Erotic Sex Stories Site Reviews Sex Stories Site Review



We may be living in the golden age of adult entertainment, but I frequently find myself looking back, before we had every single porn video or cam showing everything you could possibly imagine. Not that I'm squeamish, but I realized I was losing the chance to really imagine it myself. So I was thrilled when I found that one of the few sexy corners of the internet left untouched by super-fast bandwidth and speed were the sites for sex stories.

Just exploring the site was like going into a time machine, but one where you could get totally turned on in a very old fashioned way: reading. Yes, I could probably have just watched a video about a door-to-door salesman suddenly involved in a threesome, but reading about it, as if it actually happened and wasn't an obvious carefully set up film shoot was awesome.

The whole site is put together in a really retro, early 2000s way, because that's probably when it was made. And that means it's so easy to use. There's nothing flashy about it, with only some old-looking banner ads at the bottom of the page. In addition to the thousands of sex stories, there's a lot of other great features on the site to keep you coming back again and again.

Keep reading below if you want to become an expert on, here on!


The very simple, bright design of is a refreshing change from so many adult websites that assault you with videos and gifs that play automatically. Everything you need is right there on the main page, so you can select the story categories to find exactly what turns you on, or you can search for keywords. And these lists go on and on, in part because they make it so easy to submit your own story.

While the stories are definitely the site's centrepiece, offers a lot more than that. There are links to affiliated webcam sites, an adult toys store, a huge selection of photos, some amusing sex trivia, and even chat room so you can bond with other people who enjoy reading erotica (and even get some advice regarding sex and writing about sex). And having these other features are a huge plus, because it just enhances the experiencing of reading about a hot scene, and then having a bit of visual stimulation to get you even more excited. The combination of these two trumps just watching the same sort of porn video you can find anywhere else.

The community aspect is strong here in a lot of ways, from being able to easily submit your own sex stories, as well as the very extensive message board, where you can meet people who have the sae fantasies as yourself.


-thousands of really well-written, detailed sex stories, all of them available for free

-extremely easy site to navigate, so you can quickly find what you came here for

-search button right in the middle of the main page means you can find your fantasy quickly

-category list on the main page makes it easy to find a list of similar stories

-very easy to submit your own stories, so you can really feel part of the community

-huge message board forum, so you can find other members and have discussions about sex or anything else

-chat room makes it easy to meet other members, and they offer a chance to set up webcams and audio so you can really have a sexy experience

-it's an odd little quirk, but they allow you to set up your email address just for the site, so it can be 'your name'

-no pop-ups means the site is very easy to surf, with no lag time

-the sex jokes section is fairly cheesy, but is a nice change of pace from the lack of humour on a lot of other sex sites

-links page provides access to other erotic story websites



It sounds weird to describe any sort of sex site as a relaxing experience, because the whole point of you going online for a hot time is supposed to be relaxing, but for some reason really gave off that vibe. If other porn sites are always in your face and promising you more and more (like the internet in general), then was dialling it back a lot, and I really appreciated it. By being really simple and not flashy, it was some much easier to take my time and find the exact sort of story that really turned me on.

I didn't always use the links they provide the left-side menu (partly because of what I mentioned earlier), but I was always glad it was there, because it showed they really wanted to offer more than just stories. Even if the links to cam and pictures weren't as fulfilling as I hoped, the free chat room and message boards more than made up for that. Once again, is definitely a number one stop when it comes to online erotica.

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • First off, knocks it out of the park with a really simple setup, so it doesn't take any time at all before you're knee deep in a huge selection of really hot and dirty stories. And they break it up perfectly for each category, where one is a list of stories on various webpages, and the other hosts the stories on the sites community message board, so you can comment and discuss the story with others as soon as you finish reading it. This was a really great way to make a single story a communal event.

    Another great thing is that while most sex story sites are just that - sex stories -, offer a lot more, and it's all easily accessible, always on the left hand side of the screen beside each story. If you're really turned on by what you've read, quickly click on the cams link and you can find someone (or some people) to help act out the exact fantasy. Or click through a bunch of dirty pictures to really flesh out the images you have in your head of the scene. All of this adds up to a really great experience.

    And the topper, of course, is that the site itself is free, you don't have to sign up for anything if you want to read all the stories, and if you do want to sign up to join the message board and chat room, that's free, too.

  • There's really nothing wrong with if you want to find a website with thousands of exciting sex stories. But maybe some of the links will disappoint you, since some of them that are supposed to take you to affiliated sites don't work properly, or just take you to a huge, regular porn site where you have to buy a membership. And that's not a huge issue, since the stories you're reading are absolutely free and the site needs to make some money somehow to keep running, but it would be helpful it didn't' say 'free pictures' on the link itself (although if you wanted to find free porn pictures anywhere else on the internet, I think you'll figure it out).

    The only other thing I'd mention is that while there are thousands of stories on here, many of them are pretty short, and some aren't formatted the best. I suppose that's because anyone can submit their own and there's not much of a 'standard' for what gets published. Fortunately it's pretty easy to click around and find a good one. Maybe they should add a 'favorites' section right on the main page.

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