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Go Through Linden Personals To Meet A Hot Girlin New Jersey
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straight single woman
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Gimme your numbah, and I'll callllllll.
Linden, New Jersey
.im really skinny so get over it. .my real hair color is blonde. .i have self esteem issues. .i'm vegetarian. .i have very high standerds. .im bad at calling people back. .i forget peoples names as 1,2,3. .im shy around people I just meet. .i like meeting new people. .i dont put up with people that lie. .im a really sarcastic person. .im really honest. .im stubborn. .i havent been in love, yet. .i dont get mad easy but if you do get me mad.. .watch out bitch!. .im a really nice person. .i like to sketch new designs of clothes. .bitchs that dont know me should not talk shit. IM INTO MAKEUP, HAIR, AND FASHION. IM PRETTY STRAIGHT FORWARD. IM REALLY RANDOM, I EVEN SCARE MYSELF SOMETIMES. IF YOU BRING DRAMA DO NOT TALK TO ME. PLAYGROUNDS ARE AMAZING. IM A SHOPPING WHORE. IMMATURITY ISNT. I DONT TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE. IM CLUMSY. MY LEGS ARE ALWAYS IN BRUISES. I SPEAK RUSSIAN. MY BFF IS BETTER THAN YOURS BELEIVE ME. PEOPLE HURTING THEMSELVES AMUSES ME. I HAVE A PHOBIA, DONT TOUCH MY NECK OR TICKLE ME OR I WILL BE FORCED TO KICK YOU IN THE FACE. I DONT LIKE WHEN IM CHASED UP THE STAIRS, THAT IS CREEPY.