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straight single man
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Agawam, Massachusetts
So let's update this, now that I'm around for a bit. I'm 26 and in Agawam, where I've been for most of my life, sans the college years I spent in Amherst. I enjoy travelling around the area and whatever life has to offer out there. Always up for a challenge if it looks good enough and willing to see where things go. Side projects include music (House DJ), and more music...usually when I go out it's to a local weekly or a nice house club (Hartford, Boston, used to hit NYC, etc.), little radio and the like....not exactly a "bar" fan anymore; the crowds just aren't my thing over there...but I'll go once in a blue moon. Enjoy most regular things in life; few good drinks, sports (Boston teams), couple of TV shows, being on the computer, reading, and just learning in general to try and better myself. I just kind of go with the flow on things, not much pisses me off in life unless it's personal, and not too much tends to surprise me either...I tend to be high on the end of smartass, but throw a little cynicism and cockiness into the mix to really alter things up.