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Meet A Cheating Husband In Calgaryin Alberta
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straight single man
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An opportunity to get involved with some new people, try some new things and best of all the thrill of new beginings.
Calgary, Alberta
I consider myself easy-going, with a good mix of intelligence and passion, I like to read all kinds of books and always have at least one on the go, I like to keep informed about whats going on in the world (almost to a fault). I do entirely to much thinking (helps me with my work), got my head in the clouds, but still stay grounded and keep on a steady course with good mix of goals and aspirations. I have recently found my direction in life, my passion, after years of traveling around the world and having no clue of what I wanted to do with my life; it's a great feeling to have direction, big goals and the ability to go after them. I have a steady income, dont spend to much time at the bars, casinos or doing drugs. People tell me that I am well rounded and that I am charming without meaning to be (dont get it) I stay in control of my life, I know what I want and usually how to get it. Things that are important to me are family, friends, my work, vacations and the finer things in life. To live a good life it really comes down to the moments you create for yourself and those around you, its all about the energy, the feelings and the memories, so make the best of it and enjoy every moment, ce la vie!