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Try An Affair With Men In Cincinnatiin Ohio
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bi-curious single man
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are you better than my last skydive?
Cincinnati, Ohio
6'0" 190lbs. Brown eyes, shaved head. Athletic. I'm self employed and full of life. I want to eat life in big bites...it's ok to savor a little bit....but to experience new things...that's me. I love to build and fix houses,cars, electronics etc...... Avid reader, love the outdoors. I love to live out of the box. I'm not a go with the flow kind of guy. I'm not just a rebel...I naturally go against the status quo and love it. Going out to eat is ok.....going out to eat at a great restaurant.....is more my style. Life of the party....with great stories of success and failure....polished with the humility of great loss. Arrogant is not me, but I am confident. People change jobs and their view of life when I'm around. I want to know your dreams....and be inspired by your potential. I am a strong spiritual man (not religious), but spiritual....the depth of a person...I abhor surface talk, petty gossip, and bullshit conversation. I hate to waste time and energy on people who waste life talking about others. I hope all that is not too intense. Drop me an email if you're interested. Pic available by request.