BDSM Sex Stories Site Reviews BDSM Sex Stories Site Review



If being a BDSM fan wasn't enough of a challenge to find ready and willing sex partners, just having some fun online wasn't that easy, either. There were a lot of good videos to find on sites both large and small, but a second kink of mine put a kink in that simple plan: I really loved reading about S & M scenarios and picturing them in my head. And that made it a lot more difficult, because finding a really good sex story site was a lot harder. Sometimes I would have two tabs open, a video in one, and in the other it would simply be a hot chat I had on BDSM comment site with other members.

So when I found, I was super excited, because they have an exclusive BDSM section, so every story was about exactly what turned me on the most. Even better was that the site was very simple to use, with the stories listed right there on the main page, just one click away. When you're feeling really turned on, last thing you want to do is have to sign in for something or make sure you have enough credits or whatever, and that's the same whether you're on a video or sex story site. And does a great job at keeping it simple, and for the low, low price of free.

Keep reading below, to become a master at, here on!


When you arrive on, you realize that it looks a lot like other sex story sites out there, even down to the sexy pink background and hot model below. The layout is really easy to understand too, since it looks like every kind of blog you might know, with tabs that open up just by running your cursor over them, and a great selection of the story archives along the right hand side. It's also great how easy they make it to create your own profile so you can send them your own hot story fantasies, plus having the ability to rate and comment on everyone else's.

On the main BDSM category page, there's a huge list of all the stories, with each one having an intro paragraph available there so you can a taste for the author's writing style, as well as seeing the story tags so you can tell if it will have the sort of content inside that really turns you on (sure it'll definitely be BDSM, but maybe you want a tale that specifically has spanking or a certain person doing the dominating).

Definitely one thing that should be noted is that as you scroll through the stories, you'll see that a lot of the names of the characters are Indian, which really adds to the international flavour of the site. It turned me on a lot to realize that BDSM is a global fantasy, so I was really excited to read these stories, although I will say that sometimes it seemed like the author's grasp of english wasn't super strong, and some of the stories were a bit hard to follow. Fortunately there's a lot of choices on here, so after some quick clicking around, you'll find a BDSM story that's really hot.


-pages of BDSM stories available, and a lot of other categories as well

-entire site is free, and it's even free to sign up and make a profile, which you have to do in order to send in your own stories

-all the other popular categories are lined up right at the top of the main page

-the 'recent posts' menu makes it easy to see what have been latest updates to the site

-the search bar makes it simple to find exactly what you're looking for in the BDSM category

-rating and commenting on a story is really easy to do once you sign up, and it's a good way to interact with other authors

-the contact page makes it easy to send any comments or questions you have to the site developers

-story tags which are listed below the story title on the main page tells you exactly what sort of sex acts and characters you'll find within the story, so you get a bit of a sneak preview

-there's even a few full-length movies on the site, in case you want to switch up your fantasy from time to time

-story archives are right there on the main page, so you can see when new stories have been added

-top rated stories are also on the main page, so you can quickly find what other members think is really hot

-a few links are also available, if you want to stretch you horizons



It's becoming clear that no matter what your fantasy is, there's more than one hot sex story about it. It's all becoming more obvious that some of the best types of sites for sex stories is the blog format, and that means is a winner on both counts, as their BDSM section is page after pages of really hot domination-submission fantasies.

The whole site is really easy to use because almost everything you need to know is right there on the main page. The story list, the top rated tales, and all the other categories beyond BDSM that can still turn you on a hell of a lot. The fact that they update the site regularly with new stories is reason enough to come back again and again.

For a lot more BDSM sex stories site reviews, CLICK HERE!

  • What I enjoyed most about spending time on is how easy it was to go from one hot BDSM story to another, especially on a really laid-back, easy to use site. A lot of other sites are just overwhelming, with too many things to click on and gif banner ads everywhere. So this was a nice place to take it easy and relax and find a really good story. And they make it really easy to do by going through all the story tags so you can find exactly what aspects of BDSM you like the most (slap, cuckold, toys. etc). By being so specific, it means the site knows how varied the BDSM community can be, and they do their best at trying to accommodate and excite everyone. And it's great that they try to do this while making sure the site remains entirely free to use.

    The blog format doesn't just help you find the stories you want that much easier, it also makes adding a few extra features a simple thing to do. Once you sign up (which is also free by the way), it means you can take part in chatting with other members, and that's a great way to bond over shared BDSM fantasies. It's also easy to watch a few full-length adult films that site has.

  • Well, as mentioned above, there is a huge Indian presence on the site, and while I'm liking the global BDSM movement a heck of a lot, some language barriers still seem to remain when it comes to writing for a sex story site that is mainly in english. Now I know that a lot of sex stories - especially on sites that are completely free - might not have the best spelling and grammar (in part because there's not really a big editing process before they get posted), but some of the stories here are actually bit difficult to follow in terms of basic sentence structure. Fortunately, there's a lot of them here, so might have to just a search a big longer to find one that works for you.

    In terms of a more straightforward issue, there are pop-ups on the site when you're clicking around the first time, so that's rather annoying. Although I'm sure it's thanks to these sorts of ads that allows the site to remain free, so I can't knock it too much. BDSM Sex Stories Site Review

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