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Make The Most Of Local Dating With Savannah Guysin Georgia
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Just looking to relieve some tension.
Savannah, Georgia
I come from ye olde sk00l of literacy, so I prefer not to use the A-words (adjectives and adverbs) when it comes to writing - I just let the nouns and verbs describe everything I want to express. Well, unless I want to sound funny, like Jerry Holkins. These profiles make things difficult for me, because writing everything in short form requires a lot of adjectives. I guess the only description that really matters goes like this I've moved out to Savannah to work for the summer. I live with my sister and her two roommates right now, and I'll leave after summer to go back to Houston. Oh, and my own computer has broken and I still need the money to fix it, so I just borrow my roommates' computers when I can. Sometimes I don't get a chance to use one at all, so keep in mind that I may not reply immediately. I'd describe myself more, but if I put any good qualities up then you'll just assume I'm talking myself up anyway, and I don't want to trash myself, so I don't see the point in that. But here's a good one I say what I think, which is really just a nice way of saying I'm kind of an asshole sometimes. But I guess the most interesting people I know are like that, so maybe it isn't a bad quality. I haven't kissed many people, but they say I kiss well. I haven't massaged many people, but they also say I massage well. They could just be lying - you'll have to figure out whether you trust their judgement or not. I'm a giver. Well, I prefer to let things go with the flow, but honestly, I'd like giving more. I don't really know why I made this profile... maybe to figure out why I made it? I'd also like to relieve some tension, and I guess that's reason enough. I think it's mostly just curiousity. You know what they say - curiousity excited the cat. Oh, and I'll try anything twice.