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Ecstasy Awaits
Ithaca, New York
All work and no play makes for a very dull life. Trying to break out of the rut and this looks like an interesting place to meet women. Or I should say a woman, once I am involved with someone I tend to focus only on that person even if it is just a casual relationship, no I am not a stalker! I just take things one at a time if it works out great, if it doesn't, she says good-bye and I move on to find someone else to receive my attentions. I am not obsessive or posessive I just believe that you can't really get to know someone if you are splitting yourself between several partners. Physically I am a big person, 5'10", 275 lbs. This may frighten some people but my friends tease me and call me a big teddy bear. I don't really know what else to say. If this interests you drop me a line with any questions you might have.