Bondage Sex Stories Site Reviews Bondgae Sex Stories Site Review



As one of the most female-friendly bondage sex stories sites around, is one that is to me, the best bar none. I have been reading a lot of erotica and my favorite sub (pun intended) category is definitely bondage. Give me a good sub story, give me a good dominatrix story, give me a story where the lady gets what she wants, no matter what it is and I will be happy. gives me exactly that and plenty of it. Some of the writers on here are very talented and put to shame quite a few of the published erotica writers that many see as a benchmark of quality and hotness. Give me the writers from here any day of the week. They are here to tell a hot story, not to tick as many boxes as possible to get as many sales as possible. The stories here are high quality and they give you very specific dom/sub stories and bondage ideas. The writers I prefer are the ones who clearly know what they are talking about, those who understand the world they are writing about, most likely because they have lived it for a while. Here the writing is why you are coming back, the good writers, the quality of the stories, the actual knowledge of how things should work in our community. Of course, there are plenty stories on here about other situations, those are would be unsafe if real, but hey, just chill and skip them, there is an audience for those, perhaps people who would never go that far in person. I personally prefer safe, realistic stories, but there are sex stories here for any and all readers.


The site at is one of those sites that have something for everybody. I can't speak for other people's preferences, but as a bondage fan, they more than fulfill what I look for in a website with sex stories. I could easily go to any random porn site and watch bondage videos, but what I like is to have something left to me to imagine. I want to be able to put my own personal flavor on each story and this site allows me that. The writing I prefer is the one for stories where the situations are detailed, even explicit at times, with plenty of info on things like who does what to who and how, but not too much info on descriptions of characters so that I can fill that in with my current fantasy actor or singer and then get my full on fantasy going. Literotica gives me plenty of that and the writers they have published and publishing on there know what they are doing in that way, but also they know what they are talking about when it comes to BDSM and that counts for a lot. Give me a well crafted story and some details and I'm a happy camper. One of the main things I love here is the content, then the layout, and finally how often they add new stories. Variety is the spice of life after all and I do not need to be seeing only one writer, it's not like the others will be jealous if I switch back and forth. I guess that makes me a writer switch.


- Tons of variety so you can do like me and switch around between styles and writers

- Lots of different writers so it's easy to find more than one that you love

- Quality writing available any time, any day

- Surrounding content (like the ads) fits with the theme so it's not problematic

- Nothing super explicit on the main landing page

- Explicit content once you select stories that has it

- You can sign up and log in to track your reading

- Signing up and/or logging in is not needed to be able to read

- Some of the stories are short for a quick read, some are rather long and require more time on your hands

- Perfect for those who prefer slow burns and those who are just looking for a quickie (and we all know that most people go back and forth between those moods)

- New stories are clearly marked

- Popular stories are marked with a letter H in red, to show what others have loved

- You can mark stories as favorites so you can come back to them later or to let others know they are hot

- Stories have comment sections where you can thank the writers and share ideas

- Some of the stories are published in chapters to keep you coming back

- Some of the stories are one offs and thus a good late night, last minute read

- Text with audio options for those who have difficulty reading or just plain don't feel like it on any given day

- Plenty of categories and tons of sub (there it is again) categories

- Forums available to discuss your readings and perhaps even your own writings



To me, is the best option out there for bondage sex stories as there is the most variety in content, style, and just about everything else. I've found on the site writers I want to read more from and stories I keep coming back to. Yes, it's meant to be taken lightly and as a titillating source of entertainment, a bit like soft core porn or hard core literature. I personally love that this site has a higher number of female-centric stories than other site where the leads are women and that contain plenty of ladies getting theirs may it be orgasm, power plays, or even getting to be their dream subs. I have seriously enjoyed reading the stories offered in the bondage section and am considering moving to other sections eventually and see what else there is on offer on this lovely website. I will stay that the quality of the writing as well as the quality of the site are very attractive and make spending a bunch of time reading on it fantastic. I have a membership and use it regularly and I try to make sure to leave a comment on stories I really love, even if it's just a "great job" or "loved this one!" Giving writers who post these most likely unpaid some encouragement is the least I can do once their stories have served their purpose with me. I get to spend some time reading, get turned on better than with most partners I've had, and get to have one or two solid orgasm(s) before moving on to other tasks or going to bed. This is what sites like this one should all aim at.

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  • is a website for bondage sex stories full of pros. I mean, check it out and tell me I'm wrong. Go ahead! I'll wait here... Yeah, you know I'm right. The site loads easy, it has so much variety that if you run out of stories, you have some serious free time on your hands. The membership is more than great as it allows marking stories as favorites and come back to them later, it allows you to comment on stories, and it allows you to participate in the forums where you can share ideas and opinions to feel like it's really a community. The place is downright welcoming to women and that is something not all of the bondage sex stories sites can say, you know what I mean? Yeah, if you're a lady, you do. This site is great and even though most of the ads on the site are geared to straight men or lesbians or bi women, they are not exactly invasive so it's easy to just see the boobs and butts and move on. I don't mind feminine curves on my screen, it's not my preference, but hey, some of those ladies are very pretty. Of course, the content of the site is why I come to them, so the ads are just there, not actually something I worry about. Another great things about Literotica is that it's not cluttered, it loads great on any device I've used it on and even with sub (hi hi) par internet connections. I will be trying it overseas soon and I do hope it's reachable on the internet there.

  • Now, like a lot of places, but to a lesser degree, has one main con and that is the fact that it's more male-centric than female-centric. Things are built toward male pleasure more than female pleasure. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with male pleasure, it's just that females should not be left behind in that department. Thankfully, some writers are working on making this a more even playing field and I am super glad to see more and more stories where everyone gets theirs and not at the detriment of others getting theirs. I'm an equality type of person, everyone can cum in my favorite scenarios and that applies to what I read and fantasize about. Give me more going down on ladies, give me more ladies in charge, give me more women and womxn (yep that's a new term, get used to it folks) getting what they want, getting their needs met, getting considered full humans, fully capable of enjoying sex. Now, the ads, yeah I get why they need to be there, this is a business, and yeah I get why they seem so male-centered as men still seem to be the main consumers of porn so it's aimed at them, but some companies would be surprised to see the results if they had ads with really hot men aimed at straight women. Try it and let me know if we are a good category to cater to. I mean come on, some of us write erotica that is crazier by quite a bit than what male writers have done and I'm not talking about romance, I'm talking about straight up porn quality writing, but (you know) actually good porn. Bondage Sex Stories Site Review

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