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Las Vegas Misfit Looking for Fun
Las Vegas, Nevada
If you like going out to all the hottest clubs, running with the in-crowd, eating in the finest restaurants, you've probably seen me. I'm always well-dressed and can't seem to get from one side of the room to the other without someone stopping me to talk or say hi. I can literally talk to almost anyone about almost anything. I never have to wait in line, bartenders, cocktail servers, and restaurant servers run to get to me. I'm hardly glamorous, and while well compensated and armed with a good expense account, I'm not rich. The truth is, I'd rather be traveling (I love road trips) to out of the way places, visiting history, attending live college football games, hiking, camping, or canoeing. I read voraciously and am fortunate to have a high i.q. While I can talk to anyone and appear to get along well with others, I'm actually putting on the corporate face. Its my job to talk to people and solve problems, and I find emotional people who don't want to solve a problem exasperating. I believe stupid people should be made to wear signs so that the intelligent can avoid the mistake of engaging with them. I tend to be direct, however I'm very unassuming. I dislike the "look at me" factor and have utter disdain for rude and self-centered people. I am extremely energetic and deep-thinking and know how to translate those qualities into pleasure. I enjoy the outdoors and do not shy away from danger. An old lover once compared my sexuality to a vast ocean- at times calm and peaceful, sometimes frightening and wild, but always mysterious as you look at the suface and wonder what's underneath.