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Discover Casual Sex With Hot Steger Guysin Illinois
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Real guy looking...
Steger, Illinois
A true "Niceguy" with a little "badboy" inside. I am happy to be me, but always looking to learn and improve each and every day. I accept others as they are, loving what makes them special and appreciating what makes them different. I look at people from the inside out. I find pleasure living in the moment, learning from the past, and dreaming of the future. Happiness is having health, peace of mind and love. Simple pleasures I enjoy are friends, work, play, and keeping fit for myself not to impress others. I love Laughing till your sides hurt, trying to be macho while sniffling in a theater when the guy gets the girl, watching the sunset on a warm beach, or simply sharing a smile with someone who needs one. Joy can be found in so much. A touch, a glance, a smile but ecstasy will be connecting and becoming one with you.