Erotic Sex Stories Site Reviews Sex Stories Site Review



When it comes to the future of sex and adult entertainment on the internet, I have absolutely no problem looking to the past. Of course there's retro porn, and I know it's always been a thing. I'm sure that people in the seventies could look at magazines from the fifties if they want to look back in time. And now with the internet swallowing everything, you can still find the same old pictures even easier.

But what I find exciting is not just porn made many years ago, but porn websites that are made many years ago. The internet is almost thirty years old, and it's possible to find adult webpages that are nearly that old. These sites had to be very simple and with not a lot of high-resolution pictures or video because computers and modems couldn't handle the size of those files. So a lot of them were text based, which meant a lot of erotic stories, and for someone like me, that was great. is a really fun site to suddenly stumble across. It looks at least twenty years old - even the tiny little 'new' icons seem to come from the nineties - but they still update it regularly. There are lot of great areas to this site, some with old school porn photos, and they also have a great sex stories area.

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ABOUT: promotes itself as site with a huge list of adult links, but many of them seem to be affiliated with itself, suggesting that the site is responsible for a lot of the content you're looking at, even if it has different site name. And these links are quite extensive, because if you go back a few years, that was a sign of a great adult site.

The first thing you notice is the very old looking table in the middle of the screen that breaks up all the links into categories. From here all things flow, and it's both informative, erotic, and bit ridiculous, all of which add up to a fun experience. The most updated part is the thumbnail pics posts, and they are recent, but all of retro models. The more you scroll down, the more you find links for sex toys, DVDs, saying services, and 'other products', 'other services', and 'other lists'. It doesn't have that professional gloss that most adult sites have now, which, depending on your perspective, can be a bit quaint or a bit boring.

But then you get to the erotic stories links, and it's great because the amount of choice is mindbogglingly large. Some of the sites they link to have thousands of stories on them, perfectly categorized and formatted. A lot of them do a great job at providing a place for erotic writing fans to create a huge community of sharing and support. It really stresses the importance of hub sites like, which sends curious visitors to these other sites.


-amazing links to many great sex story sites - some of which they operate - with hundreds or thousands of tales on each

-links to thumbnail picture sites, so you can match a hot model or scene with the one playing in your head

-no sign-up or sign in required, the site is completely free to use

-links to sites to spice up your sex life, from advice columns to adult toy stores to dating sites

-very easy to take part in the expansion of the site by sending in recommendations for new links or stories

-in keeping up to date, they do offer links to video sites and cams

-easy to email the site staff with any concerns or questions

-by going through PersianKitty, you can get discounts at certain video streaming sites

-the model links page is like a trip down memory lane, where you can see the names of the biggest stars of the nineties and oughts

-the 'other products' section has hilarious links to sex sculptures and erotic baking and naughty screensavers



People have been interested in pornography for thousands of years, but with the internet, even going back a few decades seems like a huge step backward. Checking out was a really interesting experience while also being a titillating one. I can totally understand how a lot of people will just pass by or through here, looking for the quick link to something sexy and familiar. But I know a lot of people will enjoy taking their time here, if only for the experience of feeling like internet was years ago. But not just any part of the internet, but sex on the internet. And the links here - when they work - are also a great reminder of how it used to be.

But thing really doesn't change much are the sex story sites, and that makes sense because it doesn't matter if speed up internet speed, the words come just as fast as they did twenty five years ago. And with so many video and image links nearby to complement the hot story you've just read, you're definitely guaranteed to have a wild time. So for people like me - and so many others, considering how popular these erotic literature sites are - is a really exciting and titillating experience, because through this old site you can still have a fun and fresh sexual experience with the written word.

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • Honestly, I was checking out all of with a big smile on my face, because it felt so familiar yet so strange, compared to what most adult sites are like these days. I was almost expecting those old dancing banana animations to show up. But you're not there 'just' for nostalgia and has remained relevant all these years because that have slightly kept up with the changing times by offering cam and video site links.

    But when you scroll down the main page with the cheesy, mostly-white background, you'll find links that are a long line of text with a quick description, no photos or any visual cues at all. You're surfing blind, but to a location that will definitely be at least a little bit sexy. I would definitely say that some of the sex stories they've linked to here are the hottest ones I've ever read, with sites like LitErotica and Erotica Readers Association providing amazing collections. Without, I would have never discovered them.

    I also enjoy the sites attempt at creating a bit of an online adult community by offering chatrooms and dating services. It really pushes the idea that having a fun time on the internet doesn't ever have to be a one way affair.

  • Well depending on the kind of person you are, the pro is a con, or the con is pro. is definitely an old website. In fact, at the bottom of the page, the initial copyright in from 1995. For some older readers, it might create waves of sexy nostalgia, or even some people younger that who enjoy the retro world of the internet will be thrilled, but even I know it's not for everyone. There's links to modern video, cams and sex story sites, and it's always possible that once people find these, they'd stop coming here to reach that ending destination. But that's always the risk with a webpages that's mostly links.

    And related to that, it's probably important to mention that not all the links work anymore. If you were feeling generous one could say that it's just an attempt to make to get in the retro mood, since even back in the nineties a lot of sites weren't working for whatever reason, but that's probably not true. It's a bit of disappointment, because you've just read this description of a hot sex story site, and you click on it, and it says that the this domain is now available for a low, low price. Sex Stories Site Review

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