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Houston, Texas
Pertinent Beliefs 1. I believe that at this exact moment each person has received and now has exactly what they want in life -- income, relationship and lifestyle -- or are taking the steps required to change their status. Each person's current situation is a direct result of their own individual choices. I so not believe in the victim mentality. If you believe that anyone has ever made you happy, angry, depressed or joyful, then you are sadly delusional. These emotions are all value judgements made by you in reaction to a set of circumstances. Your emotional reactions are neither right nor wrong -- they are just yours. The book "The Magical babe" reflects my psychological beliefs of early development. "Peace of Mind" imposed upon objectivist epistemology somewhat reflects my adult psychological/philosphical beliefs. 2. I am usually very amused by people discussing their desire to find their "soulmate." I am amused because they evidence that they have no understanding of the origins or true definition of the concept. Examples of their lack of understanding include The numerous "qualifications" required for someone to be their soulmate and, even more hilariously, those that profess to be a devote Christian while advocating a decidedly "pagan" concept. Pertinent Skill 1. Faithfully practice the Venus Butterfly.