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I have come to the realization that I have yet to unlock my full potential in my life.
Orlando, Florida
Not to sound like I'm full of myself, but I am very blessed to be able do just about anything. Fix Cars, electronics, many different problems. I love a good challenge. I also tawt my self sales, so I have been doing sales ever since I was 15 working for Sears in the Hardware Department. Know I own a computer company. I have many close friends to me. They are like family. We are always looking out for each other. We strive to help each other become better than the other. Thats why we always do so well. I enjoy doing just about anything, movies, clubs, private parties, parks, beach, hiking, biking balding, swimming, like I said anything indoors or outdoors. Im kind of a dork. But I get a lot of comments from girls and sometimes guys about my looks. I think I am a descent looking guy. I work out and Im pretty active. Some times I slack and gain weight but still look O.K... I like to dress up when I go out. I feel like I'm pretty well known in my town and have a good REP. This is important to me because I didnt have a lot of friends when I was young for some rezone. I think it mite have been because of my parents divorce when I was young. I got stuck with my mom most of the time. She was from Japan and didnt understand too many things. My father was a total ass. He paid more attention to my older brother because he was prefect in his eye. Im the middle babe so my grand parents spent a lot of time with me. My grandmother taught me manors and how to treat people with respect. My grand father taut my not to put up with any ones shit. I think that about sums it up.