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Discover Casual Sex With Hot Atlanta Guysin Georgia
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straight single man
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celebacy was a bore
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm a 49 year old, sexually charged man, who with difficulty has remained without a partner for some time.Sound odd? I guess it is. I decided after being the cause of a serious auto accident, that 20 years of self enforced celibacy would be an adequate self punishment. I'd be glad to talk about this more later. I'm not much for self description, but here goes. I'm an average size white male with slightly thinning hair and a very good physique for someone over 35. I am now ready to re-enter the world of sexual adventure and, understandably, have a very healthy sexual appetite and want to meet a woman with same. I love various activities for fun including film (including erotic) and exotic music. I'm a professional artist by trade, working in the field of very high end custom picture framing. I'm into painting and photography and would love to meet the right model. Most people think of me as the quiet, intellectual type but, that's just on the outside. I love to party but if you want somebody who's loud look somewhere else.