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looking for a riding partner
Asheboro, North Carolina
55, stocky, retired military, divorced, uncut but clean. So if you have a hang up about it, well I guess it wasn't ment to be. The are raised, done nearly by myself, and I am basically free to do what I want, when I want. Not into games, had enough of them. Ride my bike just about everyday, year round. Put close around 500 miles a week on it. Love the outdoors. Will head for the mountains at the drop of the hat. Fishing , hunting, camping or what ever has to do with the outdoors I'll do it. But I don't expect someone to enjoy eveything that I do. So I won't push it on you. Like to have adventures. I have very good friends from all walks of life, from good to bad, but they are still my friends. Most of my friends are bikers and I ride with a club. Not a 1%. I'm am a biker, it's a life style. I travel quit a bit to other chapters in the club. A lot of there club houses are out of state. So if your all ways worried about how your hair looks, that may be a problem. Helmets do not go well with beauty palor hair. A lot of my friends and brothers look rough. But they are the ones that I would trust my life with. For a lot of them I served in the militay with. Like to try all kinds of food. Guess I got that from traveling out of country. I was in the military for almost 24 years and have traveled a lot over seas, so I have seen a lot of places. Both some that I liked and more then a few that I could have done with out going to. If you'd like a picture, just ask. Also if you have a question, just ask. I'm honest and very upfront about things.