to get it. I've been on here for a while now and my selections have been much easier to find.

ABOUT: is one of the largest, if not THE largest, collection of user provided art in all kinds of fields including the written word. Here my review is about the fan fiction sex stories provided on the site and I will have to keep myself from gushing about all the insanely amazing artwork and photography that shows up all over the site. The talent from their user base is so vast, it's hard to take it all in. When concentrating on the stories, particularly those about sex, there is already a ton and a half of stuff on the site that will allow one to rub one out or jerk one out depending on what you prefer. Here the sex stories are about everything and anything under the sun and then some. I personally prefer the fan fiction type of stories where characters I already love are put together to get it on in very explicit detail. Boy do some writers love detail. I love detail too, so I am in heaven on here. The stories are something else sometimes, so finding a writer you like, or even love, is the best way to avoid having to look too long amongst the way too numerous to count sex stories on the site. Check out the tags used and see what works for you and go from there. A writer, a subcategory, and bam the results you want! I know I have been finding things faster and easier each time I log on, so that's something I think everyone can do.


- A familiar site to most people who have been online for a while

- A trusted source for many kinds of art

- Erotica under all art categories

- Explicit sex scenes can be easily found

- Fan fiction of just about everything you can think of

- A fantastic community that is very supportive

- All orientations and preferences represented

- An open-minded bunch of creators

- Fun content on all levels

- Thousands, possibly millions, of entries from users

- User-submitted content without censoring

- Different forms of writing in the erotica search result

- Easy to use art categories

- Simple to use search option, just type in what you're looking for and hit enter for instant results

- Beautiful site design

- Artist and artistic expression oriented

- More users than anywhere else

- Simple browsing with a grid-like results page

- Top link to easily return to the top of the page

- Signing up gets you rid of advertising

- Forums to go discuss art and get ideas of what to look for

- Chat for those wanting a more personal touch

- A random option to let the algorithms select a piece for you

- Help and FAQ available right from one of the main menus at the top of the page

- A Shop option to buy art from the artists

- Clearly defined site Etiquette

- Support for both artists and users

- Easy to use platform

- Easy on the eyes design and graphics

- Color schemes that are simple and effective


CONCLUSION: is most likely the most famous site where the content is all user uploaded and where fan art and fan fiction are king and queen. Here the community is strong, the support is fantastic, and the art is even better. There is literally something for everyone on DeviantArt and sex stories are but one of the many things included in this. I have found some of the best reading and some of the most explicit stories on here and I am glad to say I am a Core Member for life. Signing up gives you the best access and allows you to cut down on the publicities seen on the site. I am happy to say that the Core Membership is absolutely worth it. If you are not ready to sign up, just bookmark the site and trust me, you will be back. I have been glad to come here and get my favorite erotica, sometimes soft core, sometimes hard core, and get a great time provided by great storytellers. Now, what I want everyone to do is come on DeviantArt, check out all the fantastic work, and encourage artists to keep working as without that encouragement, why would they keep working? I am a fan, I try to let it be known and I try to get others to join up in the fun. I am a fan, have been for a very long time, and I can tell you and everyone else, that through my years on DeviantArt, I have always found written word to satisfy my needs and get me what I wanted each and every time, without having to go back to the same stories unless I feel like it of course. There is so much content on here, it's an amazing source of entertainment and inspiration.

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  • The great appeal of is the crazy, amazing, wide variety of art that is found on the site. For me, the best stuff is always the written word as it titillates the imagination and gives you something to think about long after you read it. I have a love for the more explicit material on the site, but there are plenty of other options as well to fit all users and their needs. I often go for a little "walk around" of sorts to go see what else there is and every single time I am impressed by what I find and want to share it with the world. Then, I come back to my usual, a nice erotic story to get me started, then something more explicit to get me over the finish line. The stories on here are something that always impresses me. The content, the sheer amount of them, the quality of them, all of it are things that made me want to become a Core Member and so far, I have not been let down, not once. I have logged onto the site thousands of times and each and every one of those times, I have been more than satisfied. I like the fact that you can find fan fiction on the site as it gives me a little something extra to work with, using characters I love, established universes and storylines, and going on a tangent that the original auteurs may not have even considered.

  • Now, the amount of content is great, don't get me wrong, but it can be a little much to get through when you are looking for just the right piece on and that can get frustrating when you want in and out in a short amount of time. I understand that to new users, it can be absolutely overwhelming, but don't let that keep you away. Come on the site and visit for a little bit of time, then it is gets to be too much, leave and come back later. Then, the next time you'll stick around longer, and so on and so forth. That is how I started way back in the day and that is how I got my feet wet so to speak. Now I just know how to work it and it's worth taking a while to learn to site and it's ins and outs. I get to have so much fun, see so much great art, and get exactly what I want from the greatest fan fiction on this planet. It's a great site to come get your load off and enjoy stories, but it does take some getting used to, so stick with it, it's worth it. Don't worry if you don't get far the first time, it takes a great mind to keep focused among all the art on offer here and that great mind will make it through eventually. I know I have and I don't regret any detour I took on my way there. Sex Stories Site Review

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