Kinky Sex Stories Site Reviews Kinky Sex Stories Site Review



It's hard to find something new and fresh on the internet, especially when it comes to adult entertainment, since it's practically as old as the internet, and over years and years the most successful video, cam and chat sites have all started to look like each other. And while this certainly has been a good thing for me (since my interests in BDSM have a lot more online outlets thanks to a much larger and supportive community than I ever thought possible), it does make looking over the same old thing kind of boring.

For awhile, I found sex story sites that had a lot more kinky material was a fresh turn on, but what really excited me was one particular site that offered a very different take on a lot of my fantasies, and the reason it worked so well was that it was such a surprise. The Erotica Readers and Writers Association ( does not exactly sound like the sexiest name in the world for a webpage full of hot stories, but like a lot good fantasies that involve some kinkiness, looks can be deceiving.

Keep reading below to get the inside scoop on this very sexy site, here on!


If there wasn't the word erotica or kinky on the top of the main pages of, you would never guess it's a site full of hot sex stories. it looks so professional and proper, like it was a site for a publishing company. No banner ads with naked models, no promises or hot dirty stories found within. It's all very professional and polite, but that just makes it all the exciting when you click on a story and start reading and find some of the dirtiest and most intense erotic fantasies.

The effect of this blog-site style appearance is comfort. You feel very relaxed, and definitely a bit curious. It's very easy to navigate the 'kinky erotica' page, with the stories listed down the middle (and there are many pages of them), the categories, authors and archives lining the right hands side (along with some quick random selection in their various styles). It's very easy to search for the acts and ideas that turn you on the most.

What sets apart, though, is how open it is, in the sense that the people who are running it and submitting stories aren't completely anonymous or always hiding behind fake names. Some people use their real names, and those that submit stories will have their real email address at the bottom of it, welcoming feedback. It's a site where its members are proud to write these very hot erotica stories, and are more than willing to chat about it with anyone else who feels the same way. The fact that the site is completely free to use, and has a lot of amazing features like sexy music suggestions, discussion forums, and links pages, means there's a lot of reasons to always return here.


-hundreds of kinky sex stories available, as well as many other different categories

-all stories and sections on the site are completely free, with no pressure to sign up or subscribe

-entire site is very easy to use, with a modern-blog style setup

-easy to search by category, by author and by keyword, so you can find exactly what excites you

-three different random story suggestion menus (quickies, flashers, and short stories) so you can take a taste test of something completely new

-very easy to contact the site developers with any comments or questions you may have

-a music page allows members to post some of their favourite sexy songs and soundtrack recommendations

-the adult toy store on this site has a great selection of toys, lubricants, handcuffs, and lots of other fun material (and buying from here is the best way to support the site financially)

-very easy to submit your own material to the site

-easy to subscribe to the e-newsletter, so you can always be up to date with the latest site changes

-site offers many writing resources for authors, and with that you can be guaranteed to submit a really hot story

-movie section has a great selection of kinky films that you can watch on a third party site

-no pop-ups means the site can be used very smoothly with no interruptions

-'the erotic mind' is a great message board area, where different topics are added and anyone can comment and create a really exciting discussion

-links page offers a lot of sex-positive pages to enjoy



It's almost as if 'looks can be deceiving' is a kink all by itself, like a demure, quiet secretary or deliveryman are actually wild ones in bed. is a lot like that, where it looks to be a very prim and proper literature site, but actually holds some really hot stories and experiences within. I had a great time slowly letting my fantasies unfold here, and I know you will, too.

For a lot more Kinky sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • You know, it's just great to spend time on a kinky sex story site that doesn't feel like it was made in a basement in the nineties. is a bright, fun, all-embracing community of kinks and fantasies, and it does that without having to splash banner ads everywhere against a dismal black background. By taking such a professional approach not only in the layout of the site, but of how they are going to oversee the stories, it is practically a guarantee that they will be well written and extremely hot. The editors do a great job at working with the writers so the stories are top notch.

    But the stories are really just the beginning. There's so many other great things to check out on this site, including topics that I'd never seen anywhere else on a kinky sex site. The music section is great, since it was really fun to read different members' suggestions of what kind of tunes and soundtracks they loved to hear while getting it on. It's a really fun icebreaker to chat with different people about there music preferences, especially when it's mingling with sex.

    Even the way they set up the forums here are very unique. It's not the old school message boards, but a page of topics called 'The Erotic Mind' that encourages users to give their two cents on issues like cheating, porn, swingers club, whether bigger really is better, and a whole lot more. They even break up all the topics along the left hand side, and there are many hot categories.

  • The only real con for is that too many people who are into kinky stuff will be turned off by how plain the site looks as soon as they get here. It's almost like we're trained to expect a lot of dirty photos or promises of hot, crazy fantasies on the main site, but doesn't offer any of this. Instead it trusts readers will explore a bit and actually find how dirty (and kinky!) some of tales here truly are, but I know that a lot off people who just want to have a fun time really quick unfortunately won't give this site a chance.

    A small issue I have is that despite being a sex story site (as it's right there in the name), they do push the movies section pretty hard, as it's the second choice on their main menu bar. But you can't even watch the movies on the site, they're just links to a different webpage completely, where you have to sign up and pay for each viewing. I know this is probably how makes money, but it still a frustrating step to get some visual stimulation. Kinky Sex Stories Site Review

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