Erotic Sex Stories Site Reviews

Nifty Sex Stories Site Review



Online literary erotica has always been part of the early internet, mainly because in the early days, text was all you could really send. It's been a long journey from our computer's modem using the phone to just sending dirty pictures through our phones. But some of the sex story sites that were from the beginning have withstood the test of time and are still operating today, and at the very least, that means the story selections they have is absolutely huge. is one of those sites (having been created in 1992) that has amassed over two hundred and sixty thousand (yes, thousand!) stories in that time, which means there's no way you're going to leave this site disappointed. It mainly caters to the LGBTQ community, but with a selection that big there is definitely things for everyone here.

A lot of sex story sites out there are usually just off-shoots of a regular porn video site, since it's really cheap to just add a couple pages with some quick paragraphs about a quick hook up. So it's great that really tries to be a community hub, which is run entirely by volunteers and donations. There are no ads anywhere on the site, and the occasional updates really give a personal touch to the entire experience.

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ABOUT: is a great source for LGBTQ erotic literature, but it's by no means limited to that. There are stories that can excite and turn on anybody, regardless of their own sexual orientation. Since it's been around since 1992, then it's no surprise that the amount of stories are incredible, along with the huge variety of topics and categories which can narrow down your exploration and help you to find exactly what you're looking for (the very detailed search engine on the main page also helps a lot). And if you want to add to the list you can, as it's super easy to submit your own story.

Going into the archives is like a trip down a rabbit hole, because it's one category after another before you actually arrive on the extremely long list of stories of, say, bisexual athletics. But despite the size, the whole site is very intuitive and easy to use. At no point did I ever feel lost, and if so, there's no better place to feel that way, surrounded by hundreds of sex stories.

What is definitely strong here is the community aspect, and that's seen not just in the donations link right at the top of the main page, but 'info' page (found in the archives drop-down menu), which has a series of articles that range from sexual health, to best practices in bed, and even some lighter fare like how to properly use 'gaydar'. It's these smaller aspects of the site that allows to still play a vital role in the erotic literature community.


-hundreds of thousands of free sex stories, ranging from straight to gay to transgender to fantasy

-new stories are always added to the main page, so there is always a reason to return

-the archive is divided into gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, bestiality, best of, and some story collections

-they also have an 'information' page, which offers sexual health, writing, and social resources for the community

-very useful links page, not only to other erotic story sites, but resources for LGBTQ youth

-easy to donate if you'd like to support the site

-there's a clothing and gift shops with the Nifty logo on everything from shirts to mugs to underwear and panties

-sitemap and about pages give a good overview of everything on and the history of the site

-they have a prolific author page, so if you like one writer's style, you can stick with them for their entire oeuvre

-if you want to partake, it is very easy to submit your own story, the button is there on the main page

-no pop-ups or ads, which gives the site a very peaceful and relaxing feeling



Bigger may not always be better, but when it comes, it certainly helps. No, not every single story among the two hundred and sixty thousand of them is award-winning erotic literature, but so, so many of them have given me amazingly hot fantasies and dreams. Just by exploring a little, you can expand your horizons by a lot. And even if you find yourself suddenly overwhelmed, you're always just one click away from backing out of that story and finding another to your liking.

By spending a few evenings on this site, you really start to appreciate the importance of creating a community online, especially for LGBTQ literature enthusiasts. Even though the site looks so old its almost quaint, it doesn't have to look super modern to get the job done of offering up great sex stories for an amazing price of absolutely free. I still can't believe that you don't even have to sign in to get access to all this material.

I tried out this site after a recommendation from a friend of mine, and I'm so glad I took their advice, because when the same old porn video starts to get stale, I just press play in my mind and read a few stories on to get turned on all over again.

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • Easily the best thing about is the sheer volume of stories that they have accumulated in the last twenty seven years. It's still kind of mind boggling that you can click on a story where some of them have publishing info, and see that it was uploaded way back in the mid-nineteen nineties. And while maybe some adult videos from that time might seem really retro or antiquated, that never happens to stories because they are so set in stone. You can read a story written whenever and use your own imagination to modernize it if you so wish.

    The variety of stories means you can find some that are almost like romantic poems, and others where it gets so extreme that you suddenly sit up and go 'woah', like you weren't ever expecting that to be written down as something that might excite someone. But that's part of attraction of, that all fantasies are welcome.

    There's definitely a positive attitude here, where the entire site and its community really pushes you to explore and enjoy the stories. Everyone is welcome, as all are their kinks and fantasies, and that there's no better way to celebrate that than the written word. The fact that site has been able to continue for so long based on almost exclusively donations is a great thing.

    Another small perk: They have a gift shop, where you can by shirts and undergarments with sites logo plastered on it. All proceeds help keep the site going, and you can wear your support with pride.

  • With such a massive selection of stories, there are certainly going to be some drop-offs in quality for many of them, so it's inevitable that as you search through the story titles and click on one and then another, some of them might have issues with spelling, grammar or formatting. It's not a huge issue, since it's so easy to go back and find one that is much, much better, but it does take you out of the moment of fantasy for a second.

    What would really help is a ratings system, so you could see which stories are actually getting a good reception from the community. They have a 'best of Nifty' section, but it's not clear on how they're selected. On top of that, it would be great if stories had tags (I think of a lot of them were written before tags even existed) so you could find a lot of stories with similar themes and characters, but I would add the search engine they have at the top of the main page is pretty good. Sex Stories Site Review

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