INTRODUCTION: is THE place to be for great bondage stories that will seriously turn you on to 11! I mean it's the only place I go to these days and it's more than worth the time to go through the stories to find a lot of favorites and see all the new ones that get posted all the time. There is so much content on this website that it can't really be seen in just one or two visits, it needs, it requires, to become a regular to really get the most out of it and then some. I mean I have visited a lot of times and I know I have yet to read all the stories. Here it's easy to find what you like using the categories and all the story tags in the tag cloud at the top and them using the descriptions of content for the stories so that you know what you are getting into, something that is a clear inspiration from the BDSM community with clear rules and clear consent to what you are getting into. Here the stories don't always portray consent, but you know that before getting it so it feels safer. The safest place for a good bondage story online is right on Utopia Stories where I can find what I need and get to it easily while avoiding what I don't want just as easily. With its clear organization with tags and description, it's the best site around for anyone just starting in the bondage stories reading or even experienced readers looking for something a bit more tailored to their likings.
Being F myself, I prefer when the ladies are in power in the stories and the stories at allow me to really get to that with a few clicks. I get to make my main selection with bondage and then I make sub-selection by clicking more categories in the tag cloud and then I select a story for which the description includes F-m and I go from there. It's a really well-organized website for selecting your stories and you can easily get to the content that you really want and avoid things that really don't work for you. I love that about Utopia Stories and I think that is one of the reasons I keep coming back to them as a sex stories site. I love that there they have everything clear and concisely described. I would stay it's a great place to start if you're just dipping your toes in the bondage and BDSM waters of the web as it's clear which stories contain what and that makes navigating safe instead of a shot in the dark where you just hope you don't get abuse instead of power play when all you want is a great relationship described in details in the story. The stories are user submitted and they do contain all kinds of things and styles which both make it something that is great and something that needs clear tags to get to what you love and avoid the rest. The site is one of the clearest and easiest to use out there.
- Welcoming site for aficionados and beginners
- Tag cloud to help get you started
- Categories to make sure you get what you want
- Capacity to select a main category (or tag) and then add secondary ones to get results more tailored to your tastes
- Classic search engine available to search without all the tags if that is preferred
- Clear descriptions of content for each story to give a clear idea of what is in there and help steer you to the right stories and clear of the wrong ones
- Tags for F-m, M-f, F-f, M-m, F-self, M-self, and more so that the protagonists are clear before getting into the stories
- Star ratings to see what users have rated each story and help make a choice
- Number of views to see which are the most popular stories
- Date of posting to be able to see newer stories faster
- New stories added regularly to keep interest in the site and variety in reading for each category
- Name of authors clearly indicated to be able to go to more of their stories more easily
- All orientations and preferences are represented and clearly indicated so that you can go with what you prefer
- Simple color and design for the site to allow easy and fast loading
- Ads to keep the content free for readers and authors
- Only one ad at the top and one ad at the bottom of each page to keep the scrolling and reading as ad-free as possible