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straight single woman
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Open-Minded Seeks Confidence
Bowie, Maryland
Just reading my profile is an example of the extent to which people have to be clear, cautious, specific, and lengthy about (a simple social area) their mating selections. I have the education, job, house, two men, and dog. Now, I just need a respectful friend! I'm a genuine lady with a girlish appearance and a youthful sex appeal. I'm very feminine and am equally attracted to a man that is respectful to a good woman. I like to be affable, confident, sociable, witty, romantic, nurturing, sunny and positive. Im an overly friendly, warm natured person, extremely stimulating conversations, honest and compassionate. I always try my best to be effervescent, intelligent, and fun. I love going to church, dinner, museums, traveling, hiking, reading, writing and going to the gym. Friends and family describe me as being lively, independent, ambitious, caring, responsible, playful yet serious, having a intelligent head on my shoulders with a ready smile and laughter to follow soon after. With the above come the strong morals and values. I want to date for a year or two before making any major decision, but my ideal goal is connecting with someone to sustain a long-term relationship based on compatibility.