Bondage Sex Stories Site Reviews

AnEroticStory Bondage Sex Stories Site Review


INTRODUCTION: is a great site to find bondage sex stories right at your fingertips. I've been coming here for a while and, boy, let me tell you, it's been one of the best. The site here is one of those that load easily and you can have in your saved site without worrying too much about it taking too long to reach when you want a quick read. Here the stories are fun and I always get what I come here for in the bondage content. The authors on this site contribute what they want, when they want, giving new content to readers often and giving me something to keep coming back for with new stories on the regular. I've been a regular for a bit and I have to say there is plenty here to read and your imagination will run wild! Mine sure does. I have to say it's one of those sites that don't look like much, but it's all you really need. The site has a simple design, but don't let that fool you, the content is the reason to visit and the bondage section is something else. I am a fan and I will keep sending them people for as long as they stick around. Also, I am most definitely a fan of the price: it's completely free to read and participate in the comment section, so you can, or at least I can, get everything needed in one spot. Check it out and see for yourself.


When visiting, you will notice that the site has a simple and easy to load design and doesn't have a whole lot of ads, so it's great to load on a computer, a phone, or a tablet. It doesn't need a lot of resources and it's subtle, so it's easy to use even with others around and it is easy to use anywhere. I have used it on vacation in hotel rooms and at home on my phone while chilling on the couch. I would say the site is so easy to use, anyone could, but of course I don't suggest anyone but adults use the site as it is filled with adult content and some of it is definitely not for everybody. That being said, the site is filled with fun erotic sex stories and the community on it is open minded and fun to get along with in the comment sections. That's definitely something I've appreciated. The comments have led me to other great stories I might not have read and they allow me to leave a message of appreciation for the writers when they do a particularly great job with their stories. The most fun part of this site is to come back again and again to see all the new stories posted and revisit old favorites and see who else has found them as well with the comments that have been added. I'll be visiting for a long time to come and I bet you will too once you really give the place a chance. I've started small with a couple of stories and now I know what I prefer, so I keep coming back to the same section, but I do believe that exploring is a great thing to discover the full potential of An Erotic Story.


- Stories are completely free to read

- Simple, easy to load site design

- Loads easily on a phone or tablet, not just on a computer

- Design and font made to facilitate reading

- Subtle colors to be able to access anywhere without attracting attention

- High quality erotic stories

- 24 story categories including bondage for faster access to your favorite type of erotic stories

- Browse stories by genres or authors

- Easy to use search box at the top right of the screen

- Tag Cloud for quick search

- Random erotic story suggestion on the right if you are not sure what you are in the mood for

- Low number of ads kept to the top and sides, thus not invasive

- Newest stories submitted in an easy to find box

- Stories organized by newest to oldest under each category

- Plenty stories per genre to allow you to find something to your liking

- New stories are often added

- Write your own erotic stories

- Facebook and Twitter links

- RSS Feed available

- Site map available to make navigating even easier

- Comments that can be navigated by most recent ones

- Add your own comment on your favorite stories to encourage your favorite author to create more

- Most read stories of the month can be found through a link at the bottom

- Most read erotic stories ever for the site as an option

- Easily found contact information for all questions and concerns

- Leaves the eroticism and adult contact between adults, so no risk of finding anything involving children



Overall, is a great site to use on mobile devices because it has a really simple design and uses very few graphic details so that it takes very few resources to use the site. This is easily my most visited website for my bondage sex stories needs. I mean it a fantastic place to be when I need a bit of fun and a bit of light reading. It's a change from the news of the world and from plain regular porn sites that seem to be trying too hard for my taste lately. I like my sexy fun a bit more classy and that leaves things to my imagination. Not to worry, the stories here leave you to imagine things, but they also give you plenty of details to go from and let your mind fill in the rest. I have found some stories on here that are more detailed and some that are a lot less detailed, but they have to have something for everyone so they have a bit of everything. I am definitely a regular reader and a regular commenter. The community makes the site different from a lot of the others, the user submitted stories assure that you get as much variety as there are people writing sexy stories out there. I am a fan of that and am considering joining them with my own work. It's something that's easy to dream about when you see how fun it seems to be for the authors currently published on the site. Check out the place and see where it takes you!

For a lot more sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • One of the top things about to me is that it's a low graphic content site so it can very load quickly and doesn't attract attention onto it from anyone who might get a quick peek and get judgmental or something. I don't expect to need to hide what I do, but you never know and it's good to have that little layer of protection by not attracting attention. Besides that, I'm a fan of the content, so much content, all the content I could dream of. I've had some of the best personal sessions after reading some of the stories on here, I mean, the bondage section is my home when I come on this sex stories site, but it's not all that's good on there. There is so much that you can't really run out of reading material and on top of that, it covers all the preferences one could have. I've been reading for a while and all these stories have given me great inspiration. I also like that there is a section to bring your own stories to the site for others to read so you can have a bit of fun knowing you've inspired others with your ideas. I have not done it yet, but I am definitely thinking of joining the community by sharing my own ideas and stories, not just by adding comments. I have seen how supportive the readers on here can be and I want to join in the fun.

  • If anything the site at might just be too simple. It's basically black on white background which is practical in terms of easy loading but can get a bit bland at times. That is until you really get into the stories and forget all about the design to get right into the stories. Because that is what this site is about, the erotic sex stories. My favorites are the bondage stories which I think is clear at this point, so I do wish there were more of them on the site, but in the grand scheme of things, there are plenty of them here, so it's a great site for me and it is a great site for any fan of the written word when it comes to titillating bondage stories. For anyone that may not be attracted to the simple, or perhaps too simple for them site, think of it this way: it is a subtle site and it has minimal ads on it. Like seriously, the site has like 2 to 3 ads at time and it makes them as little invasive as possible. This means that the site can stay free, yes completely free, to readers and they can still pay for it to be hosted without getting all kinds of in your face about it. They don't ask you for a membership to read or bug you with donation requests, they have a few ads here and there, one at the top, a tiny one right by the story selections, and one on the right, that's it. The ads are definitely adult oriented, but no matter your preferences, they should not be offensive or invasive. Bondage Sex Stories Site Review

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