Kinky Sex Stories Site Reviews Kinky Sex Stories Site Review



One of the best things about the internet connecting people across the world is that sometimes you only needed to be connected to someone down the block from you. It wasn't so much about distance, but about the secret things that can connect you, and that's definitely true when it comes to the people who want their love lives to have a bit of kink to them. I love the fact that there are so many communities out there that celebrate some really hot fantasies, and that goes beyond just having a video or photo site that has some fetish categories.

The key is to find the right site for you, and I've found that once you mention that you like to get kinky, the assumption is that you like the dirtiest, most extreme form of BDSM out there, which is a huge leap, and rarely true. Not everyone wants to get handcuffed to a wooden x and have nipple clamps placed on them, even though that's typically what any site that has the word kink in it offers. Finding that middle ground - how about a nice blindfold from time to time - isn't easy, but one of the sites I've recently discovered does a very good job at it. is a great place to visit if you like to smile while exploring a kink with your partner.

Keep reading below to learn everything there is to know about, here on!


First and foremost, is not a straight up traditional sex story site. Whether you've been to some of the older sites that just list all the text-based files on a black background, or even the more modern ones that look like a blog but still have pages upon pages of steamy, kinky tales, you will quickly realize that doesn't really work that way at all.

And it's a bit refreshing, to be totally honest. If you want kinky sex story sites, there's some great reviews of many other ones here on this site. This is site actually just…nice. And fun. And before you think this means it's not really about sex at all, there's amazing articles that range from 'three erotic sex positions that make women orgasm fast' to 'things you must know about pegging'. And because it's more of a general blog-style website, with many different sections like Wellness and Astrology, the writing quality is top notch, so you can excited in these articles about all all sorts of different sexual experiences. In fact, I found it actually a turn on to find such naughty articles within a site that has lists for really good bath soaps and book recommendations.


-hundreds of really hot articles on a wide range of sexual topics, from general health to some very specific kinks

-nothing to sign up for, entire site is absolutely free to use

-blog-style set up means the site is easy to use

-great resource for learning about sexual health and creating a sex-positive atmosphere in a relationship (obviously super important for those into kinky stuff)

-occasional photo galleries and videos get very close to 'Not Safe For Work'

-plenty of links in the articles to other sexy website where you can learn more sexual practices and fantasies

-many of the writers are experts in their field, so you can be confident you're getting sound, experienced advice

-no-pop ups means the site is very smooth to navigate



'Kinky' comes in a lot of shapes and sizes, and it's no surprise that the internet typically gives most of its collective attention to the more extreme end of the spectrum, where some people would say it's not kinky unless there's a master and a slave. That means there's not many options out there for people who would sometimes a bit more dialled down. And weirdly nails the sex-positive feeling that a lighter side of kinkiness might be about, while at the same time not having a single traditional sex story to read.

In a lot of ways, I would certainly recommend this site to anyone who wants to read about some sexy ideas on a website that doesn't have a gif of two people grinding each other on the top of the page. might be the best way to read some dirty stuff in public, since the rest of the site's appearance doesn't suggest it's x-rated at all. Heck, there's a bit of public kinkiness right there. The internet is full of sex sites that don't pull any punches, that gives you exactly what you want right there, for free, and then more and more of it. really puts forward the idea that sex is first and foremost about having fun, and that's a sentiment that never goes out of style.

For a lot more Kinky sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • Something weird happened while I was looking through, and it was seeing a banner ad for a minivan beside a paragraph titled 'first time with a squirter'. It was the combination of these two things that really excited me. It's like the sex articles on this site quietly infiltrated the bland writing and associated advertising you would expect from a site that mainly focused on pop culture and family issues. Compare this to the banner ads you might see on a regular sex site, which is probably for more sex of some sort. Everything on there is already x-rated, so there's really no surprise. On this site, meanwhile, all these articles about sexy confessions and threesomes are lurking through the site of g-rated material, and it's really fun to come across one of them.

    The other perk with the more mainstream aspects of this site is that the quality of writing is much higher than you'd find on a lot of sex sites, even ones that are meant to focus exclusively on stories. That means that even an article on 'seven tips for great sex' (yes, it sounds a bit like it could have come out of Glamour or Men's Health), the ideas are coherent and the writing is sultry enough to get a twinge of excitement in your loins. Another perk is that some of the tags within the articles can link to other hot articles, so just how you might hop from story to story on a regular sex story site, here you can go from hot article to hot article.

  • has some great articles and personal anecdotes about love and sex, but if you're coming here looking for story after story of kinky sex (and that includes any level of it, from some light spanking to leather ball gags), you'll probably be disappointed. There are definitely several instances where I got really turned on from reading stories about an orgy at a party that seemed to start out of nowhere, but such moments are the exception rather than the rule. There's a lot of material on this site that certainly has a lot to do with having an amazing sex life both on and offline, but there's definitely the feeling that more of the site is about astrology and celebrity news than getting off.

    Other than that main drawback, there are enough articles on here about sex - and anything else, really - that certainly has a clickbait vibe to it. Some of the 'how to' columns are ridiculously short and repeat ideas you would have seen in the article before. There's still a lot of good original material on this site, but from time to time, you might feel a bit burned. Kinky Sex Stories Site Review

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