Bondage Sex Stories Site Reviews Bondage Sex Stories Site Review



The site at is like a smorgasboard of sex where you can pick and choose what you want and don't want right from the landing page. I'm a bondage fan, so I go with that as my main selection and then I select M-f and some other stuff, then I get to the stories I want to read without too much other stuff thrown in. It's the perfect way to select your readings and to make sure you get exactly what you want. Put in Yes, No, or Maybe in each option and once selected, the stories will be catered to your exact taste. I've been loving the system here and rarely change any of my preferences. I did explore a bit, but since I kept coming back to the same things, I figured I'd save some time and always pick those. There are literally, and I know I'm using that right, thousands upon thousands of stories here. I will never see the end of the options and I am glad for that. It's the all-you-can-eat buffet of bondage sex stories online and I am a regular visitor. The sheer amount of content on this site is the way to go if you want to make sure you can have exactly what you want and get more than one story tailored to your very specific need. This site is simple and yet so complex. It has everything and anything and you can just make selections and then change them or maybe just use the tags to get to more stories under those tags. It's insane how much there is here and I keep getting lost in selecting a story, but I am not mad about that at all.


This might the most comprehensive sex stories website online currently. The bondage section alone on is worth spending a few hours weekly to read as much as you can on it. You get to pick your category or categories, then sub-categories, then what type of relationship you want to see, then more ingredients to add to the recipe for your perfect stories. Then it's all thrown in together in a variety of ways and you get so many results, you can't possibly get bored while on the site to read some fun, sexy stories. I mean, this is more porn than sexy, but yeah, I want to read it all just like I want to see and do it all when I have sex. I am the dude who is so open; I will try anything at least twice to make sure. This site I knew I loved the first time I checked it out. I get to try it all in my mind and that is the best way to start. Get me more time, I need more time. The site has been getting the bulk of my free time just to browse the content. I come back just about every day when I have a few minutes and I try new combinations just to check things out. Once I'm ready to seriously select a story to have a quality moment with myself, I select my preferred options including bondage each and every time and I go from there. There is so much on here; I got the membership to keep track of things and to keep my mind on the goal of discovering new things.


- Main landing page is the menu to pick from

- Select things with a Yes or a Maybe option to get them in your selections

- Marking things you absolutely do not want to see with a No to avoid them in your selections

- Start by picking your "Content Setting," then pick your "Gender Code," then your "Sexual Activities," followed by your "Fetish," and finally your "Level of Consent." To let wild cards enter your selection, just put maybe on some of these and see what you get

- Extremely high number of stories

- Stories are not on the screen once selected and must be downloaded to be read

- Each story comes with tags that indicate content which is particularly practical if you have selected "Maybe" for some of the options

- You can click on the tags to get more stories under that tag

- You can select a writer and go read more or all of their work

- Leave comments or send messages to writers to encourage them

- You can go to a link with most popular stories, a link for newest, etc

- There are ads on the site but they are more fun than anything else

- You can search by Advanced Search or by title to find something exact you want or a story you know is on the site

- The Community is amazing on here

- Members get awesome perks

- There are live cam ads that are always a bit of fun to look at

- You can add stories to your BDSM Shelf to keep for later or to be able to come back to it

- There is an FAQ section that can help a lot of newbies

- There is a chat and there are forums to go discuss things with others

- A Contact page is available if you were ever to need the staff to look into something

- Readers can submit stories to add to the ever growing collection

- New stories added often and in high numbers



In short, is a crazy website for sex stories and it gives the best of BDSM stories a home. The selection process may seem insane, but it works, it tailors the selections to your exact tastes and gives you what you want down to the smallest of fetishes. Checking out the site and a few stories will make you a fan pretty much no matter what. I've been a fan and a member for a long time now and I love coming here for stories and to see what everyone is up to on the forums. Those forums are worth the membership all by themselves, but you also get a chat, you can message the authors, and you can save stories to your BDSM Shelf where you can go back to them later and collect your favorites. I would say this is the best sex site online period. I have seen a lot, I have tried a lot, heck I have done a lot, and this site is THE place to be. I will be around a lot, so come find me in the forums and chat me up, I've got you! I'll get you a good newbie tour like most of the nice members would and I'll get you comfortable to talk about your fetishes, your fantasies, and maybe even a few of your own crazy ideas. Big take away here is: get the membership, go for it! Seriously, you won't regret it. Even if you have more limited time, actually particularly if you have more limited time, get it and join us.

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • So much good stuff on that it's impossible to run out of stories to read. I know have been reading a ton and have yet to run out of my favorite types and that doesn't count the types that aren't for me. This site is so precise in its selection options that it's basically impossible for you to not find what you want and it's also impossible to run out of combinations in one lifetime. So, come here, join me and see all that is there on this crazy bondage stories site. I have been here a while, I'm one of the regulars on the forums, and I can help guide anyone who is new and unsure on how to proceed. Get a membership, join the forums, feel free to ask questions, the community here is welcoming and warm, always willing to help anyone get what they have joined up for. The site is well-designed, but there is so much that it can feel like too much to take on, so come see us, we'll help you. That's how I started making real headway in the stories after trying to go at it alone. The forums and chat are a great place to get suggestions, get help, and get some new BDSM-loving friends. If you're unsure about joining, pick a random story and check it out. You'll be back for your second story in no time and you'll join soon after if only to give feedback to the authors.

  • With all that good stuff available at, what could possibly be a down side to it all you might ask? I will tell you... The same things that make the site great can be considered downside. There is so much on here, it's hard to navigate it all at times and browsing can take hours on its own. So my suggestion to avoid wasting time is to make your selections carefully, read the tags on like the first 3 stories and read one of those. Then skip to the next 3 results and read one of those. Then you'll have a good idea of what the content is like. You can always go random and just pick stories willy nilly and see what you enjoy. The stories are all high quality and some of them are really long so be ready to spend a bit of time here. The story length is not always clear from the start, so you might get a story that is longer than you expected, so feel free to change story and come back to the longer one later. Get yourself acclimated with the place and you'll enjoy it in no time. Even if you get a story that's not really your speed at the start, don't give up right away, try another one, you'll see there is something for you here. Then get a membership to keep track of what you liked and didn't like and to join us on the forums and get in on the real conversation. I've made friends here just asking for help finding something, so join us, be a friend.

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