Kinky Sex Stories Site Reviews Kinky Sex Stories Site Review



Once you realize that you're into kinky stuff - and it can take a while, since there's a lot of variety out there on the whole wide internet - the challenge quickly becomes find some really good online communities that can help you share your fantasies with other people, because there's no way you're the only person who has gotten bored with the same old own videos. In my case, I don't just like watching some BDSM and other related fetishes, but I really enjoying reading about them, too. It's like those letters to Penthouse, but in a much naughtier way.

The thing was, I assumed that most sex story sites were pretty old fashioned with the black background and old links and text files. The kind of stuff the internet had to work with before streaming became everything. So it was great to find the site, which is a bright and shiny blog site that has a community atmosphere where they encourage all visitors to share their own stories. That fact alone means so much of what you're reading is actually true (or near enough to think it is), and when people are actually living out their kinks and then writing about it, you can't help but get super turned on by them.

Keep reading below to learn everything you need to know about, here on!


I think internet sex stories have been waiting for a site like for a very long time. Finally you can read hot stuff from a website that doesn't feel like a dirty back alley. The set up is great, with the main menu bar along the top, the various categories (in addition to 'kinky') along the right hand side, and a series of story squares right in the middle, which gives you a brief taste when you roll the cursor or your finger over it.

The stories aren't set up with a sort of 'once upon a time' thing, but instead are like interviews, which might throw you off at first, but by doing this it makes the whole thing being described that much more real and authentic. It starts with the author answering the same basic questions for every story, like who they are, their age, appearance, and maybe they're relationship, and then the other person (or people!) involved. Only after that can the author go into a lot more detail about the sex, and because you have all this info going in, it's so easy to fantasize in your mind of what it's like. It adds a whole new level of realism to every encounter, once you get used to it.

Even the name can explain how they want the site to exist as a database of hot encounters throughout the world, and they want everyone to take part. Heck, I've had a few memorable encounters, so I even submitted something that happened to me last year, and just recounting the details by answering the questions got me hot all over again.


-thousands of kinky hot 'interview stories', all of them available for free

-you can read all of these stories without having to sign in or sign up for anything

-unique interview setup for the stories means you can't get this from any other story site

-very easy to submit your own experiences and encounters

-if you have any questions or concerns, the site owners have the contact info link on the main page

-story tags allow you to narrow your search for the kind of kinks you really love

-commenting system is very simple to use

-site is popular enough that it has been written up in mainstream news publications, and these articles are available for reading on the site

-huge selection of stories in several other categories, like fuck-buddies, group sex, short-fling

-no pop-ups means you can surf the site smoothly

-you can subscribe to a e-newsletter, which gives you info on updates and discounts at their online sex store

-they are on many social media sites, like Facebook, twitter, and instagram

-many great online partners are listed on their links page (including podcasts about sex, and some really hot porn video sites), which is a great way to build up an entire kink community


CONCLUSION: is long overdue not only for the world of online erotica, but simply having a much more positive and outgoing attitude towards all the people that enjoy hot, kinky experiences in their lives. Sure, you can come to this site and get totally turned on with free story after free story, but I think that the more of them you read, the more comfortable you are with your own kinks and fetishes, because you realize that you're not the only one who has them.

The fact that the site doesn't feel like a regular sex story site, but more like an instagram or social media page makes sexual encounters all the more normal and acceptable. Everyone should come here and share a story from their past, because I had a really fun time going down memory lane and answering the questions that were put forward. I really imagined the audience getting aroused my answers, so I tried to go into as much detail as possible. You know that when you're working this hard to excite other people, that the site you're on is definitely a great one.

For a lot more Kinky sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • I wasn't sure what was more disorienting at first, the bubbly, approachable website layout or the setup for each sex 'story', but once I got used to both I couldn't get enough of, and the way that separate themselves from the rest of the online competition. So many sex stories - especially ones that have any sort of fetish to them - are over the top and unbelievable, so it was great coming to site and reading about encounters that actually happened (or at least plausible). Reading about other people's experiences with fantasies that I've had for so long was not just a turn on, but a really boost in my own self esteem regarding my own sexuality.

    The fact that the site has such a modern layout is another big plus, too. There's no crazy pop-ups, and the banner ads for their sex-positive partners, so it never feels that you're on some grimy old website. The categories and story tags makes it so easy to find exactly what you're looking for, and easy access to the archives means you can just stay here forever.

    To really push the idea that this site is also a resource, they have some great links to their partners, which range from sex therapists to other blogs that celebrate a sex positive lifestyle. Plus there's a really fun toy store with a lot of kinky products. What's also amazing to me is that the site is completely free, which means it relies even more on people coming here and sharing their hot stories.

  • The only real drawback to this site is that some old-school sex story and erotica fans might not enjoy the way these encounters are set up. Maybe reading about a sexual experience as if it was a debriefing will not excite people the same way a traditional sex story that can be completely made up would. Especially since they're asking a lot of questions before the actual description of the kinky stuff starts.

    One thing I would mention, though, is that it would have been nice if there was a bit more a community message board right here, on the site. I get that this site itself is supposed to be a 'one night stand' in itself, where you submit the details of your hot encounter then disappear back into the mist, but it would be kind of fun to be able to chat with the people who submitted these personal stories. Bondage Sex Stories Site Review

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